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Everything posted by MarreZ

  1. All the cool kids have a tight ..... eh, its easy fixed. Get it done sooner rather than later though.
  2. I have a horrible virus, sweating, sore bones, lost my voice, on the plus side, my month of not having any alcohol just got a whole lot easier, the first weekend was always going to be the toughie, now it should be plain sailing
  3. Ive heard in two or three papers that they earn about £120k between them, not chicken feed, but not what others are quoting.
  4. The telegraph has a good article, 10 key elements. 1 Forensic evidence: Last month samples were taken from the McCanns' holiday apartment and their Renault Scenic hire car and sent for analysis to the Forensic Science Service in Birmingham. After the test results reached Portugal last week, the McCanns were re-interviewed and declared formal suspects or "arguidos". Reports alleged that the samples included large amounts of Madeleine's hair, as well as bodily fluids, recovered from the car boot. 2 Toxicology reports: The Forensic Science Service is understood to have carried out toxicology tests on the samples to check whether Madeleine may have been drugged or poisoned. Detectives are said to have asked the McCanns whether they sedated their daughter. 3 Interview transcripts: The McCanns have been interviewed repeatedly by police since Madeleine went missing 132 days ago. Last week, Kate McCann was questioned for 16 hours over two days. Detectives are reportedly unconvinced by the answers the McCanns gave to several key questions. The couple are also said to have exercised their right of silence on some questions. 4 Statements from the McCanns' friends: The police must establish that there was an opportunity to kill Madeleine and for her parents to dispose of her body before charges can be considered. The statements of the seven friends who were with them on the night Madeleine went missing will be crucial in determining their movements. 5 Statements from other witnesses: Dozens of other witnesses, many of them locals, have provided statements about what they saw on May 3 and how the McCanns behaved on holiday. They may include evidence from Pamela Fenn, who was in an apartment above the McCanns, and another witness who has allegedly described the way Kate McCann dealt with her children. 6 Phone tap evidence: Police are said to have been bugging the McCanns' phones and intercepting their emails for weeks. Reports in the Portuguese press have suggested that some of their conversations may have contradicted statements they gave to police. One newspaper suggested that the phone taps had helped satisfy police that the couple believed their daughter was dead. Gerry McCann has told friends: "The police are listening to every word we say." 7 Background reports: Portuguese police are reported to have spent considerable time investigating the McCanns' family background in a search for any evidence that they may have mistreated their children or have any hidden motive for wanting to harm them. Portuguese newspapers have reported something which the family have dismissed as an attempt to smear them. 8 Surveillance: The McCanns are believed to have been under discreet video surveillance. 9 Videos of police 'cadaver' dogs: Dogs trained to detect decomposing bodies are reported to have reacted to the "smell of death" in the McCanns' apartment, in their hire car and on Kate McCann's clothes. Police showed Mrs McCann videos of the dogs barking when they checked the car. 10 Timeline: The police will have compiled a comprehensive timeline of events to explain who was where at what times.
  5. I know that, im quoting it from the paper! I would suggest though, that the media now know more than they are letting on, the tide is definetly turning on the McCanns.
  6. I am relaying what was in the paper today, dont shoot the messenger (unless its Stuart Dickson or Lochwinnoch Saint, in which case, fire away). "The McCann's earn around 120k a year between them as doctors but have been on unpaid leave while staying on in Praia da Luz. Legal experts believe their is little to stop the couple using the fund, because the fund is a private business and not a charity. It means the McCanns, both 39, only have to get the consent of four of the firms six directors, who are all close pals. Two directors are relatives and cannot vote. Without the fun, the couple could face financial ruin, runding a court case which could rumble on for years."
  7. I dunno, it said that is what they earned though, which to fight a court battle like that, would probably not be enough.
  8. They are doctors, not consultants, they get about 60k each it said, they would clear about 7k between them each month.
  9. I wasnt making excuses for them, merely offering a suggestion.
  10. I wasnt saying all parents who have children later are like that, its easy to see that the McCann's did by the actions of leaving their children crying at night while they went out for dinner, they wanted a holiday and didnt want the hassle of their children out with them in the evening. I took my kids on holiday in 1997, one was 2 and a half, the other 18 months, it was the worst holiday we ever went on, the baby wouldnt stop crying when we went out, we were stuck outside a live band, and were back in the room for 8pm every night for two weeks. Leaving our kids to even sit outside with the live band wasnt something that even crossed our minds, but the McCann's obviously were of that mindset, they did it every night of the holiday according to witnesses. I dont really know what my point is, probably that Im great and Gerry McCann is a selfish twat.
  11. Dont forget, they were both well into their 30's by the time they had their kids, i dont know how long they were together before they had children, but anyone waiting till mid 30's to have children is perhaps more used to having their "me" time, than people who start earlier, they would always have had plenty money to enjoy themselves. Running back to Britain does not exactly do them any favours, and finding out they would use the find maddie fund to clear themselves rather than putting it to good use helping other missing children, or children in general just stinks to high heaven. When you look at the website, it is obscene, they charge for look for maddie posters! Everything about it is a slick money making machine. So what now? They come back, they ask that the media respect their privacy, sorry folks, it dosent work that way, if you put yourself out there, the media is not going to leave it alone, and rightly so. What is probably more interesting now is the redtops differing views on the story, papers are hedging their bets, with the Sun firmly in the McCann's side, and people like the mirror going the other way, theres a lot at stake.
  12. What troubles me, is that the sniffer dogs apparently detected a corpse from Kate McCann's clothes, and from the teddy of Maddy's. Her excuse was that she was in contact with 6 dead bodies prior to coming on holiday, now pardon me, but she is a GP, it is not realistic for a GP to be in contact with one dead body, which you could say is a possibility, but 6? For their to have detected something there would have had to be transfer, was she cuddling these dead bodies? Why did she wash the bear? If my daughter went missing, the last thing i would do is wash my hair. She also despite grieving, seems to have time to keep her highlights in her hair up to date and never steps out looking anything other than stunning. At the same time, i really dont see how they could have hidden a body and moved it after such a long time, to me that one makes no sense, the whole thing is a shambles, I just cant picture her as a killer, Gerry looks like a controlling p***k, I think the police are basically trying to break Kate, who you never know, may well have suffered years of abuse from Gerry and is brainwashed into doing whatever he says. Its a pure scooby doo mystery thats for sure.
  13. Maybe you are like Samson, cutting your hair will also shorn you of your rapier wit B)
  14. I dont either, i dont think she is an actual suspect, its something to do with portugese law, and its beneficial to her to be classed as a suspect.
  15. I have another MRI scan today, I dont like going into the machine, its very claustrophobic, but i positively hate having the venflow in my arm and having the dye pumped down my arm, its a horrible feeling, you can feel it all wooshing down your arm
  16. Deathproof - Tarantino, absolutely bonkers, no plot whatsoever, extreme violence, brilliant dialogue, superb.
  17. Take the ring back Kilt, she will only start to want you back when you stop chasing her all the time, trust me, Im an expert on seduction
  18. I watched Stranger than Fiction last night (Will Ferrell, Queen Latifah, Maggie Gyllenhall, Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson). Its about a guy who can hear his life being narrated by an author, and finds out that someone is writing a book where he is the main character. It was weird but brilliant, 8/10.
  19. Just back from Hairspray, i thought it was fantastic, really good fun, all the family enjoyed it.
  20. Im off to see Hairspray tonight - it should be great
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