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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Has anyone asked questions about the proposed development of the car park and surrounding areas, where are offices and shop going, will we have a car park etc
  2. I think McCall is spunking our budget for the next 10 years on Turnbull.
  3. I'd be more inclined to think Celtic knew Norwich were on the case and tried to save face, backfired badly.
  4. You should be used to it by now, we've been tail end charlies for about 10 years now, sometimes it works and sometimes we get relegated.
  5. He certainly is. And he's here white knighting the Motherwell boys. tbf,you've white knighted them far more than I thought possible.
  6. Why is he going to those diddies, when's the last time they sold a youngster to a team in the higher echelons of the EPL.
  7. I'm not into blaming for the 3rd 4th bit, you're either trying to go up or your there for £75k, both weren't possible IMO.
  8. He can answer for himself tomorrow but I'm pretty sure he mentioned putting a wedge in last season.
  9. It's probably as simple as Lachlan not being willing to throw a wedge in this season, we can't shout for Shanks to stay until the end of the season and then moan too much when that cash isn't there.
  10. He's just emphasising what he already said about our reduced budget, the vast majority on here just chose to ignore the fact that he actually mentioned it weeks ago.
  11. Fair play to the boy for holding out for what he thinks he's worth, why the f**k would he choose to sign for that shower after those disrespectful "toys oot the pram" tweets.
  12. All the best to Robbie, I think he can be a better player than he showed in an Ayr jersey last season.
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