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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Well done RN, a day at time and an hour or a minute at a time on a bad day.
  2. Yep, we've robbed results against you so many times over the last decade or so.
  3. That's poor, it's white folk they have a problem with.
  4. We'll never know. And thats to both their shame. We know.
  5. Money would have been even harder to hit before they slowed down, Manny' fighting style was made for Floyd to ridicule.
  6. I actually let myself down by posting that, it is far better just telling them the evidence is there if they wish to look for it, usually followed by numerous sheepish dumplings posting about me being a numpty as I don't post the proof, the non sheep usually know whether it's bullshit or not.
  7. Cheers, was meaning more in a physiological way.
  8. Aye but not after being totally owned by said boxer.
  9. I'll not comment on the boys in blue but corruption up the ladder is most certainly a thing, I'm quite sure the levels of smack went up when we were controlling a good chunk of Afghanistan.
  10. You're correct, waiting until someone is over the hill enough to take a beating from a lesser boxer is indeed fantasy of the highest order.
  11. Can't have a bad day with a wee via like that.
  12. Shankland's a joy to watch when on form, his goals are just a bonus, personally think he'll be a better number 10 when he goes up the levels.
  13. Yes, I've not looked at it enough to know what Brexit should look like.
  14. Never said it was great but it is what I've felt all along, May was just the patsy put in place to take the fall IMO.
  15. I've felt that was the only course of action since the start, not read or heard anything in the intervening years that changes my mind.
  16. Drama about shirt numbers, I wore 4 as a CF in the 70's, who actually cares about nonsense like that.
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