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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. When the mass defection happened the existing members saw the big picture and did what was best for the league and the pyramid and didn't force the newly joining clubs into a new tier 7 as part of a selfish self-interest agenda. If they had, the wave of defections would probably not have gone much further than Blackburn and Dalkeith. The strategic thing to do now would be to attract over as many more clubs as possible and kill off the ERSJFA as a credible league south of the Tay. To do that continuing with the conferences at tier 7 for at least one more season would be the intelligent way to go about it.
  2. Those clubs all joined at tier 6 and were not forced into a new tier 7 by the existing members. What on earth is that all about? I was posting in favour of what the clubs that moved did at the time.
  3. No point discussing this further if you are going to come out with absurd nonsense like that last part and need to have it explained to you what would be vindictive about suddenly telling a club like Fauldhouse that they can only enter at tier 8 when no mention of this has been made in the notice about applying for membership that has been on the EoS website since the start of the season.
  4. If they can see beyond the narrow self-interest agrenda of their own club over the next season or two and instead are thinking strategically about how to eliminate the whole debate on the PWG about the future status of the ERSJFA as quickly as possible they will.
  5. Hopefully the people who are on the EoS board are a bit more forward thinking than some of the people posting on here. Fed up with the SJFA after the foxhole fiasco and the way you were misled about tier 6 entry last season, Fauldhouse? Come on over and join us at tier 8.
  6. The SFA Board in the PWG minutes last season clearly wanted the ERSJFA in at tier 6 for this season as a feeder to the LL and ERSJFA clubs were being assured by the SJFA that was what would happen so it's not as clear cut as that.
  7. The usual selfish self-interest mentality that plagues Scottish football. It's reasonable to insist on tier 7 entry if only clubs south of the team 42 HL:LL boundary are involved given pretty much all the superleague sides defected but insisting on it being at tier 8 would be both farcical and vindictive. If (and as things stand it looks unlikely that the SFA can get this to happen by consensus, unfortunately) Tayside clubs were to become involved at least some would have to be integrated at tier 6 given they were blocked from applying over the last two seasons.
  8. You want the best players playing and if there is a trend that the players that belong at tier 7 in terms of ability prefer a more localised format then that should be taken into consideration.
  9. Agree with most of that, but the second last sentence is off a bit from what I understand. The UK government requested that former police officers from pre-partion Ireland be hired by forces across the Empire so the younger ones including many Roman Catholics that didn't have enough years served for a pension and couldn't easily resign often wound up emigrating and being hired elsewhere.
  10. The auxillary RIC and the Black and Tans murdered and sexually assaulted more women in Ireland during the war of independence than the IRA did during that time period. Utter scum Meanwhile Fine Gael seem to have wanted to commemorate the mainstream RIC that had nothing to do with that and the Dublin Metropolitan Police, so people are getting their wires crossed on this, but it shouldn't exactly be a shock that would be what would happen so the truth is out there on Fine Gael's motivations basically...
  11. Because that fits the mythology? The RIC was largely Roman Catholic and was recruited from right across the island rather than locally within any particular county so many within its ranks would have had Irish nationalist sympathies and would have had no huge appetite for doing that sort of thing. That's kind of why a lot of them were resigning in addition to the intimidation from Republicans angle that Jacksgranda mentioned. The Ulster Unionist Party had to set up a Special Constabulary (what was later referred to as the B Specials) drawn largely from former members of Sir Edward Carson's UVF to have a secuity apparatus for Northern Ireland that it actually trusted.
  12. Would be a remarkable coincidence if it wasn't linked in some way.
  13. Have to wonder if he is being eased out of the picture in an increasingly Prince Charles run setup due to the Harry Hewitt rumour.
  14. Speaking of mental Gaeilge spellings whatever happened to Caoimhin on here? He could always be relied upon to take severe umbrage over posts like that.
  15. There were two last season, so four in total isn't inconceivable if the likes of Eyemouth, Duns, Kelso and Selkirk were part of the equation. Think it's the LEAFA angle that makes it far-fetched.
  16. Big question mark would be having a suitable ground and suspect nobody will find that as easy as Hillfield Swifts did in future. What would make this interesting to watch is if certain West Lothian towns that still have junior clubs but no EoS team are involved.
  17. What on earth is that all about? I was very much hoping Bo'ness and Lithgae would join the EoS at the time. Do you understand that I have supported an all-encompassing pyramid on here for many years? If not, please stop responding to my posts.
  18. The people at both clubs who initially wanted to stay in the juniors two season ago and only agreed to a move to the EoS at the very last minute (along with Broxburn) when dominos started falling in a big way elsewhere.
  19. There was a concern it wouldn't be able to in an EoS context. That seems to have been put to bed now.
  20. Sounded better than having it referred to as the War of Clinton's BJ given it was mainly about diverting attention from Monica Lewinsky.
  21. At least they didn't get the Maz Kanata and Knights of Ren treatment. Shoehorned in just for the sake of it. Thought they gave Rose an appropriate significant but not too distracting role for a fifth character in the pecking order in terms of the new generation and the controversy over that is overblown. On the flip side, think, if anything, they overdid it with Finn and Poe and there was no need to add in the new love interests for them. Ditch that and shift more screen time to Rey and Kylo and maybe the story would have seemed less rushed and chaotic. The extra superfluous characters were all too obviously being shoehorned in with a view to future Disney+ or lower budget film spinoffs for Finn and Poe, and sadly having a Rose and Finn romance angle continue from the end of TLJ would have not gone down well with audiences in Asian countries any more than middle America would have lapped up Finn and Rey or Finn and Poe, so was not something they were ever likely to pursue.
  22. What country do you have in mind for that? Only place I can think of where that might happen is the former East Germany, but I think a post-Merkel CDU will eventually grow tired of hooking up with the SPD and start doing right-hard right coalitions with the AfD eliminating the need.
  23. What part of I don't give a flying one about the rights and wrongs of petty blazer politics did you not understand?
  24. If the LL and EoS want a boundary at the Tay Bridge line of latitude they'll probably be able to get it given they can block any change on tier 6 feeders to the LL that they don't like, but nobody should pretend it will be because the SFA Board are insisting things be that way based on previous agreements with the SPFL because that clearly isn't the case
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