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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. Only surprise is it took this long: Will be interesting to see if there are any revelations now about past misdeeds by Vlad given there was always a suspicion that Igor Girkin was being tolerated because he had the ability to embarrass the Russian leadership in a big way if anything untoward ever happened to him related to falling out of a window, drinking dodgy polonium-laced tea, etc.
  2. Definitely doesn't have to be either/or on that. Mentioned the covered seating angle mainly because it's something that is rumoured to be coming down the pipeline where club licensing is concerned. The relatively inexpensive and quick way to do it if there were ever a need would be with container stands: https://thecontainerconverters.co.uk/foodball-stadium-conversions/
  3. There's nothing currently in the ground requirements for bronze level that would be a major problem where Newtown Park is concerned but adding some covered seats would probably be a good move to make sure there are no issues down the road.
  4. Newlandsfield Park is listed online as 102 x 64 yards or 93.27 x 58.52 metres so would need to expand their pitch a bit but not drastically so.
  5. May have swans and a palace but struggle to leaf through pages. P26 onwards is worth a look.
  6. Doubt space availability is the stumbling block for most clubs. Even grounds as space constrained as the K-Park in East Kilbride or Banks O'Dee's Spain Park can tick the box on cover for 500 OK at bronze level. Cost might be a challenge for a few of the smaller LL clubs but there are plenty of WoS and EoS clubs like Pollok, Irvine Meadow, Whitburn or Glenrothes that have had large covered enclosures or seated stands for decades waiting in the wings who can potentially step in and take their place in the years ahead. Bronze level isn't mission impossible. It's important to bear in mind that the SPFL can't overdo it on requirements without causing problems for some of their own members.
  7. It's cover for 500 that is mentioned at bronze level not 500 seats.
  8. Maybe don't have access to as much of Forthbank as Stirling Albion do? Likely easily remedied though by paying more in rent money to gain a greater level of access.
  9. Cove Rangers must have needed a waiver to play in the Chamionship last season though?
  10. Will be interesting to see if the Lowland League now tightens up its ground requirements so there's no danger of a club with an entry level ground blocking progression. Think requiring cover for 500 within a reasonable timeframe would be sensible. It's only Caledonian Braves, Civil Service Strollers and Edinburgh Uni that would have major issues on that and it is understandable why the SPFL would not want grounds like those in their league.
  11. Best place to check is here: https://www.scottishfa.co.uk/media/9978/sfa-club-licensing-manual-2023.pdf
  12. Says unanimously above so looks like Bonnyrigg Rose voted for it. Cover for 500 will be an issue for some LL clubs as well and given the SFA are currently reviewing licensing criteria things may wind up being tougher than the current set of standards..
  13. Pitch dimensions of 95m in length and 60m in width may also be challenging for some former junior clubs.
  14. That was already being talked about when the Conference plan was being pushed, so LL clubs were already aware they had some work to do on upgrading their grounds.
  15. Will be 38 at the end of the year: https://www.transfermarkt.com/scott-dalziel/profil/spieler/43743
  16. Usually a good sign when Igor Girkin is worried about what is just around the corner: Three more villages to go after Staromaiorske before they can attempt to break through the Russian main defensive line. After that there is nothing much prepared all the way down to the Sea of Azov from what I've read.
  17. And now low IQ posters will assume I am in the Orange Order even though it should have been obvious I'm not based on what I posted a few posts up regarding the advisability of wearing black and tan band outfits in a Roman Catholic majority town. The script is all too predictable.
  18. You do realise that H&W was targeted for Luftwaffe bombing in 1941? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belfast_Blitz Hitler was Austrian rather than Prussian so he was raised as a Roman Catholic rather than a Lutheran and that means he wouldn't have been allowed into the Orange Order given he remained a lapsed RC even during the Nazi era. The Roman Catholic Church didn't exactly cover itself in glory when it came to opposing Adolf given the support of the Zentrum was decisive in passing the Enabling Act that gave him dictatorial powers and the Vatican signed the Reichskonkordat with the Nazis after they took power. The problem was that they viewed Communism as the bigger threat so they went along with the Nazi's power grab after the Reichstag fire.
  19. The mainstream RIC wore dark green like the RUC. The "black and tans" were special constables hired from former WWI soldiers across the UK to bolster RIC numbers in what became the Free State pre-partition. Don't have the greatest reputation among Irish republicans but are viewed more positively by Ulster Unionists for obvious reasons. Querying whether that was the most sensible thing to wear during a potentially contentious parade through a Roman Catholic majority town like Ballycastle would be a valid enough point. Bringing the Nazis into it is just bizarre. Do you really think people in NI have fond memories of the Nazis after what the Luftwaffe did to Belfast in 1941?
  20. You really don't get why they would select black and tan as a colour scheme for reasons a lot closer to home?
  21. ...and that's enough of a hint to conclude that he has a surname that sounds like he should be playing for a team in Larbert.
  22. It's listed as 8-0 at the top of the page in an NCL game against Bonar Bridge last season.
  23. Guess the name could also be Lukasz. Think that's a more commonly used first name in Poland than Lucas is in Scotland.
  24. That's because the Ukrainians did it rather than Russia's FSB. Looks like the Ukrainians are making no secret of going full Mossad or Tito's UDBA on hunting down perpetrators globally:
  25. Appears to have been with Bonnyrigg Rose U-20s: https://www.bonnyriggrosefc.co.uk/teams/226896/player/aidan-mcglynn-2351741
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