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Keyser Soze

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Everything posted by Keyser Soze

  1. Strange things happen, just can't see it this weekend
  2. I can remeber a bunch of 'Aberdeen' fans in the home end at Starks Park circa 82/83, wearing Pringle jumpers, I was about 13 or so and just thought fannies
  3. Grant, I respect you comments on this forum, you are undoubtably one of the more reasoned posters from our neighbours, unfortunately on this subject you are becoming a broken record, we all know your thoughts, there is no need to post them every few hours.
  4. It's becoming clearly obvious that the remaining board members are not going to say anything until the legalities surrounding the contract the rapist signed are cleared up, it's also clearly obvious that this will not happen overnight. We could be in for a lengthy spell of "I'm here to talk about football matters only." Unfortunately the people they require back asap (fans that have left and club volunteers) require answers now rather than later. This could end up being even more costly unless they pull their fucking fingers out of their ears and give a full statement as to why this was allowed to happen, the wishy washy pish knocked out so far just isn't cutting it.
  5. Yep I agree with this, pretty sure He'll see out the season and then walk without being sacked.
  6. FFS some real fucking heads gone stuff on here in the past 24 hours.
  7. Green Brigade section closed on Sunday apparently https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/celtic-shutdown-green-brigade-section-26176561
  8. I would say the former, young guy who clearly isn't socially aware. Had homemade Goodwille on the back of a top too. 1000% fanny
  9. We stand with Goodwillie, it was torn down quicker than it was put up thankfully. The guy who did it is well known for being a complete fucking bellend.
  10. Assault, try using Google, it's actually quite easy if you know how to do it.
  11. Grant, you always come across as one of the more reasoned posters from our rivals. To be fair there was an interview on local radio with Bill Clark before the game and he pretty much absolved John McG and Paul Smith of any wrong doing surrounding the transfer, he pointed the finger directly at Sim, Sinton, McDonald and Morgan. They in turn instructed Karen McCartney to deal with the financial side of things so it seems the CEO had no input into the transfer. I'm assuming many in attendance today would have heard the interview and would have been somewhat conflicted about their feelings towards the management team hence a kind of mixed reaction. The directors however shat it and never showed face, they were getting dugs abuse if they showed up.
  12. Agree we need more info on how this was allowed to happen, however looking back, the double down board statement and Bene's comments just made things 100 times worse so I get why things are quiet at the moment.
  13. yep I agree, a match to play so concentrate on that, but there MUST be a full and proper explanation as to why this was allowed to happen and it needs to happen sooner rather than later. I'm going to the game today, would imagine the remaining members of the board will not be willing to show their faces, they know whats coming to them.
  14. That is shocking, some fucking weido's in this world that believe phoning a receptionist gives them the right to hurl abuse
  15. Quality chap, I put the fucker on ignore, gormless and completely ignorant twat
  16. For me they would have (possibly) approached the board with a few names, DG being one of them, the board are the ones who made it happen. Yes I think JMcG and Smudger are complicit however others are more so, unless I'm proved wrong
  17. As I said on the other thread I'll be going to 1. Give the players my 100% backing 2. Give the boards 100% dugs abuse 3. Management - Jury is out but not looking too good
  18. FFS, some of this stuff makes Trump look like the king of tweets
  19. I've decided to go and - 1. back the players on the park 100% 2. give dugs abuse to the board 100% 3. Management team - jury's out but not looking great
  20. Dylan Tait, loan from Hibs to Raith, went back to Hibs for a week before loan to Killie, so yes he can play for another team on loan, although I don't even think Clyde would have him back after the circus of the last 60 odd hours.
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