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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Just to add some perspective to our season, we played really well for the 1st quarter and have allowed the team to live off that for the last 2 quarters, all went pete tong after County when we dropped Moffat for Moore, only regained our swagger or style of play fleetingly since then, fortunately we stole 3 victories in a row after the County game or we'd be seriously staring relegation in the face again.
  2. Hardly played in 30 years and I'd happily play him for any amount.
  3. I'm just telling you that it's not out there on a daily basis as much as people think, I've no doubt that might change if your in the local singing YNWA or whatever, I'm also in no doubt that it's just under the surface for a fair % of the village.
  4. When did you make that your main point? The catholic population might be very small but it's not non-existent, if there is 1 catholic for every 10 protestants then there's still quite a few in all these orange hell-holes, I don't know how they put up with being accosted all the time or having their windows panned in regularly.
  5. They used to get bussed in there from all over once they got to academy age, if all these things were happening to do with sectarianism all the time there wouldn't be any catholics in all those places you named.
  6. I'm in Tarbolton and I've no idea what the catholic population is, doesn't really interest me, Mossblown is just down the road and it had/has a catholic school so I'm guessing there are enough about.
  7. Of course it is, the sectarian songs are just part of their songbook, I've no doubt that quite a few will be bigoted and I'd probably witness it if I was in the pub often enough.
  8. In all honesty, I live in a heavy duty Rangers village and don't hear sectarianism very often at all except through football, people from elsewhere seem to think that all the folk are walking about spouting their pish all the time, I'll hear stuff sometimes at shutting time when folk are toddling home blootered but everyday life is not contaminated with it.
  9. Price is dishing out a hiding at the moment.
  10. I've been going for 50 years and that song was due to Killie being a shitehole in comparison to Ayr in my day, the comparison is no longer there but the song is.
  11. You're the one that's saying they're doing that, I have a different view. You can post your disgust all night, I'll still not be fussed.
  12. I'm not fussed either way as it's not an attack on skin colour.
  13. It is a term that will be used on a daily basis around Ayrshire with regards to a lack of cleanliness.
  14. There's no double meaning to them and I'm not fussed about it either way.
  15. Why would I be on the wind up, both teams have had quite a few black players over the years.
  16. It's been sung whilst both teams have black players on the park, never noticed or heard of any taking it to mean them. Even non white people have used that term to mean dirty here from time to time.
  17. You're not exactly covering yourself in glory yourself.
  18. The only fanbase that doesn't get offended by our song are the recipients of said song.
  19. Being good has it's drawbacks, a midweek away day to Dingwall followed by a Saturday with our fingers up our arse, you couldn't make it up.
  20. I'd love to see strict liability introduced but 3 or 4 clubs just wouldn't go for it, so it won't happen. As a fan of Ayr, we've some songs that some find distasteful and we've a group of fans that like pyro (I don't mind either), if either of those were dragged in under strict liability I've no doubt that our fanbase would cease both instantly as neither are that important to those that partake in them. I'm of an age where I along with the majority have sang bigoted songs, not because I was bigoted but because it was aimed at whichever of the ugly sisters we were playing, like most Ayr fans, I ceased that sort of thing many decades ago once I realised it was a load of shite and what it was actually about.
  21. I could replace Higgy for most of our defenders in your post.
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