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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. It's a tough decision in la la land, if you want to live there is only one option in her situation, Kenny Noye isn't one of the kiddy on ones most of us have came across at some point.
  2. In my experience it's how vast swathes of every demographic of men speak once they've had a few.
  3. He was playing really well in the US towards the back-end of last season, not against the same calibre but confidence is huge in sport.
  4. Looked like he was accusing the guy of keeping his foot on the oche after the throw or something similar.
  5. What is the context relating to the group leaders words? Apart from using the term Paki it's the sort of opinion a friend would offer to another friend if that's what he thought.
  6. It's just a term that will fade with time, I'm sure that most that use it to refer to a meal are no more racist than your average citizen, this assumption might depend where in the UK people stay.
  7. Wonder what tunes Deadeye Dick was throwing.
  8. The last time I read Bateman that is exactly what he was doing,he was getting pissed off at YESSERS attacking him for doing so..
  9. Are you having a laugh or are you shite at basic numeracy? Ours is to minor thaw as there's is to meltdown.
  10. I think he can go a level higher than he is now.
  11. I know, I never thought it was a good idea playing all those Davis Cup matches, a wee spell with his feet up would probably have been better, doesn't matter, when he's old I'm sure he'll be happy with his lot, he'll certainly not need to regret a lack of effort and application like many sportspeople.
  12. Ach, if he's a pair of eyes he'll know Murray was always going to struggle to get back without a hip operation, he was walking around the court like an old man at the of 2016, pretty amazing what he managed at the end of that season all things considered.
  13. Once Rob Cross thinks/knows he's the best I think he'll break MVG's heart very regularly, I can't remember anyone even coming close to playing at such a consistently high level week in week out so early in their pro career.
  14. Tasty! IIBH, I fancied a bigger humping but it just sounded ridiculous when you say Taylor to get 0 or 1 in a world final.
  15. Where do you feel the pressure to have a good time/be happy comes from?
  16. Everyone is different, I used to be football daft, I could be playing football in the living room with balloons, balls of varying weights, be as loud as I liked and I can't ever remember my dad telling me to make less noise so he could listen to the TV or anything like that, he made mistakes in other ways but ultimately he done what was his best with me and my brother and sisters.
  17. In my experience you could do everything correct as far any professional will tell you and still make an arse of it with one of your children.
  18. Sometimes you just have to let them scream themselves out, I'm fortunate that the screaming makes no impact on me for a lengthy period if they are my grandkids, not lasting as long recently due to circumstances but that will pass.
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