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Posts posted by itzdrk

  1. It's not even like Skips are difficult to eat, they melt on your tongue for f**k sake.

    I've got exactly the same on mine with a lassie I went to school with, everything she posts is "my little Princess" this or "my little prince" that (she's about as far removed from Royalty as it's possible to be) and what follows is never of any interest whatsoever. She's not even good looking either, the only reason she's not been deleted is that every couple of months her and her fiance will have a barney and it leads to some very public and very entertaining rants. Hasn't been one in a while though right enough...

    i have loads of folk kept on for that reason laugh.gif

    no interest in them for any other reason

  2. Just logged on and had a look for the first time at a womans page from work who added me a while back. Its late now so once Im back tomorrow night ill sift through her mountains of shite that she posts and come back to you all with a 'greatest hits' collection before deleting her.

    i look forward to this

  3. OF 'fans' who will be watching the game on TV on Sunday. They'll post throughout the game and then their statuses after the game will be either gloating or raging statuses. Followed by the tamest football discussion imaginable.

    There are 4 possible statuses on Sunday after the game, these are;

    "4 in a row here we come watp!"

    "f**k neil lennon fucking ginger c**t hope hes killed hes a fucking rat who deserves to die"

    "Yasss cmon the hoops f**k the rangers scum!!!!!"

    "fuckin scum absolutely shockin craig thomson is a blind c**t. neil lennon legend ynwa!"

    I won't watch the game and I won't go on facebook on Sunday. Just to let you all know.

    dunno my facebook is going into hail hail overdrive as we speak

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