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Everything posted by DeeTillEhDeh

  1. The Panelbase poll (which I would use with caution) shows that DKs are beginning to break but equally to both sides - that isn't good news for the Yes campaign.
  2. I wouldn't wear that in a million years. Like something Jamesey Cotter would wear.
  3. Gone downhill? When was it ever up the hill?
  4. Disagree - Baxter Pap is the chief clown.
  5. I can think of other words to describe you.
  6. That's why I :lol:'d when I saw the original sarcastic response - WoS is as impartial as BT.
  7. "We don't do walking away" Except when you get beat in a cup final. Mine's a treble - cheers!!!
  8. Murray is playing awful. I know clay is not his favourite surface but some of the errors are just ridiculous for a player of his standard. I just wonder how much this is due to mental factors and how much is due to the back surgery itself.
  9. The number of unforced errors into the net is not good. It's not as if they are dipping low and he's hitting in - they are sitting right up and he's hitting them in. Murray needs to focus, get his first serve in and shut this crowd up.
  10. Too many second serves and letting the Italian crowd get to him.
  11. Panelbase - I wouldn't trust them to take a drinks order never mind run a poll.
  12. It has changed as an event - a lot more international now - in fact probably more flags and participants from other countries than flags and folks from the UK. It is much more a celebration of music - there are usually events on simultaneous broadcast around the UK. A few friends went to the events held in Dundee over the past few years - and I wouldn't describe them as overly unionist - just music lovers.
  13. There is a lack of awareness about the referendum but I would say it goes along with a lack of awareness of other areas in life.I teach a number of S5/6 classes in Business subjects - the external factors (PESTEC) are often the focus of discussion and are usually the weakest because pupils don't really have much knowledge or experience of the factors. Many are just not interested in watching the news or reading newspapers despite the encouragement given. As a teacher it's something of a fine line between informing and indoctrinating. We have tried to get discussions go around the issue of the vote but apart from a very few hard core debaters the level of knowledge is scarily weak. Has the SG done anything in this area? I haven't seen a single piece of literature or publicity to do this in schools. I know some schools have had mock debates and votes but ours hasn't. Also when it comes to mock votes they are as much about those pupils who represent a particular party/side than the actual choice to be made. For example, at the last SP mock vote the winning candidate was Labour with the Tory second and the SNP third - this in a school with some of the highest levels of social deprivation in Dundee. It did not reflect what was happening on the ground, how their parents were voting (or not) - it was more a reflection of the popularity of the pupils standing for the parties. I think the SG and all political parties need to do far more in reaching out to the new 16-18 voters.
  14. Agree with this. Have you noted any interest in the referendum amongst S5/6 pupils? I would say in my own school there is zero interest either way at the moment. Many S5/6 pupils aren't even aware that they will be able to vote.
  15. I recently spoke to a someone from Abertay who said that he had only spoken to 3 students in his faculty who were for Yes - all were from outside the UK. The home students were either undecided or No.
  16. It's scaremongering opinion - the 2 legs bad 4 legs good that sees everything in black and white terms when, in reality, it's shades of gray. I can see merits in independence, problems and unanswered questions - the same is true for the status quo. A lot of other voters will be the same.
  17. Just a quick question as I am a fairly recent poster to these threads. What's this NCC that HB refers to?
  18. I saw a graph of the various ICM polls and it shows pretty much the same thing - spikes up and down but no real trend either way.
  19. I wasn't staggered at all. With the implosion of the SSP the only place a protesting Lib Dem voter was going to go was the SNP. Given the history between Labour and the Lib Dems it certainly wasn't going to go to Labour. The Greens too benefited from the poor Lib Dem showing.Many traditional Labour voters - even though not nationalist found a vote for the SNP more palatable than a vote for the numpties in Scottish Labour.
  20. Clearly we are not going to agree. But if Yes win despite not having led at any point in reliable polls then I think that's safe to say a seismic change. We'll see come September who is correct.
  21. There are 2 other options - don't vote or spoil you ballot. Panelbase - issues with how they screen their polls - this is not just for the independence polls but all of them. They just aren't reliable imho. In any case I'm not a great believer in looking at one-off polls - you are better looking at trends across polls - it still looks static to me. That could change of course but the nearer we get to September the less time to persuade. I still believe Yes have a chance but that is not polls but pure gut instinct telling me that the No vote is softer than the Yes vote.
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