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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. The good news for Tayside clubs is that the Luncarty precedent means they should be able to put in applications now to the EoS that would be put to a vote of the member clubs. Ditto Breadalbane.
  2. There's been plenty of that from the hardcore anti-junior types on here as well. Whatever happened to Hamish the Goalie's in scotto voce posts and Jason King the mysterious Benburb fan who only ever seemed to post about obscure West Lothian and Stirlingshire issues, for example.
  3. Somebody on that podcast needed to learn how to mute their microphone when they are not in the conversation and Larry Duncan definitely needed to dial back the liar and Maryhill rent accusations as it detracted from the other things he was saying. Beyond that though it was interesting to hear the sort of perspective from Larry Duncan that normally gets shouted down on here, e.g. the early meetings with Stewart Regan and how it was the clubs rather than TAJ that blocked progress on the pyramid which fits with how the superduperleague proposal unfolded, for example. Too bad the host was unaware of the full implications of Luncarty being accepted despite being north of the line in terms of their registered ground.
  4. Still there in a dilapidated state. The local council refused Alan Mackin planning permission to do anything with the land.
  5. Think it's the Shire in white playing Arbroath judging by who posted it? The Shire wore kit like that in the 80s. Surprisingly large crowd for that era though unless it's a derby against Stenny.
  6. Yes the stand and the big shed behind it were on the other side from that enclosure.
  7. That's definitely the old Shire park in Falkirk.
  8. Only way I can see it going through is if it's permanent as being team 44 is easier to avoid than team 42 and slightly better prize money percentages are shifted in their direction.
  9. West Lothian has some rural scenic parts. Torphichen would maybe be the prime example now that Blackness is no longer officially part of it under the new boundaries.
  10. By making this public nobody can say the east region was blind sided if the Kinnoull scenario happens at the AGM. Will be interesting to see if there is a domino effect over the next week or two...
  11. Would have been Stranraer reserves under PPG so the BUs would not have needed a playoff game if they had used that approach instead. Guess they could have decided to be different and hand it to Threave as they had most points accumulated so it is still significant from that standpoint.
  12. I vaguely remember going there for a 1:45 Saturday kickoff in the mid-70s and that being very unusual for an Accies away game at the time. Other thoughts would be that the crowd looks sparse for a competitive game as the more vocal portion of the home support tended to stand on the terracing in front of the enclosure and Alloa always had a reasonable home following of several hundred unlike some other clubs in that era ( Dumbarton and Stirling Albion come to mind). More likely to be preseason then? Also vaguely remember home teams changing kit for Scottish Cup games under SFA rules so if it is a competitive game that would probably be the competition.
  13. Looks like there are probably no floodlights, which might help narrow down the date as well. Alloa were one of the last SFL teams to get them installed and didn't do it until well into the 70s from what I vaguely remember of going there to watch Hamilton Accies a few times.
  14. Can Bo'ness ever really be an outsider in West Lothian? Thing is the first time they show up at a 3G cage rather than Prestonfield they are going to realise they don't have the real Linlithgow Rose but an amateur club pretending to be them. If they had the real Bo'ness, Lithgae and Sauchie plus Camelon rather than Syngenta they could have a really good league that you could easily compare to the EoS premier in quality. The problem is they don't and once there's no comparison to be made in that regard it's game over, because Livingston United won't be the last defection.
  15. Never said or implied anything about playing against Tayside teams in my post. My point was that this season with some Fife teams like Thornton and Kennoway still involved they still had the team numbers needed to have something you could label as a south super league with a relatively straight face. Next season they will be moving into glorified amateur league territory with the tribute acts and Syngenta as part of the equation and Harthill, Stoneyburn and West Calder have usually been very much district league outfits over the years rather than super league material. This won't be sustainable for long. Their final destination is clearly the EoS and the Armadale secretary even seemed to realise that in the interview that got posted yesterday.
  16. As far as I'm aware, the SJFA's rep at PWG meetings wasn't the person telling the west clubs that. That means the west region exec may have been passing on second hand info that they sincerely believed was accurate. You can certainly question their gullibility level and overall suitability for a leadership role in light of that but talk of them being liars is a step further than necessary.
  17. Somebody definitely got played big time where Option Z is concerned. Agree that accusing somebody of being a liar is unwise if you don't know for sure what info they themselves were being fed.
  18. Assuming Livingston United get shoehorned in at the AGM Kinnoull style and I doubt they would be going public if that wasn't a strong possibility, for the big four in the south "super" there are the three tribute acts, Syngenta, Harthill, Stoneyburn, West Calder and Pumpherston as the supporting cast. Hard to believe that can stagger on for more than another season now once the reality of what that looks like hits home. They needed Thornton and Kennoway to still have something reasonably credible.
  19. Herd immunity could happen well before that. Pandemics usually work their way through a majority of the population then fizzle out. Typically that has happened on a timeline of two to three months in most countries when a Swedish sort of approach to the issue is followed. Stringent lockdowns slow that process down, but can't be sustained indefinitely for economic reasons so will be gradually eased as is already happening in most EU countries. Experts don't like to admit there is no magic bullet easy answer, so they'll talk up a vaccine that may wind up being as useful as the Dyson ventilators will be by the time they arrive.
  20. For Dev's benefit, Breadalbane from Aberfeldy wanted into the east region juniors at one point (got knocked back over concerns about being too close to a golf course) and there have been posts about them wanting to pursue licensing and the pyramid. The guy who was posting about it on here preferred the EoS/LL over the HL.
  21. Definitely the Recs in Alloa back in the day.
  22. Having the posture that any east region club can apply to join the EoS and any west region club (if the alleged would be returnees go through with it) can apply to join the WoS kills stone cold dead any need for future PWG meetings where tier six feeders are concerned.
  23. Orkney was mentioned on here in that context a few months back as well. As you pointed out on the junior subforum this should kill off any controversy about what to do about Tayside for at least a year. The precedent has been set so there's a possible way in at tier eight in the south pyramid for any interested Tayside clubs to test out to see how the EoS membership would respond early next year, if pushing for tier six status as an HL feeder is not on their agenda.
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