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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. If they are weighting the polls according to what they are genuinely being told by respondents about their likelihood to vote, it isn't safe to automatically dismiss these numbers. If leavers are seething, swivel-eyed and energised while Remainers are despondent, not enthused about either Corbyn or Swinson and apathetic, we could be sleep walking towards disaster.
  2. St Etienne were at their peak in the 60s and 70s before PSG had really fully emerged as a top club and Olympique Lyon are their big regional derby, so don't think that one works. Think it's probably Olympique Marseilles that are viewed as the big game for PSG but that isn't geographical in any way. PSG were formed because the traditional big Paris teams like Racing Club and Stade Francais had collapsed financially in the 60s, so there is no significant local derby game for them.
  3. The reason a lot of people are willing to bet on EVs taking off in a big way soon has more to do with skepticism over how long the shale oil boom will last in the United States than being gullible where Elon Musk is concerned. He's way off base with the hyperloop stuff though:
  4. They've never been to Shetland obviously.
  5. Just watched the interview after seeing this thread. Suspect he was expecting the interviewer to be much more deferential. Instead she asks questions like a prosecutor. I suspect she is unlikely to ever appear on any New Years Honours lists.
  6. Last time they benefited from a swing of working class Leave voters from UKIP opting for them rather than the Tories in the aftermath of the referendum. This time after all their fence sitting when it came to Brexit votes at Westminster they need to get hard core Remainers who have swung over to the Lib Dems back on board to have any hope of approaching 41% again, because the hard core Leave vote has coalesced around Boris and seem unlikely to change its mind on that. Labour are a strong Swinson debate performance away from being well and truly up the proverbial creek. Luckily for them that seems unlikely.
  7. Which brings us neatly back to the beginning of the thread and why a lot of people will not be voting for his party this time around. If you are a socialist then stick to supporting fellow socialists rather than a bunch of balaclava wearing thugs with a political agenda that was straight out of the 17th century.
  8. ...and the moral of the story is be more careful about who you select as a leader. Somebody long viewed as being on the lunatic fringes of a party is probably there for a reason and usually should be left there because of baggage like this.
  9. Maybe the most interesting aspect of this is how few transfers the Conservatives seem to be able to attract. Suggests that they are now starting to be be viewed as the main enemy again by Labour voters rather than the SNP. That could have an impact on tactical voting patterns.
  10. It's definitely genuine and has been widely reported on in GoT fan circles. There were signs things were going seriously off the rails on quality even before Season 8 with, for example: (i) The Bravos scenes after Arya got stabbed by the Waif when Arya clearly should have died after swimming with severe stab wounds in what was probably effectively an open sewer, (ii) the less than convincing way the Freys all got offed and Arya was able to escape in the aftermath, (iii) Bronn's rescue of Jaime when the latter clearly should have drowned given his heavy armour, (iv) and most importantly when Gendry ran back to the wall and a raven was sent to summon Danerys and the dragons, with both the ravens and the dragons needing to fly as fast as a jumbo jet for the story's timeline to make sense. Most fans seemed to be oblivious to it and were still lapping it up. If more had complained maybe HBO would have told D&D that their writing wasn't up to snuff and that they needed to get GRRM more involved again.
  11. It will all boil down to whether tactical voting is mainly anti-SNP over independence or anti-Tory over Brexit.
  12. Deanburn Dave has posted on the Bo'ness United EoS forum thread that BUJFC vs Kirkcaldy & Dysart was c100.
  13. Fishermen in Shetland is one group that immediately comes to mind for me. Some of the Lib Dems rural support base will have been Leave voters in the referendum.
  14. Ma folks aye votit Labour would have been the answer 30 years ago. The reason they are in the low teens is because most of that generation is no longer with us.
  15. Not surprised the Age of Heroes project got binned. Does anyone care any more about the White Walkers after season 8's anti-climax in that regard? Have to wonder whether HBO bothered to actually read Fire & Blood, if they think having source material is important. It's GRRM's Simarillion, basically. Think they would have been better off doing Dunc & Egg. Even though there's only three of them they provide a formula that would probably work well for a few seasons, but maybe the issue is that they think there have to be dragons for it to connect to a sizable portion of the audience.
  16. You were convinced the only show in town would have more than 50 last time. Best to wait for the debates to see how much traction Swinson, Corbyn and Johnson get. As things stand they look like a weak set of opponents this time around.
  17. People often tend to see a deeper hidden plan where the more likely explanation is incompetence.
  18. Are all Green voters really likely to vote SNP otherwise? A lot probably would be more comfortable with the Lib Dems. Also worth bearing in mind what Brexit party candidates are going to do to the Tories, if Nigel Farage's Brino deal patter starts to resonate with hardcore Leave types.
  19. Always think a few skills testing questions should be added to the ballot paper to weed out the clueless.
  20. SF and SDLP doing that has nothing to do with Remain.
  21. Bizarre stuff. Until the issue of how to store energy for when the wind doesn't blow is sorted out in the absence of the terrain needed for pump-storage hydro on the required scale, renewables in the UK will have to be backed up by gas powered stations. A baseload from fossil fuels and/or nuclear will also be needed to keep the grid stable.
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