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Posts posted by broon-loon

  1. 1 hour ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:

    Pretty sure they were BB King’s band.

    😁 What a shout..


    Mrs b-l and I have seen BB King live 3 times. First time was at the Playhouse Embra, followed by the Concert Hall Gesga a few years later and lastly at the Armadillo again a few years later. 

    The Playhouse gig was by far the best. The place was jumping, thanks for the reminder. 


  2. 26 minutes ago, Aidan said:

    Had to do a PCR on Saturday after a positive LFT. Has anyone else had to do one recently and had to wait an age to hear back? I've had negative LFTs every day since but still stuck in the house waiting on the resultsemoji42.png

    Both myself and Mrs got pinged late July. We both got PCR tests at the same centre and the same time. Mrs had her result next day but nothing for me for days. Anyway, eventually got in touch with someone who had evidence of the test being done via the bar-code but couldn't locate the result as it had been lost as probably sent to a different lab from Mrs b-l.

    I was advised to do a LFT and record the result with the NHS.

    I was never given the PCR test result.

    I would get in touch through whatever contacts you can find. It wasn't easy though.. 

  3. 1 hour ago, peasy23 said:
    23 hours ago, broon-loon said:
    Just noticed this and for sure brought back memories.
    It will never be the same from a tin sadly..

    Back in my bowling club member days I used to do the odd volunteer shift behind the bar. There was one guy nicknamed "two scoops" who always drank sweet black and tan, and it was cans of Sweetheart Stout that we used. The nickname came from him asking for and downing two scoops of Old Mull whisky while we were pouring his order.

    😀  He obviously had more cash to spend than me.

    A Black and Tan wisnae the cheapest option but mostly you got 2/3 to 3/4 of a pint along with the bottle of Sweetheart. You were totally pissed off at some establishments when the bottle was added by the bar staff and it just filled the pint glass. 🤨


  4. Not sure why I'm posting TBH, I have nothing to add that hasn't already been mentioned?

    Unsure why the Stirling goal was chalked off, I was at the opposite end so can't comment.  

    Overall Forfar move the ball well, but we really need to get someone to stir up the opposition defence. No disrespect to Matty, he plays some lovely passes and gets others involved, but a rough and tumble old fashioned centre forward should be on FAFC's Santa wish list IMO..





  5. On 05/12/2021 at 22:06, Bold Rover said:

    Does the P&B peloton have opinion(s) on winter feet protection for non cleated cyclists? I weat 5-10 shoes with the sticky soles which work well with my DPD pedals, so the sole-to-pedal contact needs to be maintained. The goretex shoes are themselves waterproof but, like yesterday, the rain manages to get in through the holes the feet go in!

    BR. I haven't been part of the peloton, or indeed checking P&B for a while... No specific reason why, but good to hear you are still making an effort on the bike. Sorry however, I really can't offer much advice related to non cleats or indeed any advice on much related to cycling these days.

    Since the original 'lockdown' March/April 2020, I've only been on the road bike once (20 odd miles and really struggled).  Unfortunately this has kinda put me off the cycling thing other than the odd few runs around the village on the MTB just to escape for 20/30 mins. 

    Maybe, just maybe I can get my act together sometime soon and start to burn some calories off this ever increasing waistline/beer belly?

    Anyway, just wondering why you don't use cleats? Granted I struggled to get to grips with the road 'one sided things' but the double sided spd touring thingies are (for me) the best foot/pedal combo. Maybe there are overshoe boots that could be used with better water resistance if you were to use touring cleats?

  6. 8 minutes ago, Thorongil said:



    it used to really bother my wife but one day I accidentally cracked one of her fingers and she got curious. I then showed her it was just a knack and she will sometimes ask me to do it for her. She no longer complains when I do it. 


    Read over this a few times. Sorry, but it has an entirely different context for me..



  7. Most of this game was dire. Cowden played crab passes across their own half for most of the first half and 'we' were equally poor and seemed a bit confused on what to do so offered very little in terms of trying to open up the game.

    Second half pretty much the same until the latter stages.

    Hopefully someone was watching the officials performance? I know it's a difficult role, but a bad day at the office from all of them IMO.

     As mentioned earlier in the thread, good goals (eventually).

    I fear our 'Smokey Smelling' neighbours will tear us apart next week. 😑



  8. 1 hour ago, beefybake said:

    I usually do all my own oil changes. However, a couple of years ago I bought an old Golf, right at the beginning of a December.

    I don't have a garage. The car sits outside. The weather was raw, and the wind shrieked up the drive.  I thought, someone else

    can do this.

    I took the car, engine oil, and filter to my local garage.  They charged 1/2 an hour's labour.

    At a guess, I'd budget for about 1 and a half hours labour for the full monty of oil changes.

    Most cars that are FWD like Golfs will only need engine oil and one transmission oil. The gearbox and final drive (diff) are one unit so share the same oil.

    I think your local garage was very reasonable only charging 1/2 an hour, especially given they need to pay to get oil collected etc.  

    If you have a front engine RWD car.. then yes probably 3 different oils needed. Obviously more work so gonna have a higher labour cost.

    If it has auto transmission that will alter both time and costs, as will oils for LSD (no, not the Beatles Lucy in the sky stuff).. 





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