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Pull My Strings

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Posts posted by Pull My Strings

  1. 1 hour ago, stevoraith said:

    What are you smoking @Pull My Strings?

    The tweet I sourced was showing less than 50 tickets left 24hrs before the game. 
    Nobody knows for sure but if we didn’t sell out then it was at least 98% full which I think we can agree for the purposes of this argument is equivalent to sold out. 
    Certainly doesn’t justify a 30% reduction in our allocation. 

    And in case you haven’t been paying attention, the first allocation of tickets was sold in under 1 minute. 
    Nearly an hour later United released the rest which sold out in a couple of minutes. 
    You really think the rest of us have been moaning about it for nearly 12hours because we couldn’t be bothered to go and check if there were actually any tickets left?

    Ffs. Have a cup of tea and think about what you're saying.

    No, 98% if that's what it was, isn't a sell out. For non crowd w**k purposes, the point is that no one missed out on a ticket, which is entirely the issue at hand. So, no, not the same The "we sold out this time in under a minute" has just been pulled out of your arse and you know it. Which is disappointing given that your next point is "durr, would folk make a fuss on the internet about nothing?" I don't think you need me to address that one.

    So aye, some folk on the internet are fucking idiots. Don't be one of those guys.

  2. 50 minutes ago, Kirkcaldybanjo said:

    Well I tried to get 3 tickets and failed. Tv for us.

    Are you claiming now that it's sold out already or that you just can't be arsed going back in to try? Would blame you if it's the latter, the ticketing software is awful.  Ironically United just announced an extension of their contract with the ticketing provider on Tuesday.


  3. 1 hour ago, Dee Man said:

    That's common knowledge, but are you saying he's the only creditor? Think carefully about if it's possible for all your creditors to be in-house. With £13m owed to Ogren, obviously any other creditor might seem insignificant to Utd, but if you're owed even £30k and you see them refusing that money, you're going to be a tad peeved. 

    Well, no he's obviously not the only creditor, that's why I said he's the only significant creditor. If he was literally the only creditor then I would have said that. There's a couple of million due to the Government, interest free, for the covid recovery loans which pretty much every club in the country took advantage of. It would have been negligent not to. Beyond that there will be your usual business invoices, maybe staged payments for a transfer fee here or there. The usual, run of the mill,  accounting practises. Nothing's in default and everyone will be paid, except Mr Ogren. Nae luck Mr Ogren.

    Edit: Practises*. FFS.

  4. 1 hour ago, Dee Man said:

    Imagine being one of the dab's many creditors and you see them knocking back the opportunity to sell a further 600 tickets at £25 a pop.

    Oh Dee Man, is your face going to be red when you find out that the only significant creditor is the guy who owns the club.

  5. 1 hour ago, Chubbychops said:

    From they way I've seen them act in the directors box at East End this season , they have zero class. Wanting to fight folk and mouthing off during games. They seem to like spending there time trying to wind folk up and putting out embarrassing statements. Classless trash.

    Disappointing, if not entirely surprising. Rovers 🤮

  6. Aye, we've moved past that point. Rovers did indeed come close to selling their allocation last time and there was chat about opening further sections. In the end that wasn't necessary. That would have meant opening a whole new Stand though.

    Sounds like you've been put in the Fair Play stand, which would be a smaller initial allocation with scope to extend along into the Jerry Kerr. That gives United the option of selling tickets in the Shed to United fans, which is always the preferred option. That would allow more fans from both clubs to attend.

    Not really sure the pissy statement from the Rovers board was necessary,  or on point, but that seems to be the way of things with some people. If Rovers sell out their allocation and don't then get further seats then you can moan. Seems a bit premature before a single ticket has been released. The Rovers board are mostly local dryg dealers though, is that right? Probably whacked out on goofballs.

  7. 12 minutes ago, grumswall said:

    We didn't have any more tickets available to purchase at the time iirc. I'd say that is selling out. 


    Well, we seem to have reached an impasse. One of us is clearly mistaken.

    I say it's you. I trust that you will be a big enough man to simply accept that and move on with your life.

  8. 18 minutes ago, grumswall said:

    Yes. We managed it the last game and our home crowds have been growing all season which you would assume would translate to this game being sold from our end. 


    Don't think so. Didn't look full and all the chat before the game was that you were close to selling out. In the end it didn't happen. 

  9. 8 minutes ago, stevoraith said:

    Clearly I'm not at the game tonight so have been able to trawl back through the match thread!

    This was a screen grab taken the day before the match with the available tickets left;



    We also had an email from the club on the Friday night saying there were less than 80 tickets left.

    So if we didn't sell it out then it was damn close.


    Yeah, that was my recollection. Didn't sell out but came close.

  10. 23 minutes ago, stevoraith said:

    It’s not like Tannadice isn’t big enough to accommodate everyone who wants to go. 
    Last game we sold our entire allocation and the Jim McLean and Jerry Kerr were completely empty- surely if more home fans wanted to attend they could house them there?

    if it turns out that we’re in the Jim McLean and they sell the Shed to home fans then fair enough but if they’re just reducing the allocation in the shed and we’re sitting with our allocation sold out and empty seats around us that’ll be a very poor show from United. 

    Is this true? I don't recall it being mentioned and the Shed wasn't full. I think there was some chat about whether extra seats would be allocated but in the event that didn't happen.

  11. Just now, grumswall said:

    It makes sense from a utd pov to do it. It does show a lack of class and belief in your own management team/ players to actually go and beat a team in your own stadium if 500 extra fans are there from your own club. It's tin pot as f**k. 

    I'd be right behind it if the shoe was on the other foot though. We do have a massively smaller budget and never had expectations to even challenge for the league this season as well. 

    The fact there has even been a title challenge to this stage is pretty funny all things considered. Both teams will most likely finish on a higher points total than both the big Dundee team and Kilmarnock managed in previous championship winning seasons. 

    Are Rovers likely to sell out? No away fans have got close to selling out at Tannadice all season and I doubt that will change next week. I don't think United have announced the allocation yet or which stands are being allocated to Rovers so it's difficult to say whether it's unfair or not. United do tend to punt away fans from the Shed for big games in order to give it to United fans so I presume that's what's happening. Which seems perfectly reasonable and fair given that there will be greater demand for extra tickets from home fans than away.

    FWIW, if we are doing it to gain an advantage then I'm cool with that too. Abso-fucking-lutely.

  12. 2 minutes ago, grumswall said:

    Just wait till we give you less cash, 0 points and score a worldie in the 94th minute to snatch an undeserved win next weekend... 


    I reserve the right to withdraw this statement. 

    Aye, the world's a terrible place. There's no justice, just us.

  13. 3 minutes ago, mrpaddyx said:

    I mean it’s not like our own fans voted twice to give United fans extra tickets at both games at Starks Park earlier in the season! 


    1 minute ago, Rovers_Lad said:

    Lets no kid ourselves.We gave them extra tickets to maximise income from the game

    Of course, mental for anyone to pretend otherwise.

  14. 19 hours ago, Halbeath Raith Rover said:

    Any idea when tickets for the game on the 30th are likely to go on sale ? 

    Holding off on releasing the tickets in the hope that the planet will be destroyed by a giant meteor, sparing any further embarrassment. Worth it, imo.


    *(Probably end of the week).

  15. Just now, Granny Danger said:

    Who is Goodwin answerable to at the club?  I’ve done an online search and cannot find an up to date management structure.  Do we have anyone who does the ‘director of football’ role or equivalent?


    No DoF. Goodwin's boss will be Capuano.

  16. 3 hours ago, Accent-Unknown said:

    Brighton and Brentford are probably the two most well-run English clubs, at least of the small ones. I wouldn't mind the owners coming in but I do find it odd that they us as the Scottish team they would want to invest in considering our debt and current division. surely a team like... I don't know Kilmarnock? would be a better proposition right now.

    We've no third party debt so that shouldn't be an issue. Such debt as exists on the balance sheet is owed to the guy who owns the shares so is simply Ogren wearing two hats. It's notable only as a measure of his folly/largesse.

  17. 2 hours ago, skinny arab said:

    If Docherty stays fit we win this league, such a difference when he plays, a proper captain and always trying to organise the team as well as being very good at taking the ball off of the defenders to start attacking moves. Sibbald (MOM yesterday for me) is also a far better player when playing with Docherty as he has more freedom to get around the pitch getting stuck in knowing that Docherty is holding his position behind him. 

    Yeah, spot on. Presumably only injuries have stopped him from having a career as an established top flight player. He's a decent technical player but nothing special, imo.  The calmness and the ability to organise are what make him stand out.

  18. Feels churlish to complain after a 4-0 win but that really should have been double figures. 

    Pleased for Greive for his contribution and nice to see Watt and Fotheringham back amongst the goals. Another solid performance from Thomson and good to be able to rest Moult, Docherty and Sibbald for all/most of the second half.

    Thought Middleton did okay for the most part and put some decent balls into the box. Could and should have had at least a couple of goals though. Midfield of Tillson and Grimshaw for the last 20 minutes is quite a thing.  Not in a good way.

  19. That article by Nelms is brilliant.


    Those fans and observers who understandably defaulted to a ‘we’ll believe it when we see it’ on stadium plans will have discovered that our Planning Permission in Principle (PPiP) documentation landed on the Dundee City Council planning website like an electronic equivalent of a cargo plane.

    Heh. Check it out, we've sent an email to the Coonsul! And you naysayers said nobody at Dens knew how to work the computer!

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