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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. Irpin and Brovary (closest they got to surrounding Kyiv) or Voznesensk (closest they got to Odesa) can maybe already claim to have been the turning point back when Vlad was still going after all of Ukraine before he scaled his war goals back to the Donbas and Crimean land bridge.
  2. https://www.facebook.com/BonessUnitedFootballClub/
  3. This throws that cat amongst the pigeons where Russian grain exports are concerned:
  4. Think the grain deal limited what they could do previously.
  5. If the Ukrainians can do this to the Russians largely on a DIY basis I guess the Taiwanese will now be assembling lots of naval drones as well and this makes a Chinese invasion less likely.
  6. Maybe it's more that they always seem to go for a visceral level response to something like a picture of an Orange walk rather than a rational argument revolving around why having a hard border on the Tweed and Solway and a separate currency from the rest of the UK post-independence would make life better in Scotland. Come the glorious day would Spain even agree to Scotland letting into the EU, and would an independent Scotland even be able to meet the requirements to join the eurozone? Whit ye talking aboot man here's a picture of the Govan Protestant Boys or some English morris dancers to remind you why should vote Yes.
  7. What this thread needs now is a map of Luncarty with a line through it. It's that kind of jobsworth mentality that the SFA board have quite rightly wanted to avoid. Even the EoS and WoS were willing to be flexible on Harthill rather than consulting maps from surveyors of where the line is to the nearest centimetre. Don't think the SoS should be at tier 6 but it's a quirk we may just have to learn to live with.
  8. Old tweet from Peter Zeihan with a map that shows why this is quite the accomplishment geographically for a country with no navy worth mentioning beyond a few glorified speed boats at this point: He tends to cry wolf a lot to seek attention but the comment he makes in the context of Odesa is also potentially applicable to Novorossiysk given its the main port used for Russian oil and grain exports.
  9. Lugar Boswell Thistle vs Saltcoats Vics this time: Including some local history provided by Kennie the fixtures secretary.
  10. What we have for the most part is a fuzzy set of boundaries so nobody gets too anal retentive about Kello and Threave being in the WoS, Tayport being in the Midlands and Nairn St Ninian plus a few others west of the Spey being in the north region for historical reasons, but overall everybody has a pretty good idea of who should be going where. Only thing on the horizon that could throw a spanner in the works in a big way would be Glasgow Wellington but I doubt the SoS will ever let them in as they seem to be quite happy being the D&G league.
  11. Irvine Meadow's ground originally belonged to a club called Irvine Celtic. https://www.irvinemeadowfc.co.uk/meadow-history-page
  12. There's another forum called Fitbanorth where more HL fans go to discuss their league.
  13. Luncarty, Letham and Tayport all wound up playing on the wrong side of the supposedly all important line of latitude even before the SFA changed the Club 42 rule, which was the only place it ever appeared in any rulebook. It was always a "red herring" as a poster from St Andrews United who was actually going to league meetings where these matters were being discussed tried to explain to people on here.
  14. Always thought that, Thistle and I guess to a certain extent Spurs as well were strange names for Shetland teams given the locals usually prefer the Viking angle to their history, but my Shetland granny always used to say stuff about Lerook folk not being real Shetlanders. Beyond that the Ireland in Shetland is too small to have a fitba team and is in Ness United territory.
  15. Long way to go but if there's one thing that Bo'ness United fans would probably agree on it's that Max Christie should have been able to do more with the squad he had at Newtown Park last season. Landing the Tranent job appeared to be a case of failing upwards possibly due to finances that he can bring to the job. Watched a clip of EK demolishing Camelon preseason and they looked scarily good for an LL team and more League One sort of level like Kelty a few seasons back. Over 34 games they will be very difficult for the other clubs to surpass.
  16. Don't think many people expected 9 points from those three games.
  17. https://twitter.com/BonessUnited_FC/status/1685282899925315584
  18. The snippet that Kieran Mooney was only up in Aberdeen for uni explains the somewhat unusual Keith to Bo'ness transfer.
  19. Think Thistle was more about asserting a specifically Scottish identity in a nativist sort of way than the other two that are more about being British. Overall given Presbyterians from Ulster were going to go to CoS services and the local non-denom school some level of assimilation was going to be the order of the day to a greater extent. It was only certain mining villages that wound up with populations that were very heavily of Ulster Protestant extraction so Harthill Royal step on down maybe but I suspect the people who run that club wouldn't view their club that way. You wind up with something like Rangers with Ulster themed songs featuring heavily on the terracing playlist but an overall Scottish-British and Unionist sort of orientation rather than an explicitly Ulster immigrant one. With Rangers the Ulster influence has profoundly modified the original Scottish working class host culture rather than being fully assimilated by it. That makes a fixture against a club like Aberdeen where migration from Ulster was close to zero a major culture clash. A game against Hearts not so much.
  20. Not the only Star Trek star to release something completely cringeworthy:
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