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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. He was small compared to AJ, that's all that counts.
  2. Do you honestly think there is no home advantage in Germany and UK. There is no way Parker only won one round tonight but when your not the home fighter you've got to do a bit more than the other guy does to win the tight rounds, that's the way it's been in all the years I've watched boxing and I don't see it changing anytime soon.
  3. What does it matter where the judges come from, away fighters usually have to do more to win rounds, it's not right but that's boxing. I wouldn't know how to find Fury on social media and I'm daft enough without throwing drugs into the mix. I've no idea what your talking about with Theresa May, how many rounds did she give AJ.
  4. What credit do you think I should give him, the unfinished article isn't usually hailed as a superstar, personally I think he could do with heading to a tough gym in the US for a couple of years instead of getting smoke blown up his arse over here before he's really deserving of it.
  5. Nowt to do with knowing better, AJ was at home Fury was away, both countries are renowned for heavily favouring the home fighter. As the away fighter Parker didn't do enough to win the fight IMO.
  6. He's next to no defence when the other guy attacks, every time he throws a punch other than a jab his head is just asking to be tagged, these are fundamental flaws that he hasn't improved one bit in the time I've watched him, his hype outranks his ability by quite a distance when I've watched him.
  7. Did you actually watch tonight's fight, if you think that was a wide margin victory you weren't watching it properly.
  8. What did AJ do to Parker tonight, he won a fairly tight fight against a small guy with a vastly inferior reach.
  9. You might be correct, I'd like to see him manage it.
  10. What does all that have to do with my post, Fury had the ability to hand out a boxing lesson to Wlad, AJ will never have that ability. The only fight Fury missed was the rematch against the man he beat easily.
  11. You're using points decision as a negative, Fury absolutely schooled Klitschko, not a tight decision a total humping, AJ could hardly land a decent glove on a small man with defensive skills tonight.
  12. We might but it won't be either of tonights boxers, I had hoped AJ could improve and reach that level but I've not saw anything to suggest he's finding the improvement required.
  13. It's competitive, as yet there's not an elite one.
  14. He's had that defence all along, I'm fed up telling my son that it might even be a bum that takes him out as it only takes the right punch on the right spot.
  15. The bit that disappoints me about the cards is the obvious dismissal of Parker' body punches.
  16. Don't think I am, AJ hasn't improved his weakness one bit in his last 15 fights, he looks like a taxi driver when he's scrambling to get away from an attack.
  17. Aye, but he didn't destroy them all at the 1st opportunity, AJ will not be able to defend himself from a sustained barrage against anyone with decent power IMO.
  18. I can say that because he's so open when he tries to throw punches, I'd honestly fancy Dubois against him at this early stage, quite rightly Warren will make sure he's ready to mop up before he puts him in for the big belts.
  19. Everyone thinks that's a big plus for Joshua, I think it's his biggest weakness, he'll get away with it against most but someone is going to wait for that punch and land their own big one.
  20. A young Tyson would have destroyed AJ in less than a minute, the instant he doesn't have both arms in tight he's so open it's unbelievable.
  21. I'll still take Dubois, upto now AJ is overrated IMHO.
  22. I think that's got a lot to do with it. Lesser British boxers get ranked higher in peoples minds than the 2 British gypsy's that can actually box.
  23. I've read some amount of pish on here (quite a bit from myself) but serial non-payers talking about bankrolling other clubs takes the biscuit,
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