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Everything posted by Lambies_Apprentice

  1. I think its the fact though whenever Taylor's opponent gets jip, they completely ignore it as if its not happening.
  2. Loving the hypocrisy from the commentators. Its just roles reversed. Taylor's opponents get it tight every game from the crowd. It would be nice if Sid could get his lips off Taylor's cock for once.
  3. In my opinion any match that has Taylor on the ropes is fantastic entertainment. I can see Anderson winning then losing his next game in typical fashion, but plenty to go yet in this game.
  4. Just a wee 500-1 shot came in for me the nite.
  5. The Bear didn't even place. Thank f**k I never got on it when I've only got a tenner in my bank account till payday.
  6. I've just googled it and got nothing. Racing when and where? Edit: Just looked on the racing post site and its next meeting isn't for a couple of weeks....
  7. Out. Spent too much money with little return on something this weekend. It wasn't smack or hookers either
  8. Sole Power the 100/1 winner. His trainer looked like a right dodgy c**t.
  9. Jordanhill Area Rent Boys - E. Frame, G. Cowie The game was shite, it was pishing down and I felt the surface was too slippery to get a decent game going. Aw aye and the small matter of standing in some of the worst rain in quite some for 40 minutes while a flat tire was changed. Even worse for those of us in just shorts and t-shirt.
  10. Question is: What the f**k are they going to do now? They've spent months hyping the Nexus, only to squash them in their first pay per view match. Jericho/Edge v Cena and Miz, Daniel Bryan feud seems likely. Unless they have some sort of in fighting storyline with the Nexus, then there is nothing they can take from this tonight and make money out of down the line.
  11. Bryan looked a million bucks, aside from that, I'm struggling to find the positives in this match. Wade Barrett could have came out much better, but having him tap in 2 or 3 seconds just squashed that. Sheffield looked not too bad I thought at times too right enough when I think about it again. His work looks stiff as shit.
  12. Well that was out of left field. Glad it never got leaked either. Unless of course I missed that.
  13. Judging by your list three posts ago and the addition of Martyn, thats only nine, or have I missed someone?
  14. David Semple is an auld c**t Chrisy knows from his caravan.
  15. Righto, Kev is booking it now he says. Edit: Booked.
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