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Everything posted by MarreZ

  1. You're fucking lucky MattBairn isnt about, or both of us would come and karate kick your ass back to tianamen square for that comment.
  2. On the plus side, you can now contact the dead and find out what happens in the future. Link just for Monster to click
  3. I knew you would like it B) Check out the other film i watched, Condemned, you would like that as well.
  4. I thought my fast food related disaster was bad, but that takes the biscuit
  5. I went for dinner at the Uplawmoor Hotel tonight with the family, i had heard great things, so was looking forward to trying it. My two daughters side orders never came, my risotto was absolutely tasteless, it was pretty rank, they were charging £11 for the risotto dish, so i complained to the manager, i didnt pay for it and got a free meal for future Was annoying though, as on paper the food looked great.
  6. I was laughing with them right enough, my wife would have tore me a new arse if i stayed out any later, i was going out for 2 pints and a spot of lunch with colin, and came back 10 hours later.
  7. About half 11, i bought a double whoper with cheese and was eating it on the train, i went to take a bite and it pushed the entire content of the burger out the other side and right onto my jeans, everyone on the train was laughing at me
  8. They look like a bunch of queerhawks.
  9. 2007 was twice as long as it should have been, it lost the audience
  10. You should start your own business, your a young lad with a bit of savvy, and your not ugly, you could become a manwhore. I bet you have a beautiful big mangina as well.
  11. It was another one of those films that 80% of people would probably think is pish, and 20% of people love.
  12. There was another one you might quite like, it was called "The Condemned" - actually you would like it, extreme violence, Steve Austin, Vinny Jones on an island, last one to survive wins, great film - 8/10, pish poor plot but the violence made up for it, it was like the running man sort of.
  13. You have a ginger beard though. Haha, thats almost like ginger beer.
  14. You could say that with a lot of families. Its not uncommon for a family of normal people to have a small ginger child, perhaps the same way a group of morrocans could have a throwback blonde child. Anyway, I really hope it is her, it would be a great outcome, but i suspect its another red herring, from a distance, almost anyone can look like Maddy, even someone hairy like Ricster.
  15. Welcome back I watched Severance last night, while watching i thought "this is a film Saltyton would love" 8/10 - A good mixture of humour, drug use and extreme violence, a perfect mix for a film.
  16. I think Anne Frank had enough on her plate, what with being deaf, dumb and blind.
  17. Necro - King Tut's 30th November, if anyone fancies seeing the hardest of the hardcore hip hop live, then get tickets for this gig, it is going to be incredible, not for little hip pop pussies like F_T_Y.
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