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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. That was after the 2015 GE and well before the Scottish elections, I'm looking for multiple polls approaching elections.
  2. Were SNP polling at around 50% or more before the 2015 campaign?
  3. I don't but Hendry never blinked when the Tory was spouting it never mind interject.
  4. I was more pissed off at Brewer allowing the "having to join the Euro" comment to pass unchallenged, unfortunately the less engaged just lap up the shite as fact. As usual the SNP rep was too busy bumping his gums about his own agenda, why didn't he just ask "Gordon why did you allow that lie to pass unchallenged?", time to put independence left right and centre instead of self or party interest.
  5. Or use him to link up with a goalscorer if you don't have a better number 10.
  6. They do that because the fuckwits within our population don't know the difference, our NHS is nowhere near the disaster down south, most up here think it is.
  7. I think it's only yourself that thinks you're an Ayr fan.
  8. Couldn't really give a f**k, I'm more interested in knowing whether we're heading to be an eternal diddierdiddy, will wait until I hear more details.
  9. Eric Sykes is looking well.
  10. Yup I'm that guy getting some stick the morra Playing it safe is vastly over-rated.
  11. I've never understood those that dish out abuse to ex players that did us a turn.
  12. Very poor, surely he deserves a photoshopping.
  13. It wouldn't be Ayr if there weren't some players injured even when there's no games.
  14. All the best to the boy, if he's as fit as he was this time last year he'll be a star at Tannadice.
  15. Would never lower myself to join twatter never mind put that shite up, the boy was a joy to watch. I'm a Sunderland fan and wanted him to go there, a large part of me thinks he's dodged a bullet as they're still looking like a basket case and they certainly weren't playing football suitable to his style last season. ftr, I think he'll be a number 10 rather than a number 9.
  16. Why only learn lessons from 2 games, I watched hundreds of mistakes over dozens of games, many of them replicated multiple times per game, I watched players being allowed to do the same things game after game with seemingly no desire or encouragement to change.
  17. Hope Goodwin does well for you guys, I think he's the best manager in the Championship and I really like his no bulllshit style of interviews, the only man from that league I would consider changing for our own manager. A wee bit gutted for Alloa and their fans, one of my favourite away days and a well run club.
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