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Everything posted by PELE

  1. What a surprise. The criminals from Livingston have to stump up £720k as a bond and they are already bleating about how unjust it is! The league should have done the decent thing and thrown them out, like most decent supporters believed they would. Maybe now the league will finally do what is just and honourable and throw the book at them. They are a pathetic little club who think they are somehow bigger and better than the smaller clubs who are their equal. Well done Albion Rovers for showing them how to run a small club and win games. Hopefully it is now good riddance to the embarrassment that is Livingston. RIP Meadowbank.
  2. What happened to all the Italian players Massone was going to showcase and then sell on for a profit? Is he even Italian?
  3. You have a good guy in McDougal. Very crafty, but good overall. P.S. Are there trust members on the board? I don't believe McD tolerated this type of thing in the past.
  4. I heard that Massone has a new backer. They are going to move the club to Edinburgh and re-name them as Meadowbank!
  5. Excellent! Give them a 25 point deduction every season until the creditors are paid every penny owed.
  6. I would not be too smug. Livi are still well and truly on the brink.
  7. Re McD, I don't believe he has. I am not sure that he has actually gone to court for it.
  8. I e-mailed the league at the time of Clydebank's demise and they actually replied. They stated that Clydebank's position was up for grabs for any takers.
  9. I agree. Although the problem with the pyramid system is the lack of national leagues outwith the SFL. We have a Highland League at one end of the country, the East of Scotland league covering the lothians and borders and a variety of junior leagues ( who do not follow the same rules and higher standards of the SFL teams ). I don't see the junior teams competing on a regular basis under the league rules and I am not sure they would like to anyway. I think the only way forward is for a new league/s to be set up which operates beneath the Scottish Leagues. This could be made up of teams from the Highland League, East of Scotland League and any others who wished to join. The winners could then swap places with the bottom of the 3rd Division each season.
  10. Still looks to me like Livi are in deep s**t. If we continue in the 3rd division then I am happy, as we can win something, hopefully! We were unlikely to win the 2nd division, but at least there would have been ( might still be ) fewer long distance trips to the games. The SFL are, as expected, a complete joke, a laughing stock. Livi were just another phoney team who pretended that they were a 'big' club by living on other peoples money. Any idiot can run a club like that, but it is short lived. They were ( and still are ) Meadowbank. They can pretend that they are something different, but they are not. Innocent hard working people will be cheated out of the money they are owned by the criminals of Livilliangston ( or possibly Libertine Lions ). And to think that some people ( loonies ) still talk about an SPL 2!
  11. Goodbye Livi. I hope the Meadowbank fans of old are happy. I would be if I were them. The sooner this is over, the better. It is embarrassing.
  12. The league meeting may be tomorrow, but I would guess that they have already made their mind up, whether the club is saved or not. The whole saga has been allowed to drag on for too long and is farcical. Airdrie Utd will probably get humped each week in the 1st division, as they have a very reduced squad aimed at 2nd division football now. The same goes for Cowden. We could win the 3rd division. We may do ok in the 2nd, but have no chance of any real success. Like Airdrie Utd, we did not have the chance to bring in players ( or keep some players in Airdire's case ) for the likely higher division campaign.
  13. I thought the same, but surely it is too late. Whether he accepts anything now or not ( assuming he still has anything to sell now ), the league have to take action and that almost certainly means the end for Livi. At best they might be allowed to apply for the 3rd division space for next season.
  14. Too true, sadly. However, I thought the 'players' were now legally free to do as they please.
  15. Everyone should go down and wave some money at Massone just to noise him up.
  16. As of now, I thought Livi no longer have any players.
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