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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. He will do a job for you, he's not too far off being good enough for a top of the Championship side
  2. He'll not be doing the aeroplane that day, might be piloting the chopper on helicopter Saturday right enough. A wee swoop in over Ibrox en route to Parkhead.
  3. I think the board have a lot to answer for, the writing was on the wall when they couldn't be arsed getting BR's main signing target in the summer
  4. I'm speaking from experience, no way would I have stayed with my late wife if I wasn't allowed to treat her son like my own. Treating all 3 same hasn't worked out too badly.
  5. f**k all to do with being his fault but I don't see the point in being in a relationship if you're not participating in a childs life.
  6. You could mibbee put some big boy pants on and show the boy the right way instead of acting like he's f**k all to do with you.
  7. How many clubs with a squad and profile similar to Leicester are going be looking for a manager in the summer? Out of those, how many will have Brendan at the top of their list, he's not exactly shown himself able to organise a defence thus far.
  8. Why on earth would he wait until the end of the season, Leicester are probably the best offer he's likely to receive after Celtic, the offer might not be there in the summer.
  9. Sorry I cant help it, there's another 10 Ayr fans?? I deserve what happens next. Fortunately they're all to busy fretting over Robbie Crawford starting tonight.
  10. Aw shucks y'all get promoted now, you hear me. There will be another 10 Ayr fans along shortly to blow the harmony to bits.
  11. You might be correct on both counts but he's definitely the best candidate by a distance in and around Scottish football. Unusually for an Ayr fan, I hope he stays at Rugby Park, he's doing a fine job and helps keep a wee bit of pressure on us to get our shit together.
  12. That might make sense to Celtic as they are renowned for their tight-arsedness.
  13. You can if Celtic feel the time has come to tackle the issue properly, marriage made in heaven.
  14. Why? Stevie Clarke is head and shoulders above Lennon IMHO.
  15. You'd think we would learn more ways to create chances not less, the humping the ball anywhere pish wouldn't trouble Glenburn. Time to get Kerr back in the side and give Robbie a lengthy rest, the boy hasn't filled his jersey for months now.
  16. I've not saw much in the last 14 weeks to suggest we're doing anything other than having a wee shot in the playoffs, we looked like midtable mediocrity today.
  17. That article is a bit of an eye opener, no wonder both the bigot brothers are always claiming to be put upon.
  18. I wish they would plant Barnes on the panel every week, his few minutes of contributions were amongst the most honest and inciteful input on QT in a long time.
  19. It's like companys are punishing England & Wales for voting leave.
  20. I'm pretty confident that Hearns/Joshua are only going to America to gain relevance now that The Man is back, they would have been quite happy to continue to rake in the cash if Wilder/Fury hadn't usurped them. They both watched Fury/Wilder, even they know AJ is no longer the main man.
  21. Not really, they actually had a pretty decent home record over a period of a decade or so in Europe.
  22. Mackay is sharper than Swinney IMHO, Swinney can hardly stand on his feet at times never mind think on them.
  23. That'll be a toughie for AJ, Miller has still to lose a fight down the Dog n Duck.
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