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Pull My Strings

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Everything posted by Pull My Strings

  1. The liquidators are there to wind up the company and to investigate whether anyone involved in the previous regimes should be held personally liable for the debts and/or face criminal charges.
  2. Sorry, I'm afraid I can't share your preoccupation with history. As far as I'm concerned the whole concept of owning history is a nonsense. Things happened in the past, that's a matter of record. Whether you think this new team should take credit/shame for those things is a matter of personal perception. I personally don't think this new club can take credit for the old club's trophies but I won't be losing any sleep if someone else think otherwise. I do find it a little peculiar that there are so many people stating both that Rangers are dead and finished while at the same time arguing that this new club should be punished for their sins. That's quite an exercise in double-think. War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Rangers are Dead/ Dead Spawny.
  3. I appreciate your honesty. I hate it when I do that. I'm going to give you a greenie if I've any left, just to heighten your discomfiture.
  4. 1. We're not Scottish football chief. 2. You need to separate the horrible nature of the kunts from the issues at hand. 3. I'm pretty sure that Airdrie fans are the last people who should be taking the moral high ground here. No offence and all that. The company has gone bust. The team have dropped three divisions, lost all their decent players, will have to go a full year without signing players and have more sanctions to come but, yeah, apart from that what did the Romans ever do for us?
  5. They're not a phoenix company. A phoenix company is one which is liquidated and is restarted by the same directors with the intention of trying to circumvent the liquidation process. That isn't what has happened here. The company is fucked. That's the bit creditors need to worry about. It's ludicrous to suggest that parliament would legislate with the express intention of killing a business which has been bought as a going concern by someone not associated with the original failed company.
  6. They've been punished for the two misdemeanours for which they've thus far been held culpable: (i) going into administration and (ii) bringing the game into disrepute. The punishments for those two offences seem entirely proportionate to me (indeed, I was pleasantly surprised at the transfer embargo and am pleased that the SFA have stuck their guns and forced it through). As for the rest, those are either sins of the company (which is now being wound up) or sins of the team (double contracts etc.) which have yet to be addressed. So far, so good I say.
  7. Shit, I don't want those horrible kunts to survive. I'm just pointing out that, leaving my emotional baggage aside, it's probably fair.
  8. Calm down son. Pretty sure that's what I said. The company committed the sins and the team benefitted. The company is now dead (formal process pendiing) and the team is carrying over related sanctions). It's silly however to suggest that the team should have been killed entirely. Should Juve have been killed following their match-fixing shenanigans? Marseille? etc (it's a long list I'm sure). The company name problem story is more than a month old and is nonsense. There are some prohibitions on re-using trading names but there are exceptions and one of those exceptions is where the business is sold as a going concern by administrators. I explained all this about 1500 pages back if you can be arsed looking (including a link to the relevant statutory provisions, I believe).
  9. Fair enough. I'd like to hope that you're wrong but we're just putting opinions out there. FWIW I'd say that what Airdrie subsequently got away with was far more distasteful than simply admitting them to the 3rd division so you can read that precedent either way.
  10. Really, Is this what we've become? If you're not part of the lynch mob you must be one of them. If you're genuinely interested why don't you go back through my previous posts. I don't have anything to hide.
  11. I don't think so. Nobody would have lobbied for them to remain in the SPL or try to shoe-horn them into the First but I think a newco Motherwell would have been accepted into the Third. I would certainly hope so.
  12. Yes but a lot of that horrible shit isn't directly related to this current episode. It takes a lot to make me sympathise with those horrible kunts (and I'm nowhere near there yet) but, equally, this current blood lust just seems a little hysterical.
  13. It was the company which defrauded the tax and was in debt to the tune of £140m. That company is dead, the shareholders have lost their investments and the parties responsible for any legal wrongdoing are being investigated. The football team has been denied entry into the SPL and the First Division and has been hit with a significant sporting sanction, with more to come. The company has been wound up and the assets have been sold off to pay the creditors. You're all over the place. Who is your problem with: the business or the team? The sins were largely committed by the business and that business is dead. The team benefitted from those sins and are being punished accordingly. Let's say it was Motherwell, or Dundee or St. Mirren who had committed these financial sins - would there really have been such an appetitie for their absolute destruction?
  14. Awesome, I want a diamond swimming pool but I won't pretend it's unfair when I wake up tomorrow and it's not there. You probably need to distinguish between what you want and what it's reasonable to expect. It'll do your mental health a power of good.
  15. Behave yourself. There was no appetite in Scottish football to completely destroy its most successful team and nor should there have been. I hate Rangers as much as the next man but it would have been vindictive in the extreme to deliberately bury them forever (as much as we might all have enjoyed that outcome). Their crimes are serious and I'm sure there's more punishment to come but I think we need to retain a little bit of perspective here. The reason we hate them (the bigotry, the arrogance, the bully boy tactics) are not related to the current situation and it would be unfair to punish them for the sin of being generally offensive and obnoxious. The last company folded. This new company are trying to keep the football team alive. They've been granted some special dispensation in order to do that but, equally, they have been told that they must also bear some special sanctions if they want to retain the link with the old club. Personally, I think the outcome is entirely fair and proportionate, certainly far more just than what could have been foisted upon us.
  16. Indeed. The effect of TUPE is that terms and conditions are protected despite the transfer and any dismissal because of the transfer is automatically unfair. Timing is irrelevant.
  17. Indeed. Even if that is what he believes, why would he say it publically? Idiot.
  18. I heard that. Stupid twat. If you have no interest in, or knowledge of, a subject you might be better keeping your opinions to yourself. He also suggested that fans would have a rude awakening next season when they realised they had no games against Rangers to look forward to.
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