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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I didn't realise they were upmarket, I'm upgrading my own cooking.
  2. So farmers should be paying £5000 over the average wage for their fruit pickers? Never had you down as a radical socialist, I must say. Just highlighting how little of a whiff of shit Westminster gives for Scotland' economy.
  3. The employers could tweak it by paying £30k pa, probably find more Scots willing to do the backbreaking stuff if that tweak was ever to happen.
  4. We had producers moaning about losing crop this year due to a lack of workers, it ain't going to get any better once we finally stick the 2 fingers up to them and tell them to f**k off.
  5. Why will an independent Scotland most likely end up a financial basket case?
  6. Then someone else, Tusk? said Macron was being overly optimistic, the 27 are running scared.
  7. Jamie Adams plays on those surfaces when it suits us.
  8. Our water will be as toxic as our oil to the YES campaign.
  9. I haven't mentioned a thing about post Brexit to say it will be ok, I've only been talking about the lies spread about what would happen post referendum, so far it's almost all proven to be bullshit, no huge job losses, no huge tax hikes, no huge spending cuts, no recession blah blah blah.
  10. I'm not labouring in the slightest, I don't feel the need to furnish the closedminds with evidence that even the halfwits know is out there.
  11. You're the one that is/was involved in politics, JP Morgan, the treasury and others were allowed to spout their shit about a recession, the fact that you can endlessly post pictures that suit your agenda but can't recall/find plenty of proof about the doom mongering says much about you.
  12. You do know that project fear promised loads of shit in the 2 years following a Leave vote, it ain't happened, the fact that a few numbnuts on here keep saying Brexit hasn't happened yet doesn't detract from that fact, in all honesty why should Leavers believe any of the forecasters predictions after we leave when the great and the good have proven to be useless at best and lying b*****ds at worse. The last 4 and a half years have just shown how much of a riproaring c**t we made of our own referendum, we've tied ourselves indefinitely to the biggest bunch of useless fuckers that have ever held power in our lifetime, that's saying something when you look back at some of the shambles we've had over the decades.
  13. All these things were promised immediately after the vote, next to f**k all has happened in real terms so far, nothing you or anyone else has posted detracts from my original point that we were promised all sorts of cataclysmic events after the vote, project fear was real and it failed miserably, they badly underestimated how much immigration meant to Joe Soap down south. JP Morgan had us in recession 2 years ago, still waiting.
  14. Keep telling yourself that, you might believe it eventually.
  15. The half a million job losses that never materialised points to them predicting a meltdown, they weren't even a wee bit out, they were off the scale wrong.
  16. It actually does, to suggest I am an I'm all right Jack because I remember the lies and you don't is laughable.
  17. Have a look at all the indicators and tell me we're in meltdown mode, it aint happened.
  18. I'm well used to it, there's no onus on me to do anything, just because you can't google doesn't make it any less of a fact.
  19. I'm only a liar to those that don't want to see the truth. It's par for the course on here, if 3 or 4 zoomers say something didn't happen then it didn't happen, in the real world quite a few of the Leave peapods will remember them quite well.
  20. I'm sure they were Govt/bank claims, shouldn't be too hard to find them.
  21. Nah, it's your problem if you can't remember these claims not mine.
  22. I don't put up links to prove I'm correct, the folk that want to check will find/remember them, both sides were shocking in the EU referendum, no amount of revisionism can detract from that fact.
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