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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Give Nicola or that a phone and ask if you're allowed to think for yourself then.
  2. You'll know better than me who the reprehensible c***s are.
  3. I'm quite sure all parties will be proposing similar.
  4. The one you pair were bickering about when will there be a referendum.
  5. She actually didn't answer that particular question other than to say she'd no idea when the pandemic would end.
  6. Certainly not read or heard anyone espousing similar to my thoughts on where my 'it's all the power' point comes from.
  7. I'm not in any movement, my opinions are drawn from what's happened in the last 5 years, my all about the power actually came from her inaction just over a year ago.
  8. Folk with my opinion can't lose, if we're right, not getting a referendum will be no real letdown, if we get one we'll take it. I'm not holding my breath, honestly can't ever remember being in a position where I don't fancy voting for anyone.
  9. You obviously know more about Qanon than myself and I'm quite happy with my judgement. Why would I storm Holyrood, I've already stated that I think Independence is a dead duck, Nicola seems to agree, she'll be delighted if Eck gets an even 3 or 4% across the country.
  10. I read from all sides, you'll not learn much just reading everything you want to hear, the echo chamber of indyref led us all a merry dance.
  11. I really don't believe this is a last minute thing regardless of what it looks like, Wings was talking about this shit a long while ago.
  12. I might not be talking about it but I will always keep it in my head for reference.
  13. I thought there was a point where bus drivers? were dying at a greater rate than hospital staff.
  14. It's beneath contempt but that shouldn't detract from all the people who were helping their communities paid or otherwise.
  15. Folk have the neck for anything, some were phoning restaurants and takeaways demanding discounts and or free meals with threats of shaming because they were nurses etc. Plenty of arseholes at all levels.
  16. Make sure you don't leave anything unsaid.
  17. Not quite but I'm getting there the more I see what's happening.
  18. Don't deviate from reality, I listened to it, she thought she was being a smart arse and instead came across as snidey.
  19. That Salmond likes to bet on horses. Except she tried to use it as a negative until Glenn pointed out that she was there doing the clapping seal act until he stepped down.
  20. Her interview left me wondering who our version of Corbyn will be after she's gone.
  21. I know, I'll be depending on the largesse of the 'main players'.
  22. His gambling side was only perceived as reckless after he stepped aside, her whole interview was less than good, she's sounding more like the rest with every passing day, independence day looks a long way away at the moment.
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