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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. EdgarusQPFC

    South Park

    Watching some old episodes. Watching Manbearpig. Its floored me. Stan: my dad's a geologist, and he said that ManBearPig probably isn't in Colorado. Al Gore: What does your dad look like?? Does he have large hooves where his feet should be?? Stan: No Al Gore: Damn. For a minute there, I thought we found him. Superb stuff
  2. You know, they can be poorly trained and racist. But i highly doubt racism was the leading factor in the shooting i mentioned above. If anything i'd say both are factors in the majority of unjustified shootings.
  3. Agree with Parsforlife here, i think one of the biggest problems is poorly trained trigger happy police. I think the worst example of trigger happy police was the shooting of 12 year old Tamir Rice, im not gonna link the video cause its horrible. But 911 was called due to people seeing a kid running about a park with what they believed was a real gun. It was actually a BB gun but with the coloured muzzle piece that is required to identify them as toys. Now the officers involved claim they had repeatedly shouted on the kid to drop the gun but that he refused to listen. Firstly i find that hard to believe, if the police had explained the situation to him ive no doubt the kid would explain that he had a BB Gun, not a real gun. So rather than take cover and talk the kid into dropping the gun, try to learn his name, call his parents or just about anything else a normal human being would do they just rolled up in the car about 6 feet from him and immediately shot him repeatedly and the kid died. The officer claimed he shot because the kid raised the weapon at him, but the video doesn't show that at all, the officer was immediately out the car and firing before anything could be established. Its sickening. No indictment of either officer, both of which from what ive read were not fit to do the job. Taken from Wikipedia: Timothy Loehmann Loehmann, the man who fired the shots that killed Rice, joined Cleveland's police force in March 2014. In 2012, he had spent five months with the police department in Independence, about 13 miles (21 km) south of Cleveland, with four of those months spent in the police academy. In a memo to Independence's human resources manager, released by the city in the aftermath of the shooting, Independence deputy police chief Jim Polak wrote that Loehmann had resigned rather than face certain termination due to concerns that he lacked the emotional stability to be a police officer. Polak said that Loehmann was unable to follow "basic functions as instructed". He specifically cited a "dangerous loss of composure" that occurred in a weapons training exercise, during which Loehmann's weapons handling was "dismal" and he became visibly "distracted and weepy" as a result of relationship problems. The memo concluded, "Individually, these events would not be considered major situations, but when taken together they show a pattern of a lack of maturity, indiscretion and not following instructions, I do not believe time, nor training, will be able to change or correct these deficiencies." It was subsequently revealed that Cleveland police officials never reviewed Loehmann's personnel file from Independence prior to hiring him. Frank Garmback Garmback, who was driving the police cruiser, has been a police officer in Cleveland since 2008. In 2014, the City of Cleveland paid US$100,000 to settle an excessive force lawsuit brought against him by a local woman; according to her lawsuit, Garmback "rushed and placed her in a chokehold, tackled her to the ground, twisted her wrist and began hitting her body" and "such reckless, wanton and willful excessive use of force proximately caused bodily injury". The woman had called the police to report a car blocking her driveway. The settlement does not appear in Garmback's personnel file.
  4. My mum has to drink decaf due to a heart condition so i have tried it, its fucking rank.
  5. My Gran got herself a rescue cat a few years back, kept the name. To be fair tho he was named Brodie and thats a pretty decent name
  6. It really is, im halfway thru episode 5 and Brendan's brother has just testified. Holy Jesus!
  7. The idea is great. Its clear from what ive seen of the game that they were definitely molding a game that was gonna match that idea. But Sean Murray got full of himself and promised things he wanted to happen, but being a complete idiot rather than saying "This is what i want to happen" He said "This is what has happened" and told people a blatant lie. He promised things he wasn't able to deliver on and now that the reality has sunk in and he has hundreds of thousands of angry people shouting at him he has crawled into his shell and disappeared.
  8. Absolutely agree, Sony knew they could get away with hyping this game into the stratosphere because all criticism would be left with the developer. Very poor from Sony, expected better of them to be honest.
  9. I just finished the first episode, holy shit this is compelling. Its terrifying that a local sheriff office would go to such extreme's to convict someone they simply didn't like.
  10. And rightly so. http://www.pcgamer.com/no-mans-sky-is-being-investigated-by-the-advertising-standards-authority/?utm_content=bufferadc24&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=buffer-pcgamertw “In the ASA response, they say that both Hello Games and Valve have a joint responsibility, and so both organisations have now been contacted by the ASA and have been told to respond to the following issues which the ASA picked out as the primary issues (compiled from a number of complainants that contacted the ASA).” Sony have a massive responsibility here, they paid for the hype train to sell consoles. http://www.pcgamer.com/sony-president-criticizes-no-mans-sky-it-wasnt-a-great-pr-strategy/ President of Sony's Worldwide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida, said he understands the complaints being leveled at Hello Games' Sean Murray over the shaky launch and ongoing issues of the procedural space exploration game No Man's Sky. "I understand some of the criticisms especially Sean Murray is getting," Yoshida told Eurogamer at the Tokyo Game Show, "because he sounded like he was promising more features in the game from day one." "It wasn't a great PR strategy, because he didn't have a PR person helping him, and in the end he is an indie developer," Yoshida said. Talk about trying to distance yourself from the blame.
  11. They don't directly affect my life at the moment. But look how quickly this has developed and became the norm, how long before it affects day to day life. How long before you aren't allowed to have a different opinion?
  12. Was wondering how long Before someone was gonna play the slavery card. Oh and that little bitch moaning about "Feeling Safe" Mate, if you dont feel safe in a everyday environment where people have the right to have an opinion, thats your problem. People shouldnt be forced to give up their rights to make you feel "safe" "Don't call us guys, that is a Gender Term, that's a micro aggression" I suppose when someone finally snaps and bounces your head off a table thats a major aggression? Im calling it guys, society is fucked.
  13. "even though he was aged -12 at the time" Thats what he wants you to think! Bin Laden hid in a cave for years, your little terrorist hid in your missus cave for years as well.
  14. Yeah, totally agree with this. The problem is that BLM activists consider any black person shot to be 100% innocent, any BLM activist/rioter to be 100% innocent, they want the police departments either completely shut down or with such heavy degree's of oversight that no black person will be ever arrested again. America is in a really messed up situation at the moment, they are about to elect one of 2 awful candidates for president. The trust levels of their law enforcement are at a all time low, there are monthly violent riots and protests, monthly, sometimes weekly mass shootings. You have mass violence against people for no justifiable reason, pretty much at every BLM riot this year alone there has been at least 1 incident of violence against a innocent white person purely because of the colour of their skin. You have Universities with garbage useless degree's filling students heads with activist logic to the degree that free speech is pretty much dead, and infact students are demanding a end to the right of free speech. BLM and student activists demanding the reintroduction of segregation If i lived in the US at the moment(which if i had stayed with my ex would have likely happened by now) i'd be packing my bags and getting the f**k out.
  15. I tried watching a episode, but after about 2 minutes i wanted to kick the shite out the lot of them.
  16. I came very close to being "the 3rd" when my parents where deciding my name, but thankfully my mum decided that would be cruel and unusual punishment so veto'ed the name. Oh, and not really an American Thing.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_VIII_of_England
  17. Just found out i've got a new Nephew, The Baby and his Mum are doing well.
  18. Had to head out to get a few chores done and i was thinking about the fallout 3 campaign since i'd just finished it and i realised that with the exception of changing your dad to your son, the enclave to the institute and jumble the order around the BOS storyline in FO4 is identical to the main story in FO3, well that is all the major events. Leaving a vault to find your family member Family Member dies at some point. Join the Brotherhood to counter a technologically advanced enemy. Use Liberty Prime to fight said enemy. Blow up enemy base.
  19. If a nutcase is running about with a gun shooting people and refuses to stop. Do the police have much else of a choice but to shoot him? Pretty much every country has some form of armed response unit for situations where a taser and some mace(in yo face) arent a viable solution. The US has a insane number of guns and the police are well armed to counter that, but the public argue they arm themselves for protection against intruders and the police(something to do with the second amendment) so its a constantly spiraling situation that wont ever end because the people who sell the guns make far too much money and buy influence in the US Government to ensure that it wont ever end.
  20. Some people (me) can't be arsed with the settlement thing anymore so Bethesda gave us a settlement we could convert into a base just for ourselves/companions
  21. Just finished the main campaign in Fallout 3, alot shorter than i remember it being. Leave Vault, 3 dog(Owww!), Tranquility Lane, Project purity, Vault 87, Raven Rock, Take it Back then done. Was using the Infamous Chinese Stealth Armor for most, but decided on a upgrade and i gotta say, my guy looks spiffy
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