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Everything posted by DeeTillEhDeh

  1. I think it's odds on that the SNP will win the next Scottish elections - irrespective if it is Yes or No.
  2. What were you expecting - Shakespeare?The film, for what it was, was entertaining. That probably explains the scores. Some of the biggest grossing films of all time have also had some of the most unoriginal plotlines as well. It doesn't make them bad films.
  3. They'll struggle to get to the bottom of this if the main suspects are also controlling the region that the debris is in. Putin already lying about who caused it.
  4. Pardon? Shitebag? I'm entitled to my opinion as anyone else you arse.
  5. Instead they'll jump on whatever populist bandwagon they can find. Now which other party does that remind me of?
  6. Totally disagree. I actually believe decisions can be made at different levels - it should not be a choice between a centralising Westminster or a centralising Holyrood.
  7. Holyrood politicians are despised as well - trust me.
  8. Because there should have been a third option. I know blame lies on both sides for that.
  9. And explain how the ex-banker Alex Salmond might have dealt with the banks differently? Given his cosy relationship with some of them I suspect our banking regulations would have been as lax or more so than under Brown/Darling. It's the sort of historical revisionism that the SNP indulge that gets on my nerves.
  10. It's always a film that is being released a few days later. Didn't take a genius to work out that this was Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. The fact that it was a 3D film was the biggest clue.
  11. You mean Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Was at the secret screening in Dundee Cineworld - really enjoyed it. 9/10
  12. How many did they canvass? Would be interested to know because in my experience when you canvass on Kirkton you either get told to f**k off or the door isn't answered.
  13. It's probably self-deluded Nats who believe the hype about their chances.
  14. That's the figures I have been predicting for months.
  15. My undestanding of the different polls have seen is that DKs are breaking more to No - that might change but I doubt it. I still stand by my 57-43 margin prediction.
  16. +/- 3% would make it anywhere between neck & neck and 12%
  17. That's an insult to 7 stone rottweillers.
  18. If you round figures - but No increased by more - more than half a per cent.
  19. Word salad. I switched off after "This afternoon's . . ."
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