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Everything posted by DeeTillEhDeh

  1. I've said all along that we've got a situation similar to voting in the Thatcher era - the ones making the most noise aren't necessarily the ones that are winning. They'll be a lot of voters who quitely vote No unlike some of their Yes counterparts who seem to think that be-decking their homes or businesses (a certain pub in Dundee's Hilltown for example) in flags and Yes symbols somehow makes people change their minds. Yes have consistently ignored the one group of people who will decide this election - those soft No voters who are relatively well off, don't recognise the country that Yes thinks exists, and who see Yes as uncertainty to that.
  2. With the numbers polled the margin of error for individual areas is too low for any meaningful analysis.
  3. If the other polls reflect a similar trend then it won't just be a case of Salmond missing an open goal but going up to the other end of the park and scoring an own goal. We'll have to wait and see.
  4. Just checked their twitter and you are correct. This tweet was even more amazing: "Debate: Darling emerges as clear winner - 53% who watched say Darling 28% Salmond."
  5. Source - because that's not what I'm seeing.
  6. Latest poll is: No - 45.9% Yes - 40.2% DK - 13.9% Without DKS that would be: No - 53.31% Yes - 46.69% Last poll was: No - 46.0% Yes - 40.9% DK - 13.2% Without DKs No - 52.93% Yes - 47.07% So nothing of statisical significance. No Commonwealth Games bounce effect either which is a little surprising.
  7. Can you please source those figures you gave before? Or was that just shite?
  8. Cosgrove has no taste - just look at his team.
  9. Source? If true, taking out the DKs leave it as No - 57.47% Yes - 42.53% And no I haven't mixed them up this time
  10. Is that the same Tony Cox who was in the SWP years ago?
  11. I've gone 57-43 but pretty much agree with your analysis. Yes imho have focussed on the wrong voters. The ones they need to convince are those that are fairly well-off and see independence as an uncertainty - more likely to vote and more likely to vote No - but as soft Nos.
  12. The wishful thinking and desperation of some here is laughable.
  13. Score draw imho - though for the Yes campaign team it may feel like a loss.The equivalent of having an open goal and contriving to blast the ball over the bar. He can't afford to do it again.
  14. Just interpreting figures sad they come up - have done the same for previous polls irrespective of who they favour. The interesting thing is I can't remember seeing any poll where DKs have broken to one side or other more than the margin of error.
  15. Okay - hands up - I can't read on my mobile.
  16. My bad - I need my eyes tested. The problem of reading figures from a mobile and then trying to post. Ok the reverse is true - DKs breaking more to Yes but even in terms of margin of error.Any idea how this poll was carried out?
  17. No - double-checked. Although DKs seem to be breaking marginally to No it is within the range of error that indicates that DKs are breaking equally. If Yes are to win the either have to get soft Nos to switch are get DKs to break unevenly in their favour. As it stands I can't see that happen unless there is some disaster for No.
  18. That's 6.9% increase to No and 5.6% increase to Yes. Take out the remaining DKs and it is: No - 57.4% Yes - 42.6% My prediction has been 57-43 for No for months. That's not far out.
  19. Do I sense a tinge of disappointment in that post?
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