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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Probably the perfect job for Goodwin as a next step, apart from suffering relegation which I can't see, the Pars are nearly as low as they'll go IMO.
  2. Don't think AJ can have any complaints, they've went from one of my favourites for the league to little more than relegation battlers in a short space of time, too good a club to put up with that shite for too long.
  3. Aye but you used to get entry to the pictures and a mix up for a jeely jar DAAS.
  4. Bizzy was a bundle of energy in a team of players going through the motions, think we got Robbo in return.
  5. That's the problem, we've been haemorrhaging points ever since that performance, it's well past the time for Ayr to be looking at staying up, top 4 etc, we either need to start showing the mindset to win the league on the pitch and terraces or we just let Shankland & Co go and settle for 7th or 8th, I think we've a great chance of winning this league, not convinced enough at Ayr or within the fanbase truly believe the same, "oh great, I thought we'd be in the relegation therefore we'll not be too critical of poor performances/performers" appears to be the mindset of the majority, we need more to win this.
  6. Personally, I thought he was done when I watched him, that was a wee while ago so he might just have been off form.
  7. You might be underestimating how much we miss Kerr linking up with Shankland, Moffat & Co, while we're doing quite well without him, he's more composed and has a far wider range of passes than anyone else that plays in central midfield.
  8. If the judges had done their job Fury would be in the mix, all things considered, his performance against Wilder was nearly unbelievable.
  9. Considering the basket cases already there, I can't see any problem, I'd hazard a guess that we'd be on a better financial footing than the majority of members on a per head of population basis. The biggest risk to Scotlands long term financial future is binding us to a country with 2 main parties that are more interested in keeping the different factions within their parties happy than anything that helps Team GB.
  10. We'd still be up trees if risks weren't taken.
  11. The risk is not whether we end up better or worse off than them, it's whether we end up worse off than we are now. I think it takes a special kind of stupid to think we would be in the long term. Unfortunately we've got more than our fair share of "special" people with influence in Scotland.
  12. Was there last night good to see the players who in the most don't stay local giving up there free time, I honestly think this is the best atmosphere at the club in the time I have been a supporter even if we fall away I hope this new bond between the club and supporters continues for a long **** it sumtimes felt the fans were a distraction to the club but thst all seams to have changed. I've not watched anything that would suggest this will happen, the bookies odds on favourites were on the verge of a scudding until the weather changed at half time, time to look for more from our team when we drop points rather than expecting/waiting for them to start going on the slide, the fans need to start believing as much as the players and management appear to.
  13. Nah, most are the least informed and most shit feart in Scotland, anyone that's driven by the headlines of the MSM can't be that bright, hope to be proved wrong but as of now I've witnessed very little intelligence or interest from over 65's other than if they're winning or losing a quid.
  14. It's a gamble as we're obviously too thick to run our own affairs, Cameron, Osborne, Boris, May, Blair, Corbyn etc are all obviously far more intelligent than anyone we can produce up here. As a nation, we were obviously just very lucky to produce all the inventors and innovators of the past.
  15. Aye, boring merging into bollocks with a silent fucking.
  16. Does he care, being an absolute c**t hasn't did any harm to Blair's bank account, Dodgy Dave's will be suitably healthy as well.
  17. Corbyn is useless, a halfwit with a bit about them would be 20 points clear in the polls.
  18. Have to admit that it's a bit disheartening that the people of Scotland put their faith in the shower of shite within Westminster in 2014, hell mend us for not putting up a good enough argument back then, the SNP led YES movement were too busy being niceynicey while the other side when spouting any old shite. That morning when Cameron and Osborne were running around studios like headless chickens just before the indyref should have forewarned the thickest of the thick about the quality of the most influential Westminster poiticians.
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