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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. She'll not be telling you a few misread your post.
  2. I see dinosaurs thriving every time I watch the news these days.
  3. If that assumption was a shot at goal, it would go out for a throw in.
  4. We're only trapped in a long drawn out process because we want our cake and we're arrogant enough to think the EU will spoon feed it to us.
  5. Just in case Lachlan changes his mind. https://the72.co.uk/120500/opinion-ayr-united-goal-machine-must-sunderlands-top-january-target/
  6. To be honest, I've not witnessed many if any in either party that could step up to the plate and do much better, we could be doing with another 600 or so Tescos opening up, although I wouldn't allow many to push my own trolley IIBH.
  7. If the SNP have fucked up everything they've touched then how do you judge the Torys, Labour and Lib Dems elsewhere in the UK.
  8. Shankland will earn what he's worth when he leaves, his wage at Ayr will have no bearing on what he earns when he leaves, it is only the ugly sisters that can entice fans to play for less than they're worth.
  9. Based on the performance of the other parties running the other parts of the UK, we're going out of the UK because the shite down south have run large swathes of the country into the ground, you'll blame immigrants not integrating in those areas, I blame the 3 main parties for not giving a flying f**k about those areas while spunking as much as possible on London.
  10. Because that would be the going rate. Steph McMillan was earning £5k a week at Wigan well over a decade ago. A wee add on, I'd be absolutely flabbergasted if Shankland is only on £600 a week at Ayr, 8x his current salary would probably take him up to the higher figure mentioned.
  11. No, we voted NO in 2014 and are living by that vote, if at some point in the future, we decide to have another indyref, that'll be fine, that's democracy in action. Anybody that cares about Scotland would only vote SNP/Greens, the other parties couldn't give a flying f**k about Scotland or it's people.
  12. If Nicky Devlin got £4k then U'd think Shankland will receive at least double that, he's a gamechanger and Devlin runs fast.
  13. I was not interested in the EU referendum, I voted remain solely due to the racist undertones of the debate but I don't think it's right to just ignore a democratic vote, it's a dangerous precedent IMO, we'd prpbably still be waiting for independence if we'd voted YES, things like that happen then the people should be up in arms not thinking about themselves.
  14. I don't care if we go into financial meltdown after Brexit, we're a democracy and the majority should get what they voted for before another referendum, it's actually shocking how many people are willing to throw their rights away to save £20 or £30 a week.
  15. I always felt the boy had something about him, unfortunately our balls into the box in that era were played in with zero vision.
  16. Stevie Fultons boy he's a midfilder so would he actualy get in the team? McBurnie has 9 in 17 this season so is doing not to bad (still rate Lawrence better) so we may still get to keep him to the end of the season on loan if they do sign him. I'm hoping Shankers' auld man looks at their games, not convinced he'd be seen at his best there.
  17. Jay Fulton. Would be better if we could get one of the Ayew brothers.
  18. Makes complete sense to take the most money for him then. Makes sense for the boy to move to the team/manager that he thinks will improve his career long term, he's never earned big bucks so earning a wee bit less at a club that fits his style should be his aim, bonus for him if that club is the biggest payers as well.
  19. Rangers were mugs with regard to Nichol, £50k cost them a player that Liverpool utilised for a decade and a half.
  20. It'll be who knocks who out 1st, the minute Joshua needs to take a backward step he looks like a drunk running backwards.
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