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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. No, it's not strange, it's exactly the type of target that a wily rapist would choose.
  2. Quite right granda, I'll stick to being a "yer da" type rather than these folk that can't see the wood for the trees, her deal isn't near a proper brexit and everyone and their granny thinks an even softer brexit will happen without consequences.
  3. Who wouldn't take a wild card to play with Katie Swan.
  4. On my worst day I'll still be sharper than you, away back to the "P&B's biggest fannies" thread so someone else can tag you.
  5. He's better than the dregs, now f**k off and take your whining shitey posts elsewhere Following someone around because they greenied someone who'd earlier made a racist post is a sure sign of a snivelling little fanny.
  6. You need banned as much as anyone you've a beef with, now f**k off and give us all peace, Jimmy has posted on our threads for ages without too many problems.
  7. Why would you think I've any interest in Farage beyond pishing myself laughing if he manages to upset the establishment apple cart. Sturgeon and the SNP need to find a way into the minds of the numbskulls if they want to win indyref2.
  8. As I've said before, both sides lied, it actually doesn't matter now as May has made such a riproaring c**t of it, Farage is/will only speaking/speak to those of his persuasion, IMO there's an awful lot of them down south and all the REMAIN parties will be fighting over the other block which my well be in the majority now, he's not even started and the polls are getting interesting already.
  9. Yes, they're long gone, every Tory and Labour MP stood on a manifesto of delivering Brexit, they haven't managed it, Farage has no interest in anything Remainers has to say, he's playing to the audience that he's interested in while Marr & Co are looking like Jim Murphy and his mob when they didn't realise their support was evaporating.
  10. I don't know how anyone can watch that interview and think Farage got skewered, Marr got skelped then resorted to bringing up things that no longer matter, every interview with Farage that resorts to what was said before the EU referendum is only wasting time that could be used to grill/discredit Farage, it might end up being a choice between Bojo and Farage somewhere down the line.
  11. Well done Queens, your decent or better performances were far higher than League 1 deserves, where the f**k the constant period of crap ones came from I've no idea.
  12. That right hand negates any/all lack of actual skill. The power in it is beyond normal scale. AJ's biggest weakness suits that punch perfectly.
  13. I've not a problem with their REMAIN stance, it's all the other votes that make them a bit cultish.
  14. Mon Jack, you know you want/need him. All the best to the boy, has been a pleasure watching the best striker I've watched in an Ayr shirt, worth the entrance money on his own for most of the season.
  15. I wouldn't want 6 SNP spokespeople but a balance of audience, panel and the chairperson would be fine, won't happen as QT has long since given up on being balanced.
  16. They vote the same on almost everything, if they were told it was 2 sugars in the tea they'd all fucking vote for it and follow it. And don't kid on there's loads of politicians of any persuasion that are actually that principled.
  17. He should just refer to Rafa as "The Power", maybe tell him to haul the net down and sign it after every win.
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