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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Ingemar Stenmark would be proud of the slaloming ability of your work.
  2. I've no idea how that sort of thing works, Germany would be able to persevere for longer as they had a far better capacity to start with.
  3. From 463 deaths UK had 2961 after 8 days. From 450 deaths France had 2311 after 8 days. From 463 deaths Italy had 2503 after 8 days. Correct the 1st time, WHO made a mistake. From 100 we're behind both, looks like our death rate is increasing.
  4. 40 of those 50 are non tested, just presumed, the 40 will be spread over the previous weeks.
  5. She'd end me quicker than a severe dose of Covid.
  6. You've been doing that for weeks you dirty auld man.
  7. What % of ICU beds do they occupy over that time period?
  8. Many will have it on their minds for a fair portion of the day before and aft, they'll be liking, reading and commenting on that stuff for a while.
  9. Cheers, won't be clapping but won't discourage Panda or anyone else, might occupy the minds of the more fearful for a few hours.
  10. Your tactics have been very poor, most will now take no notice of any of it, even the good stuff.
  11. I've already posted some of that, unfortunately you've shown no appetite to accept that your position might be wrong.
  12. Sweden are galloping away from Denmark and we're bringing up the rear. RUK 39 per million Sweden 24 per million Denmark 17 per million Scotland 13 per million All approximates.
  13. They will be, we've already got them for 2 years minimum, others will be added.
  14. 1 to the cancer 10 to covid 1 to COPD 23 to covid
  15. Cough, cough, cough, wheeze, wheeze, it's an utter b*****d but i'm ok, just hope I haven't infected someone with a vulnerable relative. It isn't as bad as proper flu but it's worse than a cold. We've obviously got a direct route to the milder strain on here, hope Div hasn't restricted it to his tenner a monthers.
  16. Not in to conspiracy theories but who's to say they aren't filming at quiet times, I'm sure our hospitals and ambulance service are fairly quiet or at least have been recently, you've got to have coffin lid open to go to a hospital at the moment.
  17. Not tested that side, that's just a wee arithmetical bit in my head so I don't underestimate our numbers, I'm more interested when Sturgeon tells us the % of capacity. Was actually going to do one on per head stats but can't really be arsed collating figures for loads of countries.
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