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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. It's obviously ok to hit other peoples kids if they push your buttons.
  2. This is the important part until they reach adulthood, it's pretty easy to ignore a toddlers tantrums, not so easy to deal with a 13/14 stone teenager trying to be the boss.
  3. It's the opposite, it worries you more because you've a fairly accurate idea of what's going on, doesn't mean you can stop it.
  4. Jacksgranda will be gentle with her.
  5. Well I wouldn't have liked teachers to lift their hands to my kids, unfortunately we're left with the fact that a large number of them don't actually know how to handle kids.
  6. My Team: Livi Doesn't have a leg to stand on.
  7. Most on here understanding the smacking side haven't even revealed their hand yet.
  8. So it's just the light smack that's outlawed under the new law?
  9. I had plenty of sleepless nights as I had a fair idea what was happening.
  10. Under the old laws are you allowed to leave marks? Under the new laws are you allowed to leave marks?
  11. I can assure you a wee bit of thievery is very tame when a teenager goes off the rails and the experts are not so expert when it happens.
  12. I didn't hit them in the 1st place, we'll see how you do if any go off the rails.
  13. If you waft your hand about it's ok.
  14. Where did you get the impression that I was struggling?
  15. All kids are different, what works for one will be a disaster for another. I sat my son down and had a serious conversation about what he'd done and why he stole the money, then I gave him the tenner as he obviously needed it, it worked as he has always asked for cash if he needed it, my wife wasn't happy about it but it worked with him. If I'd done the same with my other son we'd be in the poor house by now.
  16. No, I resolved it well for the child involved, I wanted to know if anyone suggested my solution.
  17. It was a situation I found myself in, it had absolutely nowt to do with me using my fists. I've been posting shite in your opinion, as usual on here, I don't give a monkeys about what you or those such as you think.
  18. I'm not losing my temper but I'm not going to let fannies like you just post derogatory nonsense without coming back.
  19. Why do you think it's ok to post pish like that? If that's the best you've got piss off to the threads populated by the other wee fannies.
  20. I think you should take a wee timeout as you seem to be going off topic.
  21. I've 3 adult kids and 3 grandkids, the 22 month old is by far the worst and requires 100% attention, I think my daughter is in for a seriously hard time. I wouldn't change her, I like weans to have bags of character, the hard part is trying keep them safe without diluting that character too much.
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