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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Looks to me like the judge has decided that WOS is such a fud that he can't have many feelings to hurt, score draw.
  2. When has Sam Allardyce generally done abysmally leading to being sacked?
  3. I've actually no great interest other than how it affects independence, can't say I'm too confident at the moment, SNP appear to be ploughing on regardless, obviously not learned from cornering the YES campaign as their own.
  4. You'll not be able to say much either way since you were one of the thicker than thicks that eased us into this shambles.
  5. We'll see, I've not saw or heard anything that makes No Deal less likely than all the other scenarios, Tories are doing Brexit no matter how much mumping and moaning every c**t does.
  6. No it isn't, get a rabid brexiteer in and run the clock down.
  7. Robertson signed for them in the top league, I've saw nowt to suggest Dundee United are getting out of this league this season, I don't even fancy them to win a 2 legged tie IIBH.
  8. Smith's a good player who's making a big mistake signing for Dundee United, next season should see them having a decent chance of promotion, not exactly ambitious and shows a lack of confidence from Smith IMHO.
  9. Not a nagging doubt, political suicide if there's another vote with REMAIN on the ballot, these fuckers are too self-absorbed to crucify themselves or their parties.
  10. Aye but the losers want LEAVE to be as near to REMAIN as possible, all the ties and regs without a say.
  11. Getting a proper Brexit on time should have been a penalty kick after the GE election, I reckon we'd still be fighting for independence if we'd voted YES, I'm sure we'd all be quite happy just staying in the UK if we'd voted 52/48 YES, there's no way these pages would be full of tears and snotters from all the ragers if that was the case.
  12. Probably because they lost a democratic vote.
  13. We had a GE because of Brexit, the GE was about nothing else.
  14. Ach, he's done well to get you into 2nd, every chance of promotion next season.
  15. I really don't think she is that opposed to No Deal, she's not really done that much to avoid one.
  16. The EU have played hardball from day 1, unfortunately our press and Govt were too busy doing the billybigbaws act to acknowledge and admit it. I've not heard anything so far that deflects away from the the Noel Edmunds Brexit, the Westminster Govt haven't looked anything other than shamateurish since that pole showed YES in front.
  17. I just can't see a proper membership of The Customs Union, I just can't see her going with anything that involves free movement, it could be carnage for her party if she reneges on it now.
  18. I think they've all been playing tig for the last 3 years.
  19. Wait and see what happens if/when it goes tits up.
  20. Brexit can't happen without agreement on the WA and Brexit of some kind will happen.
  21. In all honesty I wouldn't have Blackford involved either, also saves anyone pointing fingers at the SNP if it all goes tits up, I'll settle for that.
  22. She's having a fucking laugh, she should have been sitting down with Corbyn the morning after the GE.
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