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Posts posted by broon-loon

  1. 6 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

    Currently sitting between a couple of 'loud' Weegies, one of which is talking about going to Stornoway next week ("think it's one of the Western Isles", "can't remember if the ferry is from Oban or Ulla... something; the wife booked it"), the other of which is saying "I thought it was up in Shetland".  An absolutely clueless breed.

    Eta: these guys are probably in their 50s and 40s respectively, not Primary 7.

    Even more Ironic if one of them is called MacLeod..


  2. 1 hour ago, Day of the Lords said:

    My home town emoji41.png

    In other news, collected my new bike today and spent the afternoon seething that I had to work in what would have been glorious cycling weather.

    For sure it was a nice day for a wee outing on the bike. Was gonna go for a walk but the light breeze sealed the deal for the bike. At my age I'm no keen on cycling in stiff/strong winds..🤨

    I'm sure a trip to the Moon will be on your horizon on the new wheels? 

    Enjoy. 👍


  3. 45 minutes ago, DiegoDiego said:

    Cinderella must have had very oddly shaped feet if nobody else could fit her slipper. I'm beginning to doubt if she was even that hot.

    Her 'Sisters' are men in drag so their feet widnae fit.

    Mind you, I read something ages ago (and the press never tell lies..) that said Britt Eckland had size 11 feet. 


  4. 3 hours ago, scottsdad said:

    The wife is tempted to sign up to Hello Fresh - is it any good? Seems overly expensive to me once the initial discounts stop applying. 

    In the past we used to get Morrisons food boxes before they stopped them. 

    Often get deliveries from Campbells Prime Meat and Falleninch Farm (their steak pie is the best I've ever had). 

    What food boxes would you recommend?

    We prefer Hello Fresh to Gousto. Mrs B likes the fact we can try different meals to cook, I'm less of a fan but that said we have had some nice meals.

    Feast Box is another option, it's seems like it's more Asian type stuff? We've used that a few times. Again you need the discount as full price is OTT.


  5. 13 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
    1 hour ago, Miguel Sanchez said:
    It has more "cheese sauce" than cheese so it's a bit... creamy? It's a weird sensation on a pizza, not sure. It's warm but doesn't last too long, base is alright. Would be better with actual cheese.

    Pizza bianca has zero tomato sauce and it's fantastic, very rich and creamy. Common abroad but pretty rate over here although I did have a ripper in a pizza restaurant in Dundee a few years ago.

    Not a restaurant, but the best Pizza by a mile in Dundee is Luigis on the Hilltown.  



  6. Was sent the first pic this afternoon from my Daughter. They've been out in the Glencoe neck of the woods for the weekend.

    The second pic is what she bought me for my 'significant birthday' last August.

    I really need to open this 21 YO, but just haven't had the guts to do it..




  7. 10 hours ago, invergowrie arab said:

    Agacan on Perth Rd only decent kebab place in Dundee to sit in.

    Tahini is consistently in the top 5 on TripAdvisor and they must pay people to post as it is shop bought houmous and meat reheated in the microwave.

    Never been to Agacan, but have heard it's good.

    Been a few times to Tahini for lunch, really enjoyed it, and we never got paid.. 😄

    If you can get to Broughty Ferry the Meze Grill is worth a visit? 

    In conversation with the Turkish barber a few weeks, he recommends a place on Whitehall St (next to Jimmy Chungs) called Milas. 

    Lastly, there's a place on Reform St (just over the road from The Counting House) called Mazaj Arabic Charcoal Grill. Haven't heard anything about it though..

  8. 5 hours ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

    I’m surprised that people are still testing as well tbh. If I get a runny nose and a sore throat I won’t be staying in the house for 10 days I’m afraid.

    I haven't been feeling great for the last 3 days, sore throat, sinuses etc. Tested negative both Tuesday and Wednesday, however I tested positive this afternoon. 🤨

    I'm not working for now so will lie low for a few days drinking beer and wine and hopefully I'll test negative (twice) in 5/6 days.

    My main concerns are for my Mother and Wife. Mother is almost 83 years old and as such very vulnerable. I wont mention anything as she'll just worry and she's not showing any symptoms. She will have to take a LFT before she goes to her day care so gonna wait for that unless anything changes.

    Mrs b-l has major issues with her asthma and needs medication every day to manage it, hence why I (we) need to be careful. 

    As it stands for me it's more like a car accident that wasn't your fault, however you still have to deal with the shit, now that it's happened.


    Malt whisky has made me change some of the text. 


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