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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. Nothing fixed yet on Tayside boundary so premature to assume anything other than a guiding principle on Kello where the SoS boundary is concerned:
  2. It's still a form of clarification, so whoever was quizzing the guy last night to state it crystal clearly was doing something worthwhile, because it lead to an equally unambiguous retraction.
  3. Think so. It's been clarified that it wasn't Phil or her Maj so they have to be the prime suspects and being in line for the throne would make it too hot to handle in terms of naming the culprit. If it was Andrew odds on they would just go ahead and say it.
  4. Which one was the racist over the baby's skin colour? Was surprised it wasn't Phil the Greek.
  5. Didn't realise how close the new boundaries get to Bearsden south of the Campsies.
  6. Think that's already a given after the Dave Baikie podcast interview and doesn't involve a boundary shift, so don't think it fits this:
  7. Have to wonder how in the loop this EoS twitter guy actually is:
  8. Just when all seemed done and dusted, WTF is this all about?
  9. Was good to finally see that clarified, but not sure what to make of this:
  10. Obviously completely oblivious to what was in the PWG minutes that got leaked on here and what the SFA was saying in them.
  11. Of course we have been over this many times. It would have been better if the tweet had clearly stated the Tay Bridge boundary is the only point I was making. Nothing like the imminent danger of actually receiving applications to get a bit of clarity. Assuming this doesn't get retracted in some way the ball is now very much in the Highland League's court.
  12. Scone are also north of the Tay, so would be helpful if they clarify more clearly what their boundary is.
  13. That's only with existing members switching as far as I can see. The way it reads to me is that new applications are being directed in either direction based on the county boundary and Harthill Royal are unambiguously in West Lothian in terms of their ground.
  14. Looks like there is no flexibility for Harthill Royal as they are unambiguosly in West Lothian where the ground is concerned and there are no caveats inserted on the county boundary. Think it's really Kello Rovers that are being covered by the no effect on existing members wording even though it is not these county boundaries that would affect them, just to get the idea of being grandfathered in established if a similar agreement is made with the SoS in future. Think the word was that Whitburn already had to hedge their bets?
  15. Glad that all got sorted out to ensure the sensible outcome by doing it in an SJFA sort of way. Now we need to see something similar clarifying Tayside. Suspect that's a lot more problematic, unfortunately.
  16. This is all that matters on this, so it's 55 whether people like it or not.
  17. Thing is though it has always been a deadly virus and there was an influenza pandemic a century ago that was much worse than COVID-19 on IFR. Over the years we have chosen to accept x number of casualties from the flu among the elderly and otherwise infirm every winter as normal so it was usually never newsworthy unless there was a particularly bad strain and even then life continued normally. If the media started highlighting influenza case numbers and ICU admissions in the same sort of way they have with COVID-19....
  18. It's all been one big populist mess. Cannae allow low risk things like lower league fitba to happen because people will moan about how they cannae do something high risk while the see folk doing something low risk and focus groups are telling them that will cost the SNP votes. These decisions should never have been in the hands of politicians to decide and should have been determined rationally by public health professionals.
  19. It gets better again after it moves back mainly to Berlin but definitely not as good as 83. The West German characters from the first series feel a bit shoehorned in but the antics of Schweppenstette are still a good laugh throughout on the DDR side of things.
  20. Nothing that even begins to compare with the Bowhouse area in Alloa unless there's a part of St Andrews hidden away that I have always managed to avoid visiting.
  21. The only way we'll know for sure is by watching what happens with people that have been vaccinated. COVID-19 does not mutate as rapidly as flu does so although there will be variants it should be the easier of the two to handle with vaccines down the road. By all accounts the pandemic has helped new vaccine technology obtain emergency approvals and be proven in practice thereafter. That should help improve modern medicine considerably in the years ahead.
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