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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. Picked up sun early from G-Force in Glasgow earlier today, only played perhaps 30 minutes so I really can't say much yet, but one feature I like is they moved that Poke anime (I think that's the name?) mode were you can interact with your pokemon to a post battle kinda thing were you can reward your pokemon for a good battle, cure them of illness, cool them off with a hair dryer if they are too warm, feed them treats etc, it's a nice touch.
  2. Caught this outside the Victoria Infirmary today, also a Porygon showed up on my nearby today at ASDA Toryglen but never appeared. Evolved a Cloyster today aswell.
  3. 1000mg o3 with 150mg EPA and 100 DHA. Boots own brand supplements, Better to get it checked and know than ignore it hoping it will go away and "Not died once" No respawns for you then
  4. Had my blood pressure taken again today, it has dropped since i started taking Omega 3 supplements, reducing my salt intake and getting more exercise. Its still elevated but its moving in a positive direction, happy to see my efforts having a positive impact. Having my blood sugar levels checked also, im only 30 but its good to look at alot of these things before they become issues. Had a chest xray taken as ive had a cough for 6 weeks, originally believed to be a chest infection, now its being considered "Whooping Cough" which ive never heard of until today, either way i hope im rid soon cause im fed up of it
  5. When you phone a company to change a direct debt date and they tell you it's sorted, just to find they haven't bothered and now you are massively overdrawn
  6. Been dabbling in this on and off to kill time on buses etc, I caught a Mr Mime at ASDA earlier, 2 Eevee's at my mates house and a bunch other common's to build up my candies for evo. Its playing alot better now
  7. I have spent the entire day thinking this was Thursday
  8. It's set "Decades" after DOFP, So my first question was how old is Xavier now? I agree that it looks amazing, xmen meets The Last of Us, but yeah the timeline is looking rather confused, DOFP left Logan looking rather hope full in the new timeline. The issue is, DOFP had the events set "sometime" after the events of The Wolverine and the first 3 films, when Logan altered the timeline presumably he was returned to the exact same date but in the new timeline. After a quick google: 1962 - First Class 1973 - DOFP past 1979 - Xmen Origin's The Wolverine 1983 - Apocalypse 2003 - X1 & X2 2006 - X3 2013 - The Wolverine 2023 - DOFP Future Deadpool ignores the timeline entirely. Xavier was born 1932, which means he was 91 during the film, if Logan is "decades" later then he is well over 100 years old during the film. The timeline would make more sense if for example rather than return to 2023, with the timeline changing as it did if Logan woke up in say 2006.
  9. Rutherglen main street is awful for shit like that. You have people trying to pile on the bus before anyone can get off, or all standing at the doorway without enough room to actually get off the bus, ive had a go at a few people for this in the past
  10. This and twats who start getting excited for Christmas in August, plus a special mention for the idiots who set a countdown timer for Next Christmas on fucking boxing day
  11. Just back from seeing Dr Strange, solid 8/10 and the CGI is really amazing, Inception levels of mind fucking special effects.
  12. Manners/Common Decency or the severe lack of them displayed by the general public, people cut right across your path, stop right in front of you, walk straight towards you with no intention of moving, don't thank you when holding doors open for them, never hold a door open for anyone. Walking anywhere in public is a test of my patience with humanity
  13. So many people make death threats for the most trivial of things, it's so common now that it's actually not that alarming. Which is really disturbing
  14. It's actually very rare for any game developer to give a honest apology, usually you just get the corporate BS kinda one. If he were to make a video just admitting he let the hype get to his head and that he genuinely plan's on delivering on his promises if people will be patient with him i think that would go a long way. This strategy of saying f**k all is just making things worse.
  15. When you have used up both of your email addresses for free trial's and really cant justify making a temporary one just to get a free month Subscription
  16. Someone just spent 3 grand on a old pair of Eva Braun's (Hitler's Wife) knickers
  17. I'd probably be much less critical of Sean Murray if he would just come out and admit he fucked up and apologized. Radiant quests are simply there for leveling/gold, entirely optional. The side quests in Skyrim were massively superior to the main quest lines. I loved that you could just read a random book about a infamous adventurer (red eagle) then decide to find his tomb
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