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Pull My Strings

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Everything posted by Pull My Strings

  1. I suspect it means you'll get nothing. Development fees under FIFA don't apply if the player had completed their development before joining a club, which Connolly clearly had considering he was immediately in your first team.
  2. FWIW, Jackson was merely a coach at United. Notwithstanding his bizarre guarantee after he left, he can't be held responsible for how shite we were last season. He may well be a perfectly decent assistant to Locke.
  3. Tbf, we had 8 consecutive top 6 finishes before things went tits up.
  4. That last paragraph is absolute nonsense. United were one point adrift with 27 games to play; Butcher's Hibs were midtable and, again, had over 20 games to play; Locke took over in the previous season, albeit the season they went down they had a points deduction. He also did the heavy lifting in Kilmarnock's forthcoming relegation.
  5. No, it's not unlawful to accidentally walk in front of a bus, nor to accidentally run someone over in a bus (unless acting without proper care). It is unlawful to act in a grossly negligent manner and thereby cause the death of someone else. That's what happened here.
  6. "Incomperated", ooooft. That's not what incorporated means, btw. Nothing like it.
  7. If there's any suggestion that she's losing capacity then get it sorted asap. My firm charge £350 plus vat for one, £500 plus vat for a couple. If you need to a apply for guardianship then you're looking at upwards of three grand.
  8. Why on earth would United sell him for less than the cost of his development fee? Apart from the impending threat of administration, lol etc.
  9. What's your rationale here then? We might be circle jerking about mediocre full backs whose names and positions we can barely remember but at least we'll finish above you c***s (without going into administration) for the first time in a generation. Bravo. What a time for you guys to be alive.
  10. Exhibit A. Yeah, that guy was awful. Who was he again?
  11. I'm paraphrasing obviously, having not been dropped on my head as a child. I think that was the gist of it though. No doubt your pals will be along in a mo' to give us a more authentic version.
  12. This is wonderful stuff guys. Keep the memories coming. Eh, course we've had loads of guid c***s, aye. Aye, like that guy, whassisname? Yeah, he was awesome.Whassisname. ... and Tosh Fucking McKinlay. The ugly c**t. And that guy McKinnie, who turned oot half decent at Aberdeen a decade later. He was awesome.
  13. Urgh, comparisons with Sevco and Hibs. Will this nightmare never end.
  14. Eh, we're not planning on staying for more than one season. It's nice to go travelling but it's also nice to get back to your own bed.
  15. He's actually even smaller than his dad, and not as good. He's got decent potential though - good technique and great energy. Constantly running around and trying to get involved. Unfortunately when you're the size of an ant you need to be really exceptional to make it at the top level and he's not. Too easy knocked off the ball and not fast enough to get away from an opponent. He's not currently good enough for the Premiership (and may never be) but I would have been happy for United to have kept him to see whether he can cut it with us in the Championship next year.
  16. Yup. Don't do this, for god's sake. Absolute nonsense. Edit: Sorry, that sounds rather harsh. Insurance companies would prefer to settle legitimate claims than litigate but their most favoured option is to pay out nothing at all. If you handle the case yourself the message you are sending is that you're not serious and you will either get nothing or get fobbed off with a nominal sum. You certainly won't get anywhere near the full sum you're entitled to. And, to repeat, your legal fees will be paid in addition to your compensation if you instruct a proper solicitor. The only time you should consider no win, no fee is if you have a potentially high value claim where liability is difficult to establish. Most no win, no fee ambulance chasers won't even consider that sort of case and you'd still be better going to a proper solicitor and asking him/her to take you on on a contingency fee basis.
  17. The catch is that you're giving away 20% of your settlement. Straight forward personal injury claims are free money for your lawyer. Your fees will be paid by the other side.
  18. Poor show, I was seriously angling for the day off on Thursday (finishing early ... probably spend more time travelling than being here ... hardly worth coming in at all ... etc.).
  19. A very cursory reading of that link suggests the argument for a tunnel may have been overstated. For example the £450M is for the tunnel only, i.e. it doesn't include the roads or other infrastructure. It also suggests that a new bridge will take 12 years to build. I've no axe to grind either way but the most obvious answer to why a bridge rather than a tunnel is that a bridge is the better solution.
  20. I'm afraid that's pish, The Clacks has been fine each of the last three mornings heading south about 8.20 or so. Northbound it's obviously busy heading home in the evening but it's not a nightmare. I had a half day today and scooted across with no delay whatsoever. Edit: actually, it's maybe just been the last two mornings it's been fine. In any event, it's definitely getting better. Obviously traffic is heavier than usual but it's not the nightmare that some are making out. At least not all the time.
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