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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. All these things are out there, recession( still waiting on the contraction, in fact it grew quicker than estimated at one point), 500,000 job losses(nearly a million wrong), of course these predictions never happened and weren't pushed to death by the MSM.
  2. Folk lose their jobs all the time for various reasons, that's just life.
  3. No, it's more disingenuous to suggest that we weren't promised an immediate meltdown by the great and good on the Remain side.
  4. I recall Georgieboy promising us that the disaster would be "immediate and profound", yet here we are living in a growing economy with decent employment and unemployment figures, may well get worse if we ever actually leave but there's been nowt to write home about so far.
  5. We were promised armageddon from the getgo, just one of many lies from the remain side, the fact that only peapods believed the bullshit on either side doesn't detract from the fact that both sides were less than honest with the electorate.
  6. The BoE reckon the economy is £40bn smaller now than it would be if we'd voted remain. That's exactly the kind of effect that we'd been warned about. You now appear to be sucking up everything you're told from those you used to question on a daily basis, if those at the BoE and elsewhere blindfolded themselves and used a pin to decide their forecasts the results would be no worse than they've been in recent years, might even be better.
  7. That was always going to be the case, didn't stop the fearmongering.
  8. Sure, we had the slowest recovery from a recession in history because of the Tories austerity policies but we were finally getting decent figures before the vote and now we're back down to 1.2% or so. Even Portugal is doing better. Aye, 1.2% ain't exactly the immediate armageddon we were promised.
  9. No, we had the nigh-on the largest growth in Western Europe before the vote, now we're third bottom. It's not a fall like loads of others, it's been going on for three years now, with the odd blip up when it looks like a deal has been reached. Which quickly disappears when it turns out to be a mirage. Apart from jobs, the predictions were more or less bang on. God knows what a no deal exit would look like. When you're coming from f**k all rises always appear larger, we had the largest growth due to every other mob getting their shit together much quicker than ourselves.
  10. Oh yeah, I forgot about the pound down about 11% since the vote (probably more now after yesterday), the BoE pumping QE probably saved us from the worst of it but, yeah, this pretty much as predicted. Away and look at historical trends, I'm sure you'll notice that it's just a fall like loads of others and not in the same stratosphere as the worst ones, the long term trend is downward.
  11. No, we were supposed to go into meltdown the minute the vote came in, the wobble in the markets reflected this, as it stands, I don't think Brexit will be as bad as portrayed, I'm actually more worried about the rejection of democracy over short term pain, time to suck it and see is where I'm at at the moment.
  12. No they didn't, I'm still waiting for the meltdown that was to immediately follow a leave vote.
  13. It's just my opinion but I've never felt any Tory PM could return a soft Brexit without the Tories splintering, IMHO it's all just been a big game designed to run down the clock whilst kidding the population at large on that a soft Brexit was an option, anything involving freedom of movement was not an option to the Tories at any point and being in the Customs Union without it was never a possibility from the EU's point of view.
  14. Did she really defeat them, she's not been able to do a fart without conferring with them 1st.
  15. IIBH, I never thought it was possible for the Tories to return a soft Brexit, this whole shitstorm started because of the Brexiteers in the Tory party so there's no way that a Brexit not acceptable to them was going to be happening, we've had May kicking the can around aimlessly for years now knowing that this was going to be the outcome.
  16. The problem is that these fuckers have all tried to kid the population on that they were getting anything more than a turd, even people who should know better have been taken in with this shit over the last 2 and a bit years.
  17. In all honesty, it's the minimum we should expect from an Attorney General.
  18. While I don't expect this shambles to change hardcore NO's to YES, I'd be very surprised if anyone with more than one brain cell now believes that Scotland couldn't run their own show better than this shower of shite, over the last 3 or 4 years they've shown the world that they couldn't put a pound coin in a shopping trolley without the help of civil servants, even then it would take quite a few of said civil servants to complete the task. We can only hope that this disaster ends up tearing our main parties to shreds.
  19. The polls don't need to move, we just need to actually live under Brexit for a decent period then everything will happen naturally.
  20. None of them were near the balls, both on the band that was high.
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