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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. Was at a gym event this morning and overheard a conversation, actually rather hard to avoid it as the two lads stopped about 2 feet in front of me and were pretty loud considering the conversation. Basically this bald guy in a Sevco Jersey is telling another bloke about how he's only recently out of jail. Turns out he did 4 years because he ran down a few lads in his car after they smashed his rear window in.
  2. i havent listened to the radio since Rock Radio went off the air
  3. Wee quick question, I've noticed this week that the wee man is starting to get in his adult Canines, now one of the lower baby canines has already fallen out, but the other is still in place with the adult beside it and i can see the upper canines starting to erupt through his gums above the baby canines, they appear as if they are going to end up in front of the baby ones. I understand there can be a issue sometimes with retained baby teeth, after doing some googling ive not really found any information that was useful, most sites appear to be repeating the same vague shite. My question is, at what stage should i be concerned he might be retaining his baby teeth, as some sites claim the baby teeth should have fallen out before the adult ones erupt, while others claim its normal for them to erupt first then the baby teeth fall out. Any advice would be appreciated as i would rather not pay my good but expensive vet for an appointment just for him to tell me there is nothing to worry about.
  4. Not reached the stage where i wanna throw things at him, don't get me wrong, he leaped onto my back the other night while i was preparing his dinner and i wanted to call him every name under the sun cause he dug his claws in. But i wanna make sure he doesn't realize how much of an arsehole i am
  5. Kitten got me up at 6am this morning for his breakfast. Now hes fast asleep happy as larry and im bloody shattered
  6. Nah man, all you gotta say is "Adama" and they will understand and let you be
  7. Pure sex, i dunno if there is a way to get more man into a single human body, oh wait
  8. I honestly hope so, cause the idea that there are muppets out their who would claim that to be their gender scares the hell out of me.
  9. http://genderfluidsupport.tumblr.com/gender/ A list of "Genders" Shockingly its not "Male" or "Female" Abimegender: a gender that is profound, deep, and infinite; meant to resemble when one mirror is reflecting into another mirror creating an infinite paradox Adamasgender: a gender which refuses to be categorized Aerogender: a gender that is influenced by your surroundings Aesthetigender: a gender that is derived from an aesthetic; also known as videgender Affectugender: a gender that is affected by mood swings Agender: the feeling of no gender/absence of gender or neutral gender Agenderflux: being mostly agender except having small shifts towards other genders making them demigenders (because of the constancy of being agender) What a load of fucking garbage! "a gender which refuses to be categorized" Refuses? It fucking refuses? Honestly this world gets more fucking mental every day
  10. Well, im not sleeping for a week. Cheers
  11. And bizarrely there has been a massive rise in the German far right. What are the chances?
  12. Started playing a bit of Fallout 3 for a change of pace, literally not played it in years, kinda brilliant cause i remember very little of it so its kinda fresh. Got in the mood to watch after i started watching Many A True Nerd's playthru of it. Kinda brilliant, he calls it "You only live once" basically no healing, no limb repair, no addiction curing, no rad healing. He has to get as far as possible with just 1 health bar. Pretty original idea and its a fun watch.
  13. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-37409451 Angela Merkel's CDU party receives its worst election results in a long time and she finally admits her decisions over the migrant crisis were a mistake. Least of her problems at the moment, her government have been silencing anyone who openly speaks against the migrant situation. Wonder if that means she will have to silence herself now.
  14. Wee man had his post op check up, all clear. Should be vet free til he is a year old.
  15. "This is what happens when a tower hits a jet airplane"
  16. I think people are taking the piss because he seemed to be a first row passenger on the hype train
  17. Why would you even wanna watch something like that?
  18. Sent to the death Squad for farting on the supreme leader's knee. What a way to go
  19. Even the General is looking like he wants to plan his defection to the south
  20. The space cadet is home from his surgery, his eyes are absolute saucers and he has no idea what planet he is on but hes fine. Hes just sitting behind me at the moment staring off into oblivion.
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