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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. It all entirely depends on the context, if he just approached a Asian woman and said that then I totally agree, but it could just as easily be a scenario where she overhears a guy saying this and decides to challenge him on it. He could have been having a conversation with a friend at the time about what he is into, what he isn't into.
  2. I find Rommel to be a morbid curiosity, by all accounts he seemed to be a loyal German soldier and a fair person. From what I understand, any POW's under his authority were treated very well. He was loyal to his country, even tho he disagreed with what they were fighting for.
  3. But it's just a really minor thing, he is just saying he happened to find Asian women attractive. How is that any different than any other broad nom specific term, if a person said "I find women attractive" should they be called sexist? To me it's no different than saying that you find Asian people attractive. I know from my own personal perspective I tend to find Asian women more attractive, that's just a personal preference, like a woman saying she likes tall men for example
  4. I honestly don't think that's at all what the guy means. Rather literally I think he is saying he finds Asian women attractive. How is that a bad thing?
  5. Does anyone else's cat like to bite during play, it's not hard biting or painful, it's how he used to play with his brothers when he was younger. Should I ignore it or discourage it?
  6. Been a while since I posted, just getting by at the moment. Have really closed up and put my defenses up, I don't really like to talk anymore. I stopped going to my one on one sessions because I got fed up of talking and feeling like it wasn't getting me anywhere, had to switch meds as I had built a tolerance and they weren't having the desired effect. Got a kitten 4 months ago to give me some companionship, Have started going to the gym on a weekly basis to see if it helps. No idea when I will go back to work tho, I need to change careers as working in call centers really stresses me out and makes me worse. No idea what I'd do instead, not trained for anything else. Still having trouble sleeping at night
  7. Sadly I don't have a picture but a few years ago my aunt posted a picture of this fucking massive spider with a huge clutch of eggs that was in her house, she lives in Australia so they get some pretty mental and dangerous spiders. Being absolutely terrified of spiders I recommend burning it to death, then burning it again for good measure. She refused saying it wasn't doing her any harm, few days later the eggs hatched. Fucking hundreds of them all over the house.
  8. Why is there such opposition to the 3rd Runway?
  9. http://uk.ign.com/articles/2016/10/24/nintendo-switch-not-backwards-compatible-with-physical-3ds-or-wii-u-games No Physical backwards compatibility confirmed.
  10. I disagree, i think that largely the motion control's were a gimmick, and once the novelty of them wore off people really didn't go back to them. I love that nintendo tried something new and it did have some success, to the degree that other console makers felt the need to compete, but ultimately its a tech that really hasn't latched on or became the norm for people. There just isn't demand for them. But, Nintendo could very easily release a controller/sensor pack for the switch if enough people show interest, i just dont think they should make it a main focus, 3rd party support has to be their main if they hope to compete.
  11. Nintendo's greatest strength has always been its handheld gaming, their handheld sales and software sales are immense. I see this as Nintendo playing to their Strengths, they are trying to bring their handheld success into the console market. Aslong as Nintendo support the f**k out of 3rd party developers they will do well. Nintendo could make a absolute fortune if they were to release their Zelda titles as HD remaster's on PC, or bring the Pokemon games to PC, both of which can be easily ported as we have had 3rd Party emulators on PC for years. Or bring the handheld games to mobile, but rather than sit back and make a mint milking their franchises to death you gotta give them credit for continuing to try new idea's and pushing the envelope. The latest generation of consoles are lazy improvements over their predecessors and don't come remotely close to the "Next gen" experience that they claimed to be. Nintendo are trying to make a portable console experience and i hope they can pull it off. If they wanna advertise the console to your average gamer they should be pushing the fact you can play skyrim on the shitter
  12. Cape Feare is the best episode
  13. Been confirmed that the switch controllers aren't motion enabled. Tesco briefly had the Switch on pre-order sale for £350. I think it would have to £250 for it to get good sales. Apparently it will be using similar architecture to the Nvidia shield.
  14. It was a teaser, might hold onto that detail til later to keep the hype train going. Aslong as it is reasonably priced, I'm pretty sold at this point
  15. This could be the machine to change that
  16. My bad, i wasn't aware of a company called 505 games, i was reading that a little too literally then **Update** How long does everyone think the battery life will be?
  17. Agree with Mr X, its not surprising giving the remaster isnt far off and both of the major consoles right now are advertising it. Are Nintendo trying to blend console and handheld together with this? I'm definitely intrigued, if it had access to backwards compatibility with DS/3DS titles and Wii/Wii U titles that would be a pretty unique and impressive selling point. I think it looks fantastic and the trailer seems to show a 3DS cartridge being put in the side. The 2 player split screen using either side as a independent controller is really great. Im really impressed. I was looking at getting a new model 3DS soon but if this can play 3ds titles i would happilly hold onto my money til then. The press release says that it will have access to 500 games at launch btw March 2017 launch
  18. Ulrika Jonsson saying that sex suspects don't deserve anonymity until proven guilty. Her unfounded allegations against John Leslie literally ruined the guys life and his career. There is no doubt that Leslie is a bit of a mad shagger and he enjoys his Hole, but when that twat Matthew Wright revealed Leslie was the suspected rapist his reputation was ruined forever. People who falsely accuse of rape deserve punishment, Leslie bankrupted himself proving he was innocent, his reputation permanently tarnished and his career ruined. While the people who accused him walked away and went on with their lives. Absolutely agree that if you do a crime you get punished, but it's innocent until proven guilty.
  19. Was looking at ordering a t shirt i really liked from the US, $19.99 for it, just calculated shipping, fucking $46
  20. There has been alot of it over the past decade, i agree that it is concerning.
  21. My ever annoying and clumsy aunt. We are talking about the kinda person who when trying to open a window manages to rip the handle off, who breaks an electric toothbrush by not realizing that it goes on the charger only one way so forces it on the wrong way. Who just cleaned my Gran's cooker for her(she is her carer) and manages to break one of the sparkers in doing so. The woman is a fucking Calamity and i wouldn't mind except that whenever she has an "accident" (which she gets away with every single time) its muggins here who has to go fix whatever she has broken.
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