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Everything posted by PELE

  1. Probably about £5 more for the Umbro top. I can understand clubs trying to get every penny they can, but we (and I am sure Forfar) don't sell thousands of tops. Surely it's better to have a smarter, more expensive base cost top and make a few quid less. Of course, having a smarter top will more than likely bring in more money anyway if it sells better. Also, our adult tops this season are £49. The Forfar top was only £40 last season (ours £45 if I remember correctly and it was a cheaper Errea top), so we are likely to make about the same money if sales are similar to last season. If the Umbro top is more popular, then we will make more. The difference in revenue that clubs at this level will bring in between having a smarter more expensive branded top and a cheaper branded top must be small beer. I would always go for the smarter option. Although personally I am not too keen on this season's home top. I think some of the other Umbro options were nicer. Looking forward to seeing what the away top will be. Love to see us in a smart Adidas kit one day.
  2. I had them in the bag for the final. Only Cat 1 left. Did I complete the sale? No chance. Maybe look back in the future and my grandkids will ask me why I didn't buy them when €945 Euro is the equivalent then of £25!
  3. Haven't read most of the previous posts, so I apologize if I am repeating what has been stated. From what I see at youth football level, the coaches are still obsessed with speed, height and strength. Ability is an afterthought. Too many talented kids overlooked because they are small or not as fit or strong. As some have mentioned, fitness and strength can be improved. You can't really work on talent. Sure, you can improve on what they have, but you can't make them dramatically better. They have to have a natural ability. Also, in some teams, there was (maybe still is) a real focus on passing the ball (like Barcelona tiki-taka style) for the sake of it some of the time and it was almost like practising or coaching shooting was a big no no. There is a young lad at Fulham just now. Kieron Bowie. He is 18 and plays in their youth sides. Whilst I would say he is not super skillful, he definitely knows where the net is and he could develop into a reliable striker. Not sure how much game time he gets at Fulham though. He was at Raith for a short while.
  4. Tickets for quite a few games on and off sale again just now. Sweden v Ukraine tickets on sale again and the website working now some of the time. I just got a category 3 restricted view ticket. Probably be a seat in the car park. Some games are listed as sold out and then later in the day they are back on sale again.
  5. Tempest, Club or Nazca for me. Probably prefer the Tempest or Nazca. Tempest home and Nazca away.
  6. Yeah. All categories on sale, but something wrong with website. Keeps crashing if you try to buy any.
  7. They have four nice options just now, not sure about the others though. Hopefully it will be one from the Club, Tempest, Spartan or Nazca shirts. I would try to add photos, but I am too busy (that's my excuse anyway).
  8. I agree with a lot of what has been said, but we were really poor again at home. We had almost the whole crowd on our side and should have been all over Croatia like a rash. They should have been wetting themselves every time they had the ball. Instead we sat off them and let them relax and pass the ball about. On the odd occasion we actually pressed them they lost possession easily. Even after McGregor scored he was telling everyone to calm it down when it should have been the exact opposite. We only started to press with about 10 minutes to play. Modric is almost 36 years old. We should have dealt with him. Some of our players looked far too nervous. Instead of driving forward we kept passing back just to launch it back at Croatia. Dykes sadly offers nothing upfront. He doesn't do anything even when he wins the ball. Yet he wasn't subbed. We may still have lost, but we should have been playing like Denmark did against Russia. Not sitting back and launching the ball. Yet another tournament out at the group stage when almost every other team makes it at some point. It really angers me and I wish some of those players showed that same anger in the way they approached the game. If the circumstances had been reversed and we were the 'bigger' team playing in Croatia with the crowd against us we would have lost. We will never get an easier chance to make it out the group. I'd love to know what Clarke said at half time. A country the size of Croatia can have the success that they have had, but we do nothing time after time after time. I am sick of hearing excuses.
  9. Says the match is sold out now, but it said that a few weeks back as well. It seems that some people hand them back really late. Either that or some people try to order loads and get some cancelled. I wouldn't be surprised if more went on sale again before Tuesday. I think the Scottish govt also allowed a higher crowd than they initially indicated to UEFA. No reason why it can't be full house.
  10. There still might be. It does seem to change.
  11. Yeah, looks this way. Still Cat 1 tickets selling for the Croatia match on Tuesday, just a few minutes ago. You would think that eventually they would offer the remaining tickets to anyone who wants them. The fans who had the original tickets cancelled and wanted to re-buy them will have done so fairly quickly. After, say a week, let anyone buy them. Otherwise, there will be unsold tickets again like the Czech match. It does seem like more tickets appear randomly though. The cheaper ones sell and only Cat 1 are left and then later on, or the next day some Cat 2 or 3 appear again.
  12. Did they run shuttle buses from the centre to Hampden and back?
  13. I should know better. Too used to saying Euros just now when talking about the tournament rather than the currency. Then my phone adds the apostrophe. I would usually say Euro for the currency for any value.
  14. What proof do they ask for? Is it the text or email you get from the NHS online service you receive after reporting your self test result?
  15. If you have a spare 7600 Euro's you can buy a hospitality suite (for 4 people) for Wembley for the Scotland match! 1900 Euro's a ticket is extortionate though. There are 5 suites left for 4 people and 2 left for 6 people (these are 2600 Euro's a person, must be a free Bovril with your free pie in these ones for the extra 700 Euro's a pop). Should mention, the Hampden hospitality has been sold out since last year. Despite the ludicrous prices I am still amazed that there is available hospitality right now for Wembley matches. Maybe UEFA are just poor at advertising it. Would have thought there would be plenty of wealthy fans or celeb fans willing to pay that money.
  16. I assume you have signed into the Euro 2020 ticket portal and can't see them. They are still on sale just now. As some have said, it's maybe only visible to anyone who had their original tickets cancelled.
  17. I heard they will give you an entry time slot, but it wasn't compulsory and if you go later then you may be delayed more.
  18. Tickets for the Scotland v Czech match back on sale again on the UEFA Euro 2020 ticket portal just now. Only Cat 1 tickets though.
  19. If you are in a neutral end, you can do as you please. Wear full Scotland gear and shout for Scotland etc. Nobody bothers. I have been to previous Euro's and been in neutral ends mixing with home and away fans. There would have been an area for the Czech fans, but obviously most of them would have returned their tickets due to travel issues. If it's from a third party site it could be in any section. At the end of the day, nobody really bothers. I doubt there will be more than a handful of Czech fans there anyway.
  20. You can only be in the Scotland end if you got tickets from the SFA. Any bought from UEFA or received from sponsors will be in a neutral section.
  21. Still on sale. I can access the sale portal for any of the tickets, but I applied originally before we knew the qualified teams. Amazingly Netherlands v Ukraine in Amsterdam and Spain v Sweden in Seville are still on sale. The Scotland v Czech re-sale sold out a week ago, so they must have had a few more returned because it is back on the portal, but quickly sold out again. Not sure if you can just try the link if pasted here.
  22. Is it one rule for football and one for rule for cricket? If you switch on BBC2 just now you will see most of the crowd sitting side by side in packed stands at the England v New Zealand test match. No distancing in most areas, not a mask in site and a lot of them swigging lager.
  23. You supposedly need photo ID, but I have never once been asked. Might be different this time though.
  24. If anyone is interested, there are category 1 tickets for the Croatia v Czech match for sale on the UEFA ticket portal just now. Not cheap though.
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