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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. http://www.bonnyriggrosefc.co.uk/teams/118321/news/results-of-sgm-2227290.html ...We will take the mandate given to us by our members to set the wheels in motion in order to make the recommended proposal a reality over the course of the next few months...
  2. ....and the EoS probably wouldn't have a banner at the top of their website explaining the procedure to apply, if they were not anticipating a large influx this year. If, as appears to be the case, clubs are doing this as one of the final steps to securing licensing from the SFA it's not clear to what extent the EoS could actually say no to any applicant club from their geographical catchment that ticks all the boxes on that. You would almost get the impression that a Whitehill Welfare fan might be concerned that Lowland League status for their club in another 5 to 10 years may not seem as secure as it had up to now?
  3. So as things stand it looks like the applicants are the following (please reply if you see a mistake or have additional information): East Super: Camelon, Bonnyrigg Rose Premier: Dalkeith, Musselburgh, Haddington, Dunbar, Blackburn South: Edinburgh United West Super Premier: Clydebank? (subject to the outcome of an EGM this weekend)
  4. That one seemed a bit far-fetched, so not surprised. Here's what I think has been suggested so far, with clubs with apparent website confirmation bolded and italics used where it looked more like a rumour, maybe people can clarify, if they know something is mistaken: East Super: Camelon, Bonnyrigg Rose (if EGM ratifies), Hill of Beath? (discussed at committe level), Dundonald Bluebell? (discussed internally) Premier: Dalkeith, Musselburgh, Haddington, Dunbar, Blackburn South: Edinburgh United West Super Premier: Clydebank (holding EGM unclear what league and timeline), Kilwinning Rangers (EoS West Region timeline unclear), Pollok?, Rob Roy?, Girvan? Super First: Troon? Ayrshire District: Ardrossan?, Dalry?
  5. Haven't seen the documentary. From what I remember at the time it was originally reported by the media that the two corporals were Loyalists rather than soldiers and the suspicion in the aftermath was that the reason that they were left to their gruesome fate by the security forces was that Michael Stone had effectively been rescued from a similar fate and the powers that be may have come to the conclusion that not doing so in their case would make Loyalists think twice before ever doing something like that again. Think welshbairn's scenario rings true and would fit what unfolded.
  6. The puppet on the left opposes the puppet on the right, hey wait a minute there's only one hand, as Bill Hicks used to put it. If there's a war that the US military is involved in even MSBNC remains very much on message from a Pentagon standpoint and will do things like firing Phil Donohue. The Vietnam War era where dissent was tolerated in media terms and there were limited attempts to question the official Pentagon line is long gone. The US corporate media is every bit as biased as RT when the perceived national interests of the US are involved and good luck hearing any input on current events from that source from somebody like Noam Chomsky, who regularly speaks truth to power in an American context.
  7. Jesse Ventura on the long-haired American? Abby Martin's Breaking the Set was really good, but she spoke truth to power about the antics of the little green men in Crimea with the inevitable outcome in career terms. That whole episode showed that RT was just the mirror image of Pentagon propaganda outlets like Fox News or CNN. If Alex Salmond has any integrity he won't last long on that channel for similar reasons.
  8. If this Kello thing is legit it's a bit of an eyeopener given they are in super first at the moment and are already doing the region wide travelling. Suspect they would fancy their chances of being in the playoff to get into the Lowland League reasonably regularly given the level of competition in the SoS.
  9. Just saw online that Scottish Tories are threatening to vote down a final deal over continuing EU access to fisheries. The job security of Ruth Davidson's MPs appears to be more important to her than her former pro-Remain stance. http://www.businessinsider.com/scottish-tories-threaten-to-reject-brexit-deal-over-fishing-rights-2018-3?IR=T
  10. Craigroyston and Easthouses must be wondering whether they made the right move now.
  11. Somebody fae Kemlin using the word "awesome" without apparent irony is definitely a sign of changing times. Would guess that having the Shire doing so well in the Lowland League with ex-Camelon players and an ex-manager got some people thinking along the lines of why not us. Used to wind up Shire supporters on here about future local derbies with Camelon and Bo'ness United within 5 years, because it irritates me a bit that something that sensible in terms of clubs in the same area with similar quality teams and support levels playing against each other has always been regarded by some as an outlandish possibility. Looks like it could just about happen on that timeline, which is something I didn't really expect. Thought it was possible, if the trapdoor ever got opened, but 10 to 20 years would be much more likely.
  12. This just appeared on the juniors subforum and suggests the two regional divisions thing might be happening:
  13. The full implications of what is being referred to as "East of Scotland, West Region" is the interesting snippet in that.
  14. Was hinted at one here a few pages back, by somebody clearly in the know at Kelty:
  15. Would have thought the way to do it would be to have two geographical divisions and a playoff to determine the overall champion during the first season after a massive influx. League positionings for the following season could then be determined by who finishes in the top half and bottom half of each division. Still somewhat skeptical that this will be a problem though. Last season the rumour was three superleague clubs but it wound up being one.
  16. For those that missed it: The east superleague club that have applied and have not been mentioned are probably not Bonnyrigg (yet to have their EGM) or Bo'ness United, so that's a bit of a bombshell. The premier club would be Dalkeith obviously, and the South division club might be Edinburgh United?
  17. Not really arguing with you, if you are the guy that has posted that previously in response to one of my posts on the subject, but what I find difficult to believe with that narrative on events is that it wasn't clarified publicly by the SFA when the media were stating Montrose would wind up in the Highland League if they lost the playoff against Brora Rangers. It makes much more sense to have the boundary just north of Montrose and allow the HL to stick to its original catchment and Tayside clubs to look to the central belt as they have traditionally preferred, so either way it's good that the location of the line has been clarified/modified.
  18. The dividing line got moved to the North Esk, which is a few miles north of Montrose, so all junior and senior clubs in Angus and Perthshire now fall into the Lowland League catchment.
  19. This guy claims to know the score: 4 East SL: Bonnyrigg, Bo'ness United, Hill of Beath? and ??? 3 East PL: Dalkeith, Haddington? and ??? South: Edinburgh United? Just north of the Tay: ??? from the west: Clydebank
  20. How about the Saltire? The problem is that people only want to ban the symbols they don't like and haven't really internalised the values of modern political correctness, but instead see it as a useful weapon to go after groups they don't like.
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