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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I don't think Putin will stand for the blowing up of his diplomats.
  2. Suppose it's better than,"took us 90 minutes to dig us half way out our short term hole", or "it only took us 90 minutes to dig ourselves a bigger hole for next season, hurry up and help us dig ourselves deeper in the shit".
  3. Why are you indulging him, he'll still be coming to terms with those pesky foreigners stealing all his fish.
  4. I never realised parking in that manner induced so much seethe, I'm going to start targeting the solitary car from now on, hope it's a right fat b*****d I park alongside.
  5. I thought the news about the fishing rights was quite good, I certainly had a wee smile.
  6. Ach well, the fishermen are getting what they voted for.
  7. I'm hoping you use that tactic for the rest of the season.
  8. I wouldn't bank on it, I've went from well down the list in my family to firmly in the crosshairs in a few years, fortunately a lifetime of gambling my brains out has allowed me compartmentalise all the shit that life throws my way, although I do wonder if my ability to "get on with it" is an abnormality in itself.
  9. Might not be that silly, I've been told a few times in the last few months that we can't afford to go up.
  10. Did Deadeye Dick not get sacked while he had Ross County at the top, look at the disaster that turned out for them.
  11. Are there actually any players at Ayr or Raith that want a league winners medal? No doubt Deadeye Dick will ensure you lot are still in with a decent shout. 2/7 Ayr for the league, I wouldn't bet that with Bobby Barr' cash tonight.
  12. Personally, I wouldn't be drinking in your circumstance, you appear to be putting yourself in a dangerous situation everytime you're on the bevvy.
  13. You would have had a better season had Menzies Campbell got the job.
  14. I've read a lot of books to improve things about myself or become far more informed about subjects that float my boat at the time, they all have parts that were meaningless to myself at the time of reading, I don't bother about that as I only need to find the line or paragraph that flicks the light bulb on.
  15. If only they'd asked the Killie fans to help with deliveries on their way to and from Aberdeen.
  16. That's the nearest you'll get to the enchanted forest.
  17. Ayrshire, slice unless you've corrupted yourself like Pandrilla.
  18. Today my daughter said she'll never buy it again as it's disgusting, she suggested that Barrs might have shown a huge amount of billybigbaws arrogance when taking their decision.
  19. As always nowadays, it's just over the top rage from those that think they do nowt wrong, if everyone using the term ch***y for a chinese meal is a racist then there are far far more racists in Scotland than anyone believes.
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