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Posts posted by broon-loon

  1. Ive been invited to apply for promotion. This means digging out the CV, updating it significantly and reformatting it into a different format and then writing three pages of shite to sell myself.

    I did all this last year and never got the gig. Disappointed, but not surprised.

    The piss poor feedback afterwards from my Line Manager made me F***ing Seething.. :angry:

    Still no a happy bunny TBH..

  2. I'll be a quivering bubbling wreck in August when the wee lass starts school in August.

    It's all part of the process.

    I remember the day before our wee lass started. The family were here, BBQ, and junior got dressed in her school clothes for photos.

    Amazing how time flies, 'junior' has almost finished six year studies, passed the driving test, and has options for Uni courses..

    Our finances have never been that great and now it's gonna get even worse... :-(

    Enjoy the journey Mozza'...

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