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Posts posted by itzdrk

  1. The guy on the left, I'm certain that's the same guy from earlier in the thread. Y'know, from this infamous picture. Same glasses, same face, same city. It's him.


    canny be bro his ear wouldny have healed up from a stretcher that size

    i had smaller and still have a wee gap

  2. More of these its "Sisters week" have appeared this morning to go along with the "You and I are at a Christmas party and there is only one glass of wine left. Using only 4 words, what would you say to me? Note: If you comment, you must copy and post this to your status, so I may comment on yours as well. Be a good sport play along...4 words is hard. Copy to your page..have fun"

    Fooking hell blink.gif

    wine mentioned pointlessly why

  3. Not a top five but I need to say this...

    I basically hate Facebook during and immediately after X-Factor. About 5 updates per person about the show is just too much. A big review of everyone during (and maybe even a review on what the judges are wearing), a universal update about how they are miming at the start, a moan about whos in the bottom two, a rating of their survival performances and then more rage about who went out. Just a selection of things I've read tonight:

    "SUCH A FUCKIN FIX" "NEVER WATCHING IT AGAIN" "I HATE X FACTOR". They then often go on and blame their least favourite judge for all the worlds ills.

    I manage to avoid X-Factor the majority of the time so I really should stop punishing myself by going on Facebook at the weekend as theres a good chance everyone is talking about it.

    what my favourite thing to do is post


    it distracts quite a number of them while they question you about it and i just make up shite until they realise (every week it works haha)

    crowd control

  4. Probably, but my point was 100 people I could have a decent conversation with, ie remembering the normal stuff of what they do etc.

    I just don't see the point of having folk on your lists and feeds that you'll never talk to or meet in your life.

    well im not gna say how many cuz it sounds sad but i have quite abit more than that

    only have people i have met and that are decent..and familylaugh.gif

  5. this was a good one actually

    "Aaron Ramsey scored the only goal in a 1-0 win over Manchester United, the next day Osama bin Laden was killed. On October 19th, 2011 Aaron Ramsey scored the only goal in a 1-0 win over Marseille, the next day Muammar Gaddafi was killed. Who will be his next victim?"

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