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Posts posted by broon-loon

  1. Bought one of these on Saturday, second hand for about £200.


    Need a new saddle and need to replace the clips with normal pedals, until I decide to be brave enough to use the clips.


    With regards to saddles: Am I better buying a comfortable padded saddle, or better buying decent padded shorts?


    I was out yesterday on my old bike for the first time in around 6 months. Managed just under 40km in just under 2 hours, but my arse was left feeling like I spent Saturday night at a pool party at Michael Barrymore's house.



    With regards to the pedal situation you just need to grab the bully the horns and go clipped. SPDs are easy and if need be sit on the bike using a wall for support and practice unclipping. It's quite easy and nothing to be afraid of but you need to do it as you'll notice a huge difference.


    I changed my road bike recently and it had a used pair of SPD SL's on it. My first outing on the bike was ehm 'nervous' and I struggled to get to grip with the one sided clip in compared with the SPD's. Decided to put the SPD's on and it has made me feel more at one with the bike. Hopefully given some time I will get the grip of the SPD SL's, as I bought some nice shoes to match them.



    These days I cannot imagine riding without clip in pedals, once you try (and fall as we all do :P ) you will be a convert.



    Shorts. Couch-like saddles are only comfy on short rides; once you get your arse broken in a bit you'll find them awful.


    I did a 5 day trek some years ago, the Missus had bought me a 'so called comfort saddle' so I used that thinking it would keep me free of saddle rash but that was a big mistake.

    Saddle comfort is a personal thing, my 'new' road bike's saddle and I are in a 'honeymoon phase' but to be honest I doubt we will get married. My old Charge Spoon is waiting for me to reunite... :P


    Padded shorts are great in some way, but some of the ones I use seem to be padded in the wrong place. Maybe I need to splash some cash on a 'luxury brand' ... :unsure2:


    Anyway, Padded shorts and a 'Sleeker' saddle is my advice, for what it's worth.....

  2. Bought myself my first ever Fixie yesterday. I like the simplicity of it, going to use it for easy commutes. I was actually after a wee foldaway bike but had a try out on this & liked it. Got it from the Edinburgh Bike Station.

    A bit weird getting use to the back pedal breaking.

    Any tips on any other aspects of the Fixie that I need to be aware of?



     Don't fall off... ;)

  3. Right good people of P&B.  As my reliable source of information for a lot of things, Im looking for some pussy advice.


    The bairn's birthday is coming up and she's been promised a cat.  Had a look at the Cats Protection (think Biggie mentioned it earlier) and they seem to have a number of pussies but they seem to be older (generally >3 years), although they are chipped etc.


    The bairn has her heart on a kitten though so where would be the best place to source such an item?  Had a swatch on Gumtree and there's a couple but anywhere else?


    Are the pros and cons of getting a cat from someone line much like buying a car (kick the tyres etc)?


    ETA: That pic above is fucking disgusting btw.  Looking forward to some of that.



    The cats protection at Arbroath/ Carnoustie , that's your best bet, will probably work out cheaper as well, with  innoculations being neutered etc £50.00 for the cat, and its had the op and all the jags, also cats will just automatically use a litter tray, you don't need to train them.


    Just had a look at their site and the youngest one is 12 months, and they've put the price up to £60.00, also if you get a kitten it wouldn't be neutered.


    The Arbroath - Carnoustie advice is bang on. However we looked into the Dundee Cats Protection some years ago and was advised that we were outwith the post code and to go to the local branch..


    We have used the Arbroath squad more than once and they are excellent IMO.

  4. When you go out, always try and head out into a headwind, so when your a bit more tired coming back, at least you'll have a tailwind behind you. 

    The most important thing in all of this, is enjoy it


    Unfortunately the wind factor is something you have to 'adapt to' when commuting to and from work.


    I've been using the MTB with road tyres for the work commute a few times a week trying to build up some miles to offset my like for beer n wine

    The journey home tonight (just under 13 miles) took me nearly 18 minutes longer than the exact same route last Wednesday.

    At one point at an exposed bit the wind had me down to 5mph.. :(


    All smiles now with the help of a glass of Shiraz... :P


    Hydraulic disc brakes make both of those bikes good value IMO.


    Unless you intend serious uphill climbing the 26 front sprocket is unlikely to be used much, however both bikes seem good value.


    Enjoy shopping around and as BR has mentioned earlier this doesn't need to be your last question..

  6. All booked up to go to Majorca for a weeks cycling in May with the bike club.

    A bit out of shape, as haven't been on the bike for 7 weeks due to my crash, so have to get the finger out.

    Last time I was there ( 3 years ago), we did just over 620 miles in 7 days with some serious climbs. 

    Toughest day was these 3 major climbs in the same day ( 2 x Cat1 and 1 x Cat 2) with 126 miles /.

    Hopefully we'll split them up this time :unsure:  








    Looking forward to it in a "bricking it" kind of way


    Enjoy your trip UTN.. ;)

  7. That sounds like a good plan. If the weather is good I'm heading up there next weekend. A lot of good cycling in Angus although us Fifers tend to stick to our side of the bridge. My missus works in Forfar so I do on occasion head up there to meet her finishing, over Lour Hill. It's amazing how quickly you can cycle from Forfar to the Dobbies at Monifieth given that its predominantly downhill.


    That's nuts. I did that on Saturday (from Letham not Forfar) and then back up through Newbigging. Quick stop at Mickey D's for a bacon roll and hot chocolate en route..

  8. Never been over Dunnichen Hill, just looking at the map you cut over from Dunnichen Church and come out on the Forfar Friock road? Right - that's on the list.



    It is indeed, although I cut back towards Forfar Golf Course @ Burnside (rather than go to the Arbroath/Friockheim road) as it's a much quieter road.



    I made it up to the summit of Carrot Hill last week from the Letham side without a 'pit stop'. Nearly killed me mind.. :lol:


    Anyhow 45.1 miles at a pedestrian 14.1 mph. The long climb from Crail to Peat Inn had me breathing out my arse and I was close to dropping into my 30 front ring.
    Surprisingly I don't feel too bad today and am raring to get back out again.


    I had a couple of outings over the weekend. 26.8 miles on Saturday morning and 11.6 miles yesterday morning.


    I had hoped to make it over a steep wee climb yesterday (Dunichen Hill for those that know it) without having to stop but alas even with the 34/30 gear I had to submit for a 'pit stop'.. :P


    Averaged 13.4 mph over the two rides but a long way from reaching your 'pedestrian 14.1' though... :(


    The run into work on the MTB was pretty decent this morning, I'll be blowing oot ma backside going home no doubt. :lol:

  10. Hopefully this will convince some of the non-believers to at least try wearing padded cycling shorts.

    If you don't want to wear the tight fitting lycra ones, there are looser versions available and I can almost guarantee, once tried and you feel the difference, you'll never look back





    Padded shorts are a must (for me anyway). I tend to use Aldi /Lidl stuff and it's fine in the main for what I do, although (again for me) I find the padding not always to be in the correct spot. :unsure:

    I have looked into buying an 'expensive pair' but as yet I'm not overly convinced it will be worth it?


    Halfords had some Altura shorts in one of their sales which In hindsight I should have bought, too late now though..


    Any recommendations PnB..?

  11. 1st time on the bike for a few months this morning. 10.5 miles on the MTB with slick tyres. Bit of a shock to the system in truth but at least it's a start.. :mellow:

    I'm with you cycled over 4 miles (commute to work) for the first time in months i was blowing oot my ar**

    Likewise commute to work, I made it home....eventually.. :lol:

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