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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. There's still folks with that kind of attitude, but they are a dying breed.
  2. The last one i posted, the Fusion Gun is pretty awesome if you like Energy Weapons
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-37343895 "Celtic said they would not get involved in a "tit for tat spat" on the issue." Glasgow Celtic, willing to ignore fans depicting the hanging of rival fans and showing signs like "kill all ****" and "know your place *** scum" Congratulations you utter muppets. Any supporters who do shit like that should be banned, not simply downplayed
  4. That's a pretty huge leap but I have such a low opinion of Old Firm fans that I wouldn't put it past them
  5. The first part of that sounds cool as f**k "A sharpshooter killed a top ISIS executioner and three other jihadists with a single bullet from nearly a mile away"
  6. Surprising from Sony, they advertise the PS4 as "for the players"
  7. Shit like this is why I've no time for either of the Old Firm. Actually annoyed they are in the same League again, was getting used to being rid
  8. There are bloody loads mate. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12238? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8421/? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9667/? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11925/? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17847/? Thats a few of my personal favorites, but i literally have 30 of them and really cant be arsed posting them
  9. Playing Survival buddy, he can kill ya in 3 - 5 hits
  10. So yeah, remember earlier i found myself trapped in a APC with Swan looking to fist me? Well i was cutting through the city using the motorways as a safe road, so i hit the end of the motorway and dropped onto a roof looking for a safe way down, well i just found myself up shit creek. Two Alpha Deathclaws fucking appear from the balcony like they just spidermanned themselves up the building just to ruin my day.
  11. He has the "Furious Power Fist"
  12. Player base statistics for the first 2 weeks on PC
  13. I'm sure it's been said that in North Korea men have only 5 government approved hairstyles they can choose from
  14. Thats the wee man back from his last Flea/Worm Treatment and Pre-Neutering Check up. He's still the picture of health, he has developed enough downstairs and has shot up from 1.7 kg 5 weeks ago to 2.5 kg which means he is perfectly suited to go ahead with the surgery, hes due in later next week.
  15. Loving survival mode, it makes every fight intense and stealth based sniping characters fun as hell. FO4 was far too easy IMO, this is how it should have been from day 1
  16. North Korea are probably the only b*****ds stupid enough to actually use thier nukes, cause everyone else isn't daft enough to make themselves a target for everyone else's nukes. Truth be told I'm more concerned with them making the nukes then trying to sell them to some mad b*****ds
  17. My aunt, i'm sure I've mentioned her on this topic before. She's doing my fucking head in, shes constantly going to various charity shops buying random fucking pictures and portraits, then asking me to google the artist. She claims she is just curious to know if they have done anything else. I know for a fact its because she watches too much fucking bargain hunt and she wants to know if she has finally found a gem she can sell for money. I'd tell her to google it herself but this is a woman who struggled with the remote for a fucking VCR. If its not shite prints of shite artists its fucking uncommon coins and notes. She really needs to stop watching bargain hunt and give me a fucking break. I've told her countless times to leave me out of it and don't ask me but of course i get the usual guilt trip shite of "Oh we cant ask you anything, don't ask him for a favor, ungrateful blah blah"
  18. 25% off on steam this weekend
  19. Been playing a modded survival mode. The mods ive added are there mostly to make survival better. Manual Save/Autosave function restored(cause honestly i just hate games without autosave) another that gives you more options when filling bottles, different types like beer bottle, carton etc that vary in healing amount and hydration. The ability to get bottles back after drinking them. Oh and this guy....
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