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Pull My Strings

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Posts posted by Pull My Strings

  1. 35 minutes ago, skinny arab said:

    You dont think Smith and Jakubiak would be better options off of the bench than Freeman and McLeod?

    Smith yes, Jakubiak no.


    1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

    Watt is not a natural finisher, not even close.  If he’s going to be the back up and Moult is injured for any length of time then we’re fucked.

    Well, we're only fucked if we're relying on Moult to score all the goals. Which I don't think we are.

  2. You guys ken that the window doesn't close until tonight?

    Anyway, I reckon Smith has probably signed or agreed to sign already. Free agent so doesn't need to be done today. I've seen references to his legs having gone but he played 39 times for Hearts last season, starting and finishing most games. It's possible that he's fallen off a cliff since then but I wouldn't assume that's the case.

    Another striker would be good but I presume that Watt's the back-up option should Moult be missing and there's plenty of guys can cover for the position Watt's currently playing. 

  3. 42 minutes ago, MulsonFFC said:

    Is he decent? 

    We were desperate for a RB as we have no natural option there.  We have a converted midfielder who is coping well enough and a stand-in centre-half (who is bad enough in his normal position) as cover.

    He's apparently well regarded but he's never played for the first team and I can't recall him ever making the bench.

  4. 5 minutes ago, diamond_for_life said:

    The £25 for an adult is very pricey but I could just about accept that. Today I realise for me and 2 boys (both 13) I’m expected to fork out £75. Can get that to f**k though. Surely it should be an under 16 gate at the very least. 


    3 minutes ago, Gibby82 said:

    You'll be £55 no? 25 quid for you and 15 each for two concessions. Still pricy of course, at that age I'd be buying them a couple of under 12 tickets.


    Yeah, the kids will be concessions.

  5. I'm not sure how excited I can get about the scandalous ticket prices. Everything is now ridiculously expensive and it's just the way of the world, sadly. Relative to inflation elsewhere in the economy the price of tickets hasn't gone up by an unusual amount. Of course you can argue that the starting price was too high already (it was) and that football is a luxury which some consumers (forgive me) might choose to forego, in a way which they might not be able to when compared with other expenses (which is probably true as well). But, when my weekly food shop has gone up by £20 - £30 and my fuel costs by £10 - £15, it seems a bit overblown to be getting upset about about an extra couple of quid getting into a game of football.


  6. 43 minutes ago, UtdFan said:

    Something I’ve never quite understood happened in the Utd game yesterday.

    Utd went 2-0 up with 60 mins gone and I believe it was one way traffic. Surely you then just put all the young boys on for at least 25 mins?

    Four were brought on at different stages during the last 18 mins with Mochrie coming on in the 89th minute.

    Why not just throw them all on at the 65 min mark? The risk of drawing or losing at that point is surely extremely extremely low?

    Clearly football managers up and the country know much better than me why they do this - is it just because of that VERY outside chance of a come back? 

    It stops being a very outside chance when you take your foot off the gas and start messing about with a winning team.

    Mochrie came on at the end to replace Glass. When was the last time Glass got 89 minutes for United? I'm not sure it's ever happened before. Cudjoe played the whole game. Meekison, Fotheringham and Macleod all got decent minutes. 

    Let's say Goodwin makes wholesale changes after 65 minutes and as result Ayr start to get a foothold in the game and grab a goal. You've gone from a comfortable win to hanging on all for the sake of giving a few more minutes to some guys. It's a ridiculous idea, frankly. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Fife Arab said:

    we were excellent yesterday. Controlled from the first minute and the captain back was a big boost. I have only seen a couple of posts but anyone saying young Declan in the middle was poor yesterday clearly watched a different game than me!! I thought he was excellent. Final ball could have been better at times but that will come with game time! First league start since Hibs away if I’m correct? Also can take a corner without hitting the first man. Great overall performance as a team. 

    Yeah, I was a bit apprehensive seeing Glass starting in a position which needs a bit more defensive discipline but I thought he was excellent in building play and also around the opposition box. Best full game that I think he's had for United, albeit against a poor team. If he can sort out the defensive weaknesses, such as they are or were, then he could be a real asset.  You don't get many guys who can strike the ball as well as he does from the edge of the box.

  8. 25 minutes ago, UtdFan said:

    I wasn’t at the game but just saw the stats which looked pretty one sided in terms of attacks / shots but fairly even possession.

    Were United really good and Ayr really bad or a bit of both?

    Possession means nothing. It was one way traffic from start to finish and probably should have been more than three. Difficult to judge how good or bad teams are at this stage of the season but I'd say United were quite good and Ayr are pish.

  9. Think I'd be tempted to go with Denholm at right back. For all that he was bullied against both Spartans and Thistle at centre half, he does look like a very tidy player with a good range of passing. Maybe too much of an ask to throw him into midfield alongside Meekison, when Meekison is also not great defensively. Alternatively, maybe Grimshaw and Denholm in the middle with Bisland at right back? 

  10. 43 minutes ago, captainkev said:

    A back 5 might not be the worst idea possibly, especially if we don't get a suitable replacement. We can play one of the younger players like Meekison or Glass alongside Docherty, but the extra man at the back should compensate for them being unlikely to be able to replicate the amount of covering and defensive work Sibbald reguarly does.

    No please, not a back five. I can't take it.

    The first choice back four are all fit and available and working well. We need cover at right back and another defensive minded midfielder to cover for Sibbald and Docherty. That should be the priority. Let's not panic and go back to a system which, almost invariably in Scotland, sacrifices attacking football for simply an extra body in the box. It rarely improves the defence in the long term and almost always damages the attacking side of the game. We need to be aiming to win every game. That won't happen with a back five. Also, McMann is a shite wing back. I could go on ...

  11. 12 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

    I'd like to apologise to mcmann, cudjoe and Middleton.

    Obviously they were an absolute gang but an excellent performance. Seemed to be 3 options every time the defence or centre mids had the ball. 

    Didn't score second half but thought we were just as good.

    Aye, likewise. Middleton and Cudjoe: nae end product; McMann: mediocre at best. Notwithstanding Moult's three assists and goal, I'd have been tempted to give McMann MOTM. Just absolutely relentless up and down the line, winning challenges, skinning guys and banging in crosses. The volley from 20 yards against the post just taking the piss.

    I think we've found our level.

  12. 1 hour ago, Virtual Insanity said:

    Unless Mulgrew was willing to come in on absolute buttons I'd not be keen on it. Assume he doesn't have any coaching pedigree to speak of? Would prefer Doolan had someone with a bit of experience behind him. What's Sandy Stewart up to these days? 

    Mulgrew was player coach with us last season. Hardly a recommendation on either count.

  13. 4 hours ago, D'Jaffo said:

    How reliable is that Daily Arab guy on Twitter? Or does he just make up stuff like everyone else? 

    Is this to do with you guys being after Mulgrew and Chalmers? Mulgrew is definitely not wanted and it's just a case of finding someone to take on enough of his wages. Chalmers is probably 3rd/4th choice for his position and on a decent wage (stemming from the very short window when Micky Mellon rated him before he immediately got injured and no one else has greatly fancied him since). I think he'd be allowed to leave if someone wants to take on his wages (and maybe a fee/sell-on) but he won't be chased away, unlike Mulgrew. 

    There's a keeper going cheap too, if you're interested? 

    To answer the actual question, I don't think he's in the know at all, so it'll be rumours regurgitated from elsewhere.

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