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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. I have also been to Mid-Yell a few times or more accurately passed through it on the way to Unst. Would be surprised if many people ever stop. Yell is mainly one large featureless peat bog and not as scenic or fertile as Unst and Fetlar. There are some people who claim that Udal law is still applicable in some way in Shetland based on tortuous logic, but it's usually "unken folk fae sooth" that seem to push that concept nowadays, because Scots Law definitely holds sway. The SNP did very well in Orkney and Shetland at the election compared to how things were a generation ago. Give it another decade or two for the older generation that grew up without television to depart the scene and they might even be in with a shout of winning it, which is something I never thought could happen.
  2. Does Mid-Yell have a separate legal system, education system and national church based on a Treaty of Union? The UK is an incorporating union rather than a conventional unitary nation state.
  3. Think Buckie have also always been anti-pyramid in a similar way to Brora. Only Locos are a reasonably safe bet for actually wanting to give it a go.
  4. Thorntree United were from Port Seton in East Lothian to save people doing the googling I just did to find out.
  5. Think Blackburn were lucky (or forward thinking and sensible depending on how you look at it) timing wise in terms of larger grants still being available. Its some of the smaller clubs that are doing it at the moment that probably have a story to tell: If St Andrews United can do it, it shouldn't be mission impossible for most west region clubs over the course of a few seasons? You don't need to have it to enter the pyramid at tier 6 or below, so most ambitious smaller clubs in the west would have several years worth of difficult to achieve promotions in front of them before it would ever be likely to be a requirement, if the WRSJFA joins intact next season. That provides plenty of time to put the pieces together on licensing and build for the future.
  6. Think they wanted to continue the darker more morally ambiguous themes that added a bit of depth to Rogue One with TLJ, but the fanboys didn't like it because they wanted Luke to be a Marvel style superhero rather than a washed up hasbeen who redeems himself with one last blast from the past. The problem for Disney is that the same fanboys don't seem to like having Rey as the Marvel style superhero, so one last desperate trundle out for the old guard is all that's probably holding this episode up at the box office and stopping it from being an outright flop like the Han Solo film. The last nostalgia card they have left is Ewan McGregor as Obiwan but how do you turn his hermit years on Tatooine into something worth a big budget trilogy? JJ Abrams may have done to the Star Wars franchise what he did to Star Trek on motion pictures by going for regurgitated image over substance and leaving it with no obvious way ahead in terms of a narrative.
  7. Tynierose would probably also be suitable. He put a licensing application together while on the Bo'ness United committee and is now the secretary of Linlthgow Rose.
  8. Floodlights are only needed for licensing to play tier 5 Lowland League and above not for pyramid entry at EoS or SoS level below that where the WRSJFA are expected to enter.
  9. That would be up there with David Blunkett for unexpected bedroom shenanigans.
  10. Cumnock and Petershill put in applications. It is unclear whether they were forwarded to the licensing committee by the SFA board.
  11. You are the big spending former league team and losing this game looks like one too many defeats in terms of being anything more than a long shot as a promotion contender given the gulf in quality between the top and bottom halves of the league.
  12. Think he's from Firs Street in Falkirk originally which was where the turnstiles used to be for the old Shire park. There appears to be money available for next season again as they are extending the contracts on their best players now that promotion is looking like an extreme long shot this season.
  13. Explaining where Snoke came from and how he took over the Empire remnants so effectively was always going to be tricky as was providing some sort of satisfactory explanation for the emergence of "Mary Sue". Think they found a reasonable way to deal with the issues that had been created by TFA, but it's obvious it wasn't what was originally intended and that they had hoped to be able to do a lot more with the new generation of characters. Will be interesting to see how much appetite there is for the further adventures of Rey a decade or two down the road once none of the actors associated with original trilogy are available any more. Think they will need to come up with something fresh to keep this franchise going.
  14. Much the same scenario as Rossvale then, so not something you need to be in the Lowland League to encounter. BSC must be doing something right. Knocked out East Fife from the Scottish Cup and beat East Stirling away today who are alleged to be spending over 200k on players this season.
  15. Strawman after strawman. Far left politicians like Corbyn and Galloway who are willing to take money from Press TV despite Iran's dismal human rights record are going to come under intense scrutiny when they suddenly decide human rights are important from a moral standpoint in an Israeli context. I don't care whether Corbyn is personally anti-semitic or not it's what doing stuff like that says about his judgement and fitness for office that was important and which made him such a soft target for Andrew Neil.
  16. The only verifiable fact that matters at this point is that Corbyn lost the election. His car crash interview with Andrew Neil coincided with Labour support hitting a glass ceiling in the low 30s in the opinion polls which no amount of wishful thinking about supposed narrowing gaps and unexpectedly high youth turnouts was going to turn into a Labour victory.
  17. That has nothing whatsoever to do with I wrote. All you are doing is building strawman arguments. Labour didn't need to select a leader who thought that it was a good idea to describe Hamas as his "friends" or who thought it was a good idea to appear on Iran's Press TV and if they hadn't the anti-semitism issue would barely even have registered in recent years. Corbyn has been a disaster as Labour leader, so we can now look forward to Brexit and five years of Boris with none of the checks and balances that the American system has to contain what Trump can get up to.
  18. Too much tolerance of people who cross the line from being anti-Israeli policy in the occupied territories to being outright anti-Jewish. With any of the other leadership contenders that ran against Corbyn this would not have been a major issue.
  19. You are completely missing the point of what the criticisms of Corbyn have been about on this.
  20. Corbyn's handling of the Andrew Neil interview was disastrous for Labour. If Labour had chosen a better leader, this issue would never have been a problem for them.
  21. It was abundantly clear last season that the EoS and LL are not going to agree to this and they have an effective veto because changes to the LL entry playoff format require their approval, so it's difficult to see a scenario unfolding in which it could happen. It's also not clear that the ERSJFA could sustain a 16 club east feeder (due to the travel demands involved), which is what the SFA were saying last year was needed at tier 6. The north and south sections the ERSJFA have this season would be a much better fit for tier 7, which will no doubt be one of the reasons that option two is in there as well.
  22. Rey entering the wet t-shirt contest at the Mos Eisley cantina has set back the cause of feminism by at least 40 years. Thought Chewbacca taking a dump on Palpatine from a high height to save the day at the end was a bit much, and could have lived without that flashback scene of Yoda and Maz Kanata. How on earth did they get a PG-13 rating.
  23. Surprised Burnie_man hasn't responded to this yet. Think it would have to be the tier 7 option two for there to be any chance of it happening and even that's unlikely, unfortunately.
  24. In the minutes they questioned whether the LL playoff format had always required EoS, LL, SoS and SFA approval to change from what I remember, which hinted that they may not care that much on east feeders given it doesn't directly affect them.
  25. I was expanding on what you were saying more than arguing with it. A thought that crossed my mind when writing that post was what happens on banking if NI is permanently inside the EU customs union but still in the UK due to the backstop and whether that provides a useful loophole for the financial services industry?
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