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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. You are better asking AFJ something like that. Ah come fae Sco'lin. Have been to see Linfield and would have zero problem doing so again, but no matter what city I'm in there needs to be a reason before I'm going to wander about a dodgy looking area I don't know. All I'll add is that as I was walking down Ormeau Road to get back to the hotel in question one time I couldn't help but notice that there was absolutely nobody about quite early on a Saturday evening on one of the main streets very close to the city centre and it suddenly dawned on me that I had a Republican area (the Markets) behind me on one side and a Loyalist area (Donegal Pass) ahead of me on the other. Went over a few streets to the Golden Mile and there were loads of people about. If the locals are steering well clear, there's probably a reason.
  2. If the line of latitude for the boundary is defined by the mouth of the River North Esk they are still in the HL catchment by a few miles, but Oban is now solidly in LL territory after being very close to the dividing line when it was the River Tay that was used.
  3. Guess they could tie up a few loose ends by using it as a way to explain who Snoke was with old Ben managing to drive him away somehow when he was trying to influence a young and impressionable Luke. Suspect it will be quietly forgotten about though, if the Solo one doesn't do well.
  4. Not as bad as the less salubrious parts of the original Hamilton and I am familiar with both. Canadians used to tell me how bad Hamilton, Ont was, but I could never see it having had more than a passing familiarity with areas like Bainsford and Govanhill over the years. You need to visit some of the hidden out of the way Indian Reserves to find something that could sensibly be described as deprivation in Canada because its a rich country in terms of natural resources and they have a reasonably strong welfare state unlike the Americans.
  5. Fairly plush and middle class area as it's close to Queen's, but there are dodgy Loyalist and Republican areas within easy walking distance. You'll be fine as it's easy to avoid them.
  6. Not really. Been a couple of times for work related reasons. Many places to try to see first in the US before going there as a tourist as it's a bit of a dump overall as American cities go. Better to see Niagara Falls from the Canadian side using Toronto as your base.
  7. If that's the one a few doors down from the Alliance Party HQ close to the Queen's campus, I've stayed there. Not a bad breakfast buffet, but don't try to swing a cat in the rooms as they are on the small side. Best to find the Golden Mile and stick to that if going into the city centre on foot to steer clear of dodgier painted kerbstones and gable ends type areas and you can get trains to plenty of places around NI from Botanic station that is just around the corner, so you can easily see a lot more than just Belfast using public transport. Think they have a special discount ticket on Sundays but it's been a while. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Mile_(Belfast)
  8. ...after not being able to move to Ashgill. Confused? You will be after this week's episode of Soap.
  9. Looks like the focus has shifted back to parachuting the OF colt teams into League 2 of the SPFL: https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/celtic-rangers-colt-teams-set-11886261 so not sure where that leaves the WoS league.
  10. Bonnyton Thistle and Glasgow Uni would be obvious ones and it may not just be the OF on colt teams. Smaller full-time clubs that have a 3G pitch like Hamilton Accies and Kilmarnock could put their U-20 development teams into something like this with little additional overhead compared to what they are already doing. Throw in Clydebank at that point and you already have eight members. Would not be at all surprised to see Rossvale and Gartcairn go for something like this, so think they could find a way to reach viable league numbers without any involvement by traditional junior clubs, although having a few to pad things out to 16 or so in numbers terms would obviously help them in credibility terms.
  11. It's Bo'ness as in an abbreviated form of Borrowstounness with a small "n" not Bo'Ness for what it's worth. Not sure where this Linlithgow Rose thing is coming from. There were some rumours that they looked into it towards the end of last season, but it would have to go to a vote of their membership and I think we would have heard about it on here if that had happened. Bo'ness United have been more vocal about it publicly but are also not at the stage where a final decision has been made, as far as I am aware, but are putting everything in place to be able to get licensing at some point down the road. As things stand a superleague club in the west is having a postal vote of its members at the moment to decide whether to switch to the senior grade. Clydebank are known to have been exploring EoS league entry for next season along with Dalkeith Thistle and a third club yet to be named from East Lothian, who are probably Haddington Athletic.
  12. At least we know the TV series is going to reach a conclusion. Given the age George RR Martin is and the health he appears to be in, book readers may wind up with more questions and answers.
  13. Or they quietly changed the latitude number at some point to keep Montrose and the Highland League happy, because it was definitely the mouth of the Tay initially. The old Tayside league junior clubs tend to have reasonably good grounds compared to those from the old Fife league with many even having the so called devil's illumination installed, so some of those clubs can't be too far away on licensing. Given the Lowland league isn't drastically greater in geographical scope than the East Superleague it will be interesting to see, if not having to go to Wick, Brora and Fort William changes anybody's perspective on what the best way ahead is.
  14. That was the plan originally, but the Lowland League clubs were able to change the rules.
  15. Star Wars Empire Strikes Back {watched it on a plane trip recently and it hasn't aged well in special effects terms} Rogue One ...big gap to fair to middling territory... Return of the Jedi The Last Jedi The Force Awakens ...big gap to not even a rental territory... Prequels
  16. That's the $64,000 question. They need the appearance of a pyramid for UEFA reasons but don't want all 160 or so SJFA clubs joining club licensing en masse, so as long as it is a trickle rather than a flood I suspect they will stay supportive of clubs doing a Kelty for now. Time will tell.
  17. Has the SFA not twisted the arm of the SoS to reluctantly accept the likes of Edusport and Bonnyton Thistle? It's not fully clear yet how much leeway the leagues have on that.
  18. Disney had a problem moving into this trilogy. Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher could no longer act at a level that was attracting leading roles in other films and Harrison Ford who can didn't really want to do it and was only willing to do what amounted to a cameo role before his charcater got killed off once and for all. Think when you bear that backdrop in mind the way they have handled it makes sense, i.e. Carrie Fisher's character in a coma for most of one film with Laura Dern shoehorned in as a new character to deliver most of her lines, and Mark Hamill appearing for a few seconds in one and being himself as a bitter old hasbeen in the other. By all accounts the Han Solo prequel film could bomb as the actor hired for the main character can't do the role properly in a Hayden Christiansen I don't like sand sort of way. Much the same could have happend with TLJ if Luke Skywalker was still at the top of his game in the script.
  19. ...but are what things could slowly get back to again now that Theresa May has pledged that there will be no hard border. A lot still to unfold obviously, but what May agreed to recently over the RoI-NI border would lead to a scenario similar to the soft and almost transparent border between Norway and Sweden, which happens despite Sweden being an EU member and Norway being on the outside. A hard no deal Brexit would be a catastrophe in economic terms for both the UK and RoI, so Dublin definitely won't be pushing for the hard Brexit outcome that was most likely to fuel SF electorally and result in UI fairly quickly on a historical type timescale, and despite what gets said about the DUP they are rational actors in all of this as well and likely to steer the Tories towards a softer Brexit with the leverage they have at the moment. The bigger problem for Ulster Unionism in a soft Brexit scenario is what Scotland does down the road, because it makes independence more likely and my guess would be more likely than not to have happened after a generation or so.
  20. Yet again this guy can only deal with me as a stereotype. Worth noting that what I wrote implicitly concedes that UI could happen in timelines of about 25 years and beyond, so not sure how that translates to No Surrender, but whatever.
  21. She basically got ragdolled by snoke and had the light sabre bounce off her head and then wasn't able to beat Kylo on claiming the light sabre so it was destroyed? It was slightly more reasonable from that standpoint this time.
  22. Dream on. You must be at the wind up with this as you seem too intelligent to really believe that. No way it happens in a timeline of under 20 years and even after that it's no sure thing. There have been numbers as low as 3% support in NI for UI happening straight away in surveys on the subject this decade and a soft Brexit as Theresa May now appears to have pledged will happen could easily create an environment again where it stays a long term aspiration for a lot of people that they never quite get around to actually doing with NI stumbling on out of force of habit Belgium style. Beyond that the Tim Pat Coogan types always neglect to mention how migration in and out of NI cancels out much of the demographic effect of differences in birth rates, so Ulster isn't quite as doomed as some bloggers would like you to believe.
  23. Their core following will have no problem whatsoever with what he did, so they were always going to be reluctant to do any more than they felt they absolutely had to for PR reasons. To paraphrase Newton Emerson on the Portadown News website many years ago, After first wiping off most of the blood, Gerry Adams extended the hand of friendship to NI's Unionist community...
  24. ...Spartans was the obvious one until Edinburgh City moved in there. The weird thing about LTHV is that they talked in the Edinburgh News about having applied for the Lowland League when they had no chance of getting licensed at Saughton and don't appear to have tried to make alternative arrangements. That's maybe why people are suspicious that they are content where they are right now and in no rush to sort things out.
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