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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. ^^^non-sequitur, I wrote long term tenure and there needs to be flexibility for the Clyde scenario for a reason.
  2. Key thing is Clyde did eventually find their own new home where they could generate future community links. Reserve teams playing at the first team's stadium belong in reserve leagues, and youth clubs that always need to rent somebody else's park belong in youth leagues. To play WoS sort of level and above having secure ongoing tenure over your own enclosed ground* should be mandatory after a few years grace period to provide some flexibility for Clyde type scenarios. * To avoid the usual tangents. Yes Clydebank and Yoker was a sensible common sense solution.
  3. Why does tier 4 as opposed to tier 5 entry make a critical difference in your opinion?
  4. Why do ICT want a colt team in the HL if there isn't a player development issue that they think needs to be fixed?
  5. Yet another attempt from FWF to start an argument just for the sake of it. I put the guy on block because he wastes my time over and over with this stuff and has the crass #$%^ing nerve to turn around and try to tell me what I really said in first place when I try to clear up the confusion he deliberately creates. Just so yet another thread doesn't get derailed by this, my point in an earlier post was that youth clubs and colt teams should have their own grounds in a reasonable timeframe if they want to enter semi-pro level leagues. The OF colts would probably wind up in Milngavie and Lennoxtown. Neither of those communities have teams of their own at this sort of level so that's not treading on anyone's toes and could be an angle for generating a local community angle for the colt team in future. Meanwhile ICT is the most likely one to actually happen and they are doing it for reasons that have hee haw to do with any of that. Why not try to separate the colt team concept from your hatred of the OF and think rationally about the player development issues that are involved?
  6. The virus isn't mutating as rapidly as the common cold or the flu does, which is why there is a lot of optimism on an immunity response generated by a vaccine being effective against it.
  7. In surveys most fans of Scottish football support one or other of the OF and there's nothing hugely unusual about a small European country being dominated in spectator interest terms like that by two or three clubs or rightly or wrongly about many of those same people also following a more local "wee team". Not sure why people don't grasp that the colt teams issue doesn't have to just be about the Old Firm. That's the angle that makes a lot of the backlash petty. Would a Hamilton Accies U-20 team in the WoS or LL be any more badly supported than Royal Albert or Caledonian Braves? If they played somewhere like Strathaven that doesn't currently have a team at that sort of level where would the harm be? Worth bearing in mind that the most likely colt team to happen any time soon is ICT in the Highland League. Think that's preferable to having Fort William hijacked for that purpose Feyenoord and Excelsior style.
  8. Supports the third biggest team in Rotterdam, moves to Dundee and supports the third biggest team. Guess it all makes sense. Think people need to look beyond a petty FTOF angle on this issue and ponder whether having some colt teams around is really so very different from having BSC, Caledonian Braves, Rossvale, Gartcairn, St Cadoc's and Bonnyton around? Think in both scenarios the key should be that there needs to be a separate home ground in a reasonable timeframe after entry. For colt teams, there needs to be a stable first team squad throughout the season, so it isn't treated like a reserve team that would take some games more seriously than others. Was the bigger issue with Feyenoord and Excelsior not that Feyenoord turned Excelsior into their B team in all but name at one point? Hijacking other clubs is something that should be avoided.
  9. Can remember Shire park being filled like this once but the fans were all wearing Dundee scarves.
  10. Given you and the Dunipace managerial team have accused me of being Pricey in the past are you now saying I have been red dotting myself with monotonous regularity for several weeks now or is this just a case of taking another wild blind shot in the dark? The truth is out there....
  11. A clear resolution of Tayside's status will probably be next year's big pyramid issue now the west is fixed. If their final destination is the EoS, there may not be any credible non-WoS contenders for much longer. Different story if a Midland League emerges as that could use the WoS approach on keeping SJFA membership.
  12. And that sort of thing never happens in Glasgow in July? Also debatable whether the Orange Order really is stuck in a time warp when the Act of Settlement is still very much on the statute books across the Commonwealth. The UK in constitutional terms is still very much tied into a particular brand of sky fairy worship in terms of the Windsor monarchy. Although it creates social tensions in Scotland and NI there is zero sign of people in England wanting change to the role of the CoE, so if anyone deserves a bit of finger pointing over being stuck in a time warp look south.
  13. This is for Northern Ireland and they have a winter season like us and similar COVID regulations, so if they can do this then the SFA should be trying something similar at grassroots level.
  14. The whited out writing doesn't work so well in comment boxes. The Hobbit grates on people who read the book, because a faithful adaptation would have worked really well as a single three hour film, and it's transparently obvious why the bloated trilogy was preferred instead.
  15. At least Kelty and Brora were part of the mix in this plan, which was something that was noticably absent from the League Two deadwood's 14-14-14 plan. The League Two posture in all of this has been the more obvious affront to the concept of fair play. Doubt there's any chance of 14-14-18 happening given how the OFGTF brigade would react, so this is probably just page filler on an otherwise slow news day.
  16. Not a criticism of Darvel really. Think things might be skewed towards the old central region on this because you need a reasonably large local population to make a youth setup work all the way up to U20. Hence Meadow and Whitletts being in there, but not the likes of Kilbirnie and Beith.
  17. It only takes me one sentence now to be able to work out it's a new traffordab ID. One big advantage of having a U20 team is that it can provide extra cover for a first team squad that has limited numbers. Think that's a big part of the attraction and as with using floodlights to clear fixture backlogs the surprising thing is more that junior football wasn't doing it in recent decades. Cue another red dot from the pharaoh nutter:
  18. U20 setups dont seem to be happening as much in Ayrshire for some reason, especially when you factor in that Darvel U20 is really a Paisley team.
  19. Killie? People always say you get a false impression of Kilmarnock from Rugby Park.
  20. Didnt see anything in 8MileBU's post that suggested that it wouldn't happen in Bo'ness. There's also no suggestion I can see that most people in one place or the other are scum only that some people in the wider population are. Given the number of these incidents we are seeing right across the central belt in recent times that's fair comment.
  21. That was definitely a bizarre fuss about not very much. Beith FC played in the short lived third division of the SFL: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1925–26_Scottish_Division_Three Same ground, colours and nickname as Beith Juniors and when one stopped having been turfed out of an SFL reserve league the other soon started up in its place: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beith_F.C. So Beith would be well within their rights to claim an 1875 founding date.
  22. Suspect it would soon get sorted out at a 3G cage if they were given a deadline when this sort of setup gets you entry level and the ability to move into the SPFL as long as your floodlights are up to snuff: Why bother though if you don't need to under the rules and have no regular committed fanbase to speak of?
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